Status: Harry is a gem, and this will be a semi-short story. :)

This Song Is About You

Rabid fangirls.

Harry knocked on his mothers door, once we arrived. Which cued my mini panic attack on the inside. Come one, like you wouldn’t be? Thought so.
Seconds later a very pretty woman opened the door and ushered us in. The nervous that I had been feeling melted away. Maybe, it had to do with the fact that I had nothing to be nervous about, just maybe.
“You must be Leah, I’m Anne,” she greeted me with a brief hug and a kiss to the cheek. “Harry’s told me so much about you.”
She was sweet enough, didn’t look as if she despised me or anything. I was also wondering when this guy had time to tell his mother of my existence.
I chuckled as she shot Harry a look, and he ducked sheepishly away and ventured into the kitchen. 
“Well, I wish I could say the same,” I sighed, but nonetheless smiled at her. “I’d love to have a chat.”
Anne laughed and lead me into the kitchen and pointed out the seat next to Harry. 
“If he talked about me so much, that would be strange,” she said kindly, but held a joking tone. “It’s alright dearie, now let me get breakfast, you two sit tight.”
Harry gave me a smirk, I slapped his shoulder half-heartedly. 
“Shut up,” I stuck my tongue out at him. 
“What I tell you, my mum’s great,” Harry grinned, I poked a dimple. 
No, I felt no shame. Those dimples were just there! How could I not? 
"You two are adorable," Anne cooed and set down a few pots with an assortment of food, on the table. "Harry, why have I not met her before?"
I flush red and eyed Harry. He looked at me like a deer caught in headlights. 
"Anne dear, let the kids be kids," Harry's step dad walked into the kitchen. 
She laughed and kissed his cheek. 
"I'm Robin," he stuck his hand out for me to shake. 
"Leah, nice to meet you," I smiled a bit. 
Anne clapped her hands and gave us a smile. 
"Okay Harry I'm going out with Liam's mum and I'll see you around, have fun," she kissed Harry's cheek, then my cheek and disappeared into a room. 
Harry and I ate our brunch and Robin asked Harry to sign a few things for fans. It was sweet, Harry seemed not to mind at all. Since the people outside would get rabid if he showed himself. Harry grabbed my hand and led me out of his parents suite. 
We stood in the hallway for a few silent seconds before he cleared his throat and spoke. 
"So urm, would you like to come to our show tonight?" He had this hopeful glint in his eye.
I stared at him. For what it was worth whatever was going on between us looked to actually mean something. We connected almost like old friends. I actually felt content with it. 
"Sure why not, the only problem is that I don't have tickets or seats," I eyed him, wondering what he could do, at this point I wasn’t doubting his abilities of making things happen.
They just did.
Harry shrugged.
"That's not a problem, I'll send a car to pick you up and take you to the hotel and wait for the bus that’s going to take my friends and family to the Garden. Oh and we do have an after party as well," he gave me a cheeky smile. 
I rolled my eyes. Of course he had a plan. 
"Fine, fine, let's do that."
I saved him the trouble of trying to beg me to go. Hard to get was fine at some point, but when it was on the weird scale where Harry and I stood, now that was a different story. I still had a few questions I needed to ask before things got more complicated. He was Harry Styles, nothing was simple when it came to him, or maybe it was. I wouldn’t know.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you,” I said, as we stood waiting for the elevator. “What time am I supposed to be ready by?”
“The car will come and pick you up around 6:30,” he replied, checking his phone. “Your car is already waiting and the valet has your key.”
The elevator dinged and the doors opened.
“See you before the show then?” I asked, looking up at him.
He bent down a bit, to get to my eye level. I stood at 5’3, but him standing next to me this guy was like a tower. Okay I might’ve been exaggerating, but whatever. My point was, he was tall. I held the elevator door open, as it tried to shut me in.
“Of course, I can’t head down to the lobby but I’ll be there when you get to the venue, and I’ll text you,” Harry’s face was once again in my personal bubble. Not that I minded or anything... “Okay?”
“Okay,” I replied and swallowed back some saliva, he was so close.
Nervous Leah was coming back, not good. Not good. Before I could even start to panic internally he placed a chaste kiss on my lips and straightened.
“See you Leah,” he grinned as I stepped back into the elevator blushing.
I laughed and gave him a small wave as the doors closed. Cheeky bastard.
I pushed the lobby button and leaned against the railing.
What was I doing? I didn’t even know, but I smiled.
The lobby was flooded with security. They didn’t mind me as I wove around them. Paul, the guy from yesterday was talking to a valet that was standing near the exit.
“Hello,” I greeted him.
“Leah was it?” Paul asked eyeing me slightly, probably making sure I wasn’t a crazed fan that got in.
“Yup, Harry said something about the valet having me keys,” I motioned to the poor dude in the hotel valet attire.
“Oh yes, here you go ma’am.” The guy handed me my keys and I thanked him.
“I’ll escort you to the car, it’s a madhouse out there,” Paul nodded towards the entrance. “Brace yourself.”
This was the second time that I had to get past these fans. The first time wasn’t as crazy. As soon as Paul and I stepped out cameras started flashing and there was a lot of screaming. Loud, loud screaming. I might have also spotted paparazzi in the mix. It was chaos, and it wasn’t pretty. Hopefully