Status: Harry is a gem, and this will be a semi-short story. :)

This Song Is About You

A little backwards.

"Where's the back entrance to the hotel?" I frowned as I stopped a block away from the hotel Harry was staying at.
Harry's eyes scanned the front and his eyes widened and gave me a guilty look. It was so adorable, he looked like a puppy.
"Now before you get mad, there's only valet," he pointed out the sign at the side of the hotel. "I swear I didn't know!" 
I eyed him, he looked sorry enough. His pouty was didn’t help, at all.
"So does this mean we can only enter through the front because you didn't know about the parking," I gave him an exasperated look. 
"I'm sorry, I don't know any other entrances, I swear that's the truth," Harry looked guilty as he looked at me with a nervous look. 
Of course he wouldn't know, I had my doubts of non-valet parking at a famous rich hotel. I sighed and shrugged and started towards the front, where there was security holding the fans back. Harry texted something and sighed. 
"You can pull up at the entrance," he looked a bit dejected. "Valet will park your car and you can get it later."
"No need to look so down about being seen with me in public, curly," I said gripping the steering wheel as we got closer to the screaming girls. 
Harry seemed to sense my apprehensiveness and tried to soothe it. 
"No, no,” he shook his head. "It's really not that, Paul is just going to hand me my ass. I've never told anyone, other then the lads about you." 
I chuckled and rolled my eyes, which I looked back on that night and noted I did roll my eyes a lot that night.
"Obviously Harry, you've really only met me once-ish and that was it," I imputed, and at the same time gripped the steering wheel even harder, there were so many people, nearly as much as there was in front of my café. "Don't worry, they'll take pictures, comment a lot about it, speculate stuff and then ask you guys about it. I know from first hand experience."
Claire was part of that whole crazy shenanigans, it made me laugh, to be truthful. At least I wasn't that cut off from media mainstream, Claire was like my 24/7 source to it. 
"If your sure, usually the people I know have time to adjust before fans take pictures and start to crowd around," Harry shot me a look as I pulled up where the security and valet where. 
Fans were everywhere on either side, being held back by metal guard rails that were set up. I could hear the screams as they spotted Harry, and the flashes of cameras started up. I grabbed my bag from the back seat and wrapped my forever scarf around my neck, then put on my "nerd" glasses, as Claire like calling them. 
"I'm ready," I said, and shot Harry a reassuring look. "Don't worry, we'll sort this out later. I’ll be okay." 
I could totally tell you that as we headed into the hotel our roles were reversed. Harry was genuinely worried that the fans would hate me, just because I was seen with him, and that they didn't even know me. I wasn’t worried, much, and tried to console him. Once we got out of the car, he immediately enveloped me into his side, trying to shield me from fans and pictures. Somehow they ended up crowding around us, a bit too closer then the security liked, which meant we rushed into the lobby. Unfortunately Harry was confronted by Paul, which I guessed was part of his security detail. 
"Who's this?" Paul asked curiously, as he had pulled Harry and I to the side in the lobby, 
"A friend of mine," Harry sniffed, but a smile held in his features. "I haven't seen her in a while." 
Paul had this condescending look in his eye, as he looked at how close Harry stood next to me. Almost like he was protecting me. I thought nothing about it, Harry came off as a guy who liked to be protective with the people he knew.
I had to hold in my giggle, Harry was bluffing at this point. Paul stared at us for a few seconds, he seemed to deem us worthy, really he couldn’t say anything much about my sudden appearance and let Harry pull me to the elevators. 
"To meet the lads we go!" He pressed the 23rd floor button as we entered the elevator and stepped back, leaning against the railing. 
I smirked at him, he looked kind of distressed, but the father we got from the ground floor the more relaxed he seemed to get.
"That was interesting, and kind of scary," I said leaning against the railing next to him. 
Harry let out a laugh and grinned at me. My stomach clenched a bit, his smile was just too much. I’m a girl, therefore I was allowed to feel something for someone, and at that moment that someone was an attractive male with gorgeous emerald green eyes and wildly floppy curly hair.
"Comes with the territory," he pointed to himself, trying to pull a cocky act. "As you've previously stated." 
I rolled my eyes, he would go there that I had said something along those lines.
“Yes, yes of course,” I smiled. “Popstar status and all. How could I forget?”
“You don’t,” he shrugged with a smirk. “I’m here to remind you of it.”
I gasped a bit dramatically, and placed a hand to my heart.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that you were royalty,” I mocked jokingly. “and had to remind me of your status.”
Needless to say I couldn’t stop smiling. I felt comfortable around him, during these hours I spent speaking with him. He was young, my age, and full of life. It made me happy, for a guy who was nearly, somewhat of a stranger to me... He was able to strike up sweet conversations, and keep me interested. We just clicked, and it had been a while since I’ve held up flirty and sweet conversations with a guy.
