Status: Harry is a gem, and this will be a semi-short story. :)

This Song Is About You

Curls and dimples.

Leah had ended up staying at the hotel for the night. The two to them talked for a bit about random things, before knocking out after a small round of twenty questions. Leah had migrated to Harry's bed, and they fell asleep peacefully next to each other. It was quite cute.
The rude awakening the next morning, however, was not cute.
"Rise and shine! It's a brand new day!" A loud, Irish, voice floated into Harry's room.
This startled Leah from her very comfortable sleep. Which was surprising because she was actually a heavy sleeper. She rolled off the bed and crashed to the floor, pulling the covers with her.
"Que merda," she muttered and glared sleepily at the innocent blond slash brunette boy. "Why did you do that?"
She was guessing that this guy was Niall, the only member she hadn't the previous night. He looked to be on target with the band.
"Urm, sorry I didn't think Harry had any company," Niall stared at her with wide eyes.
Leah stood up blindly, and gathered the fallen blankets and threw them back onto the bed, and onto a sleeping half-naked Harry. Who was still asleep. Leah stared a bit longer than she'd intended and then looked back at Niall, who really was looking like a deer in front of headlights.
"S'alright, I'm Leah," she threw him a pathetic smile, as she was still nearly asleep, and sat back onto the bed.
"Niall," the Irish boy nodded back at her, and made his way to back out of the room. "We'll talk later."
With that he was gone. She shook her head and fell back onto the bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow she knocked out.
It was around four hours later that Harry had gotten up, no knowledge of the mini meeting which had transpired.
He rolled over, only to find a body curled up to his chest. It was Leah, she looked comfortable sleeping there. Her curly hair fell over covering half of her face. It was wild, and he found himself really liking it. Harry grabbed his phone and checked the time.
Damn, he really managed to sleep in. At least they didn't have final rehearsals for MSG until later on. He still had a pleasant amount of time to kill.
"Leah, sweetheart," he called, shaking the small girl who lay next to him, his voice was thick with sleep too. "It's about time to wake up."
He poked her cheek a few times, before her eyes fluttered open, and his eyes locked with her gorgeous hazel green ones.
"Mornin'," she mumbled out, and stretched a bit. "What time is it?"
Leah still hadn't noticed that she was curled up to him and he smirked.
"Nearly three," Harry replied, and locked his phone.
"Good God," she shot up and looked at him, clearly dismissing the fact that they had been curled up against each other. "We really slept in."
Harry nodded and gave her a half lidded smile.
"I'm still tired, but I feel refreshed," he said and proceeded to stretch out his limbs.
Harry could feel her stare as she shamelessly watched him. For good fun, he sent her a wink and stood up. Leah looked away at that blushing tomato red.
Before he left to go take a shower, he snapped a picture of the outside of his window. When he was done with his phone he placed it on the nightstand and grinned at her.
"I'm gonna take a shower, and I guess you could after."
Leah nodded, acknowledging him and he closed the door behind himself. She grabbed her phone and noticed she had a few notifications. Two texts from Claire including ten missed calls and voicemails from her, and two Twitter notifications.
The first one was the night before around 1:00am.
Claire: Eyy, let's hope your alright and didn't get kidnapped. You didn't come home last night! xx
The second one was from the morning, around 10:00am.
Claire: Oye! Answer me woman, or I'm going to result in drastic measures!
Leah sent her a text reassuring her crazy best friend that everything was alright and checked her Twitter. It was more out of pure curiosity.
@Harry_Styles followed @LeahSan_x
Leah rolled her eyes as she scrolled her way down her mentions too many of them were just plain crazy, she ignored them and went on Harry's page and followed him back.
She laughed at his last post. It was the picture she saw him take earlier. It was edited and had the caption. 'New York City... Good morning.'
Very enthusiastic, Leah rolled her eyes. She favorited it and retweeted it. All with a smirk. His fans were going to have a blast with that. She saw his phone vibrate two times and then stop. She raised an eyebrow, he probably turned on her notifications, so she did the same to him.
Leah paused messing with Twitter for a bit, and then opened the tweet box.
"Good afternoon! Had an interesting start to my day today. xx"
She sent it and exited out of Twitter.
Harry had taken his shower rather quickly and came back into the room with only just a towel. Leah set down her phone and eyed him appreciatively.
To be frank, Leah wasn't uncomfortable with the prospect of a guy near her with no shirt on, but with Harry it was something different. She stared at him with wide, unashamed eyes, for the second time since they woke up. Her gaze lingered across the tattoos that littered his body.
"I like the swallows," Leah gave Harry a smirk, he raised an eyebrow at her. "I actually have one too."
"Oh yeah, where?" He laughed and grabbed a few clothes from his over-flowing suitcase. "and thank you."
He shot her a wink, which caused her to blush slightly.
"Shut up, it's on my shoulder blade," she chuckled and threw a pillow at him, which didn't cause any harm as it hit his head and bounced off.
Harry sent her a funny look and mad his way to tickle her. He poked her sides as she burst out into laughter.
"Harry!" She exclaimed laughing. "You're in a towel, stop!"
"That's even better," he grinned and kept on poking at her. "There's more of me to show, love!"
"Innuendoes!" she chimed, but fell into a fit of laughter. Leah tried to back up on the bed to the other side, but Harry grabbed her and pinned her down. Her breath left her for a moment as Harry sat himself on her stomach.