"Can't wait to see those pictures online," I drawled and loosened my peacoat. "My mom is going to freak when she sees them." 
Really, she was. My mother was amazing, I couldn’t deny that, but she freaked out over things too easily and she was super over protective of me. Like having two older brothers wasn’t enough. I wasn’t going to let myself worry about the repercussions and focused on the attractive guy next to me.
“Most of the pictures they take come out blurry, and it’s dark outside.” Harry said, now trying to reassure me that I wouldn’t be captured on camera. “So, let’s hope it’s not as bad as we think.”
I pulled out my phone and logged into my twitter account. I had one only because Claire had made it for me, saying I needed someway to keep in touch with the world. Other then the Facebook I never used. I searched Harry’s name in the discover hashtag. Tons of tweets popped up about Harry coming into the hotel minutes ago with a mystery girl, me.
“Whoa,” I breathed, scrolling through random tweets. “News travels like lighting in your fandom.”
“Yeah it does,” His mouth was literally next to my ear, I swallowed the lump in my throat and kept my gaze focused on my phone. “I think someone found you...”
Harry pointed out a post that had my name in it, and a username attached to it. Trying not to get distracted by Harry’s breath, which hit the side of my neck and sent shivers all over me, causing goosebumps. Which I hoped he didn’t notice. I cursed his ability to break my exterior and send me down a path of being flustered.
I touched the tweet and read it out loud.
“The girl that just entered with Harry was @LeahSan_x, we don’t know anything about her, but my insider confirmed that it was her. They really look alike!” I cringed as I read it, my eyes widened as there was also a picture attached to it.
“Well, that spread quicker then I thought,” Harry mused as we stared at the picture.
Harry had his arm wrapped around me, trying to shield me, but to no avail. They had gotten a good shot of my face. Weird, I was truly weirded out.
I went into my mentions, it was crowded with tons of messages from Directioners. Many consisted of: “Who’re you?” “Why were you with Harry?” “We’ve never even heard of you..”
My followers had doubled when I checked my profile. It went from me having, barely one hundred to five hundred the next. I shook my head, not believing what I saw.
“Let’s worry about this later, yeah?” I put my phone away and turned around to face Harry.
Bad mistake, our faces ended up in a very close proximity. Hell our noses were touching! I saw his eyes dilate slightly, and he leaned in. My breath nearly caught in my throat. He was going to kiss me. Harry was going to kiss me. He didn’t give my any time to react as his lips fell on my lips, and they molded perfectly against mine. My natural reaction was to kiss him back, so I did. I felt his hand grab the nape of my neck, and the other wrap around my waist. This deepened our kiss. It felt right, kissing him like that.
Harry nearly broke the kiss as he pushed me against the elevator wall. Just as things were getting a bit heated, the elevator dinged. Which signaled our uninterrupted arrival at the 23rd floor.
I could’ve sworn I heard him let out a disappointed groan when we pulled away.
“God, I’m so sorry!” A deep baritone voice exclaimed slightly.
Harry spun around and I saw him smirk at who it was.
“Liam, buddy,” Harry said happily and walked out of the elevator, and pulled me along with him, he thrust me to stand in front of him as the door closed. “This is Leah, the girl I told you guys about.”
I looked up at the other guy. Liam, was his name. Another one of the boys of One Direction.
“Yes, hello dear,” Liam shot me a smooth, and polite smile, but rose an eyebrow at Harry. “Mind tell me why I caught you snogging in the lift.”
I blushed and hit my face away, conveniently behind Harry’s arm. Not really helping our cause. Usually I wasn’t a shy person, but when it came to talking about kissing and such, my introvert side came out. It took a while before I was comfortable enough to talk about that stuff with people.
“Urm,” Harry shifted, I could for sure picture him smirking at me. “I’d rather not discuss that, at the moment.”
I peered up at Harry, he was giving me such a cute look. I blushed all over again. It was annoying, I couldn’t remember the last time I had blushed and acted so... flirty with a guy. Inhaling a small breath I pulled myself from Harry and looked at Liam.
“Sorry about that,” I brushed my side fringe from my eyes, and smiled at Liam. “It’s nice to meet you, sorry if er... We got off on a weird foot.”
Liam laughed, and I decided I liked his laugh.
“That’s not the weirdest thing I caught Harry doing. I just wasn’t expecting it as all. I never do.” Liam shrugged and stuck out his hand with a pleasant smile. “But really, it’s really nice to meet you. I’m Liam Payne.”
I shook his hand and grinned at him.
“Leah Santos, and nice to meet you as well,” I said happily.
“Let’s go catch up with the others,” Harry said and looped his arm around Liam’s neck, which almost choked the poor boy. “Lead the way, Li!”
Meeting the rest of the band was not what I had expected.
I didn’t know much about anyone for that matter, so they had to fill me in on who was who. They were a very rowdy and loud bunch, that’s for sure. Louis was loud, boisterous, and loved pestering people. Once he saw Harry, Liam and I end the hotel room, he immediately came over and attacked his fellow band mates, mainly Harry. Since Liam had managed to escape hurricane Louis and enter without being tackled.
“Harold!” Louis exclaimed and pulled Harry into a bone crushing hug. “I saw those posts on Twitter, are you hurt? Is everything alright? Where’s your bird?”
His eyes landed on me. I waved shyly, and shot Harry a help me look. The cheeky bastard just shrugged and laughed loudly as Louis’ greetings and questions attacked me.
“I’m Louis Tomlinson! It is very nice to meet you love!” he grinned widely at me. “You’re pretty, too. Good job mate.”
Louis clasped a hand on Harry’s arm, who came to stand next to me.
“Leah Santos, pleasure,” I said and stuck my hand out.
“Babes, we hug around here.”
Hug me he did, I guessed that they were very welcoming and didn’t mind to initiate contact.
“And you have a girlfriend, sod off mate,” Harry stuck his tongue out childishly and pulled me to him, nearly tripping me.
That’s how I was introduced to the girlfriends of the band, before I even met to others.
Louis, and Zayn had girlfriends, who were super sweet, and that Liam and his ex had just gotten back together. Louis’ girlfriend, Eleanor was really sweet, and she loved throwing jokes around and joining her boyfriend in his crazy antics. Zayn’s girl, Perrie, was in a band which had won the X Factor UK, last year. I hadn’t heard of them, but I promised her that I’d give Little Mix a listen when I had the time. Danielle, Liam’s girlfriend, had such a charm to her, she seemed be happy as she was with Liam and she was so nice and really sweet too.
Zayn was really chill. I liked him, he was smitten with Perrie, but still greeted me pleasantly and welcomed me with open arms. Also giving me a big hug. Zayn had this mysterious air to him. I don’t know, he just gave off that vibe. It suited him, and the tattoos that trailed his arm also caught my attention. I noted to ask him about them later.
The only one I didn’t meet that night was Niall. Harry told me he was with his family a few rooms down, having family time. They were all wonderful though. We spent most of the time cracking jokes, telling stories and them getting to know me. We played a game of cards, and then talked a lot. I had too much fun. It had been a while since I let myself hang around a group of people my age. It was around one or two o’clock before Harry and I left to his hotel room.
“Do you think they liked me?” I quirked an eyebrow at Harry as he lead me into his room.
Harry let out a raspy laugh.
“Yes Leah, I’m sure they did. They liked you for sure,” he smiled and flopped onto the bed. “They were tired of Taylor pestering me, and I guess you can say they were relieved that I had someone else around, other than her.”
I nodded and sat on a chair, which was next to his bed, and pulled my legs to my chest.
“I’m happy I met you, and thank you for inviting me tonight,” I gave him a small smile. “I was so stressed with the shop and school that I forgot what it was like to actually let loose.”
He sat up and rested his elbows on his crossed legs.
“How long was this going on?” Harry asked, genuinely curious.
I shrugged. “A few months maybe.”
He seemed to accept my answer.
“Well, I’m glad you had fun,” Harry said lightly. “I also got a chance to get to know you a bit better.”
I laughed and nodded at him.
“We did this so backwards,” I said motioning between us. “First we sleep together, then we meet per chance, and then I meet your friends. Who I’m sure you consider family.”
I’d never done that before. I went on a whim. I followed through a gut feeling, and turned out it was correct to do so... I met new people, and felt closer to Harry. In one day. My feelings were clouded though, it was strange. To Harry, he made me flustered, I couldn’t explain it. It was this attraction I couldn’t control. Maybe I was crazy, or maybe it was the fact that we slept together. They did say when people slept together a bond was formed, that raised a good amount of skeptics in me. I wasn’t sure if I believed it.
“I wouldn’t change it for anything,” Harry intervened my thoughts. “A little backwards doesn’t hurt at times.”
Maybe Harry was right, and maybe the people who said sex created a bond between two people, were right as well. I don’t know, but that night in Harry’s hotel room, our conversation opened a whole new set of possibilities. I smiled at him.
Yes, a little backwards wouldn’t hurt anyone.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this came out of nowhere! I just had an idea and rambled on. :) Thank you all for the lovely comments.
This chapter is dedicated to blown away; & confidentcoward ! I really do love the comments and such. I appreciate it.
Hopefully it didn't suck and yeah. I'll throw another one out there soon.
Feedback would be amazing, to all you silent readers. <3