"I'm full of them, maybe if you spend enough time with me you'll learn em all!" Harry poked the tip of her nose with his finger and smirked.
Leah rolled her eyes and tried to push him off.
"Get off and let me go take my shower, you're being weird," Leah managed to get out of Harry's grip, just because he looked to be in a state of faux shock.
"You called me weird," Harry looked at he with wide eyes, as she slimmed her way to the bathroom. "I am not! Take the back!"
Harry chased Leah as she ran into the bathroom and shut the door, giggling.
"No! You're still weird," she shot back through the door.
"That's mean," Harry pouted, but held a smirk.
"Truth hurts!" was her reply.
Harry shook his head as Leah turned on the shower. He got ready for the day and shook his curls out. What he was doing? Harry asked himself, once he sat on the bed waiting for Leah to finish. He felt happy, much happier then spending the day with "America's sweetheart." His thoughts raced as he thought about the short amount of time he spent with Leah. It was strange, his feelings were skyrocketing. She made him nervous, but calm. All at the same time. A paradox all in one. He liked that, he liked that a lot.
"Urm.. Harry," he heard the girl call from the other side of the door. "I don't have any spare clothes, it's all your fault."
Harry chuckled and got up.
"Urm, right well you can borrow some of mine. They'll fit..." He trailed off hesitantly.
"Dude! You're gigantic next to me!" Leah exclaimed jokingly. "They'll slide right off."
Harry rolled his eyes as he grabbed a random t-shirt and sweats, he also grabbed a hoodie for her. For some strange reason girls loved wearing his hoodies.. He wasn't complaining, but it was still strange.
"Open the door so I can give you the clothes," he said, knocking on the door with his knuckles.
Leah cracked open the door a bit and swiped the clothes from his hand.
"Thank you!"
He smiled and sat back onto the bed. Minutes later Leah came out dressed in half of his clothes. She wore his Pink Floyd t-shirt and the zipper hoodie he'd grabbed. The navy blue one that he'd been favoring recently. She had put on her skinny jeans instead of his sweats, which hit him in the face after she threw it at him.
"They were too loose too be wore publicly," Leah scrunched up her nose and grabbed her bag which was on a chair, and pulled out her scarf and wrapped it around her neck. "Thank you though."
"It's no problem, babe," Harry grinned, and ruffled her hair. Effectively messing it up because it was up once again in a bun and soaked with water.
She seemed to favor buns, he mused.
"Ahh, Harry," Leah swatted his hands away and tried to fix her hair again.
"Let it air dry," Harry commented as Leah walked over back into the bathroom.
She gave him a look as if he were crazy.. Harry only had said it as a suggestion.
"My hair is wild, I can't ever pull it off," she frowned and messed with it again.
Harry looked at her as she concentrated trying to fix it again. He smirked and snatched the scrunchy from her, which let her hair loose. They were very nice curls, almost like his in a way. Couldn't be tamed.
"Harry, I don't want to look like a mess," Leah subconsciously pouted and frowned again.
He leaned in behind her and smirked again as she blushed at their proximity.
"Don't frown you'll get wrinkles," he whispered and held eye contact with her in the mirror. Harry thoroughly enjoyed her getting flustered, it was fun. "You look beautiful either way love, don't fret."
He kissed her cheek and hightailed it out of the bathroom.
"Harry Styles!" Leah gave out a frustrated sigh as she left the bathroom.
"That's my name, don't wear it out," Harry winked at her and handed her bag over. "Let's go get food, I'm starving."
Leah bit her lip. "My hair though, it's going to get wild."
Harry rolled his eyes, and sighed.
"Don't worry about it! Live a little and let your hair loose, it'll be fun," he laced his fingers through hers, she shivered a bit at his touch. "Rip a page from my book and let your hair do whatever it wants."
Leah threw on her UGGs, and her coat then let Harry pull her out of the room. He was on a mission, to eat brunch and spend as much time possible with her.
"Where are we going to eat?" Leah asked as Harry pulled her down the hallway.
"My mum ordered room service for us at her suite," he checked his phone and shot her a smile.
Leah, in turn, shot him a fixed stare.
"Harry, I'm sure I don't know you that well to meet your mom yet," she said and stopped walking.
He looked down at her, as she looked off to the side with a concentrated expression.
"My mum is chill, don't worry about it," Harry pushed some hair out of his eyes. "You are classified as my friend, are you not? Especially after yesterday."
Leah nodded and sighed, she couldn't argue with that logic.
"Okay fine that's true," she said, and gave him a small smile. "Just make sure to introduce me as a friend, I don't want her to get any ideas."
Harry laughed and pulled her to him in a side hug.
"Babes, I think we've totally skipped that part of not getting any ideas," he ruffled her curls, which were now almost dry. "Unless you have anymore, say I don't know. I'll introduce you as my long lost girlfriend."
Harry gave Leah a cheeky smiled his dimples prodding out. She poked one for effect.
"One, how the hell do you "loose" a girlfriend?" Leah chuckled and stuck her tongue at him. "and two, get to know me better and then I'll think about it."
He laughed at her and interlocked their fingers again.
"There's hope after all!" He stated dramatically and continued to pull her down another corridor.
Harry had a new hope set in his heart. Leah maybe felt the same way he felt. That set his good mood for sure.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heyy! Thank you all so much for the comments and reding this story. Makes me really happy! I've been working on this chapter for a few days... It's alright. I suppose, I've been swamped with school and finals coming up next week. Sigh. Anywho, I promise as soon as finals are over I'll post up a new chapter that beats all the others. :)
Feedback is always welcome<3
Thank you too my regular readers too, the support is amazing.
Much love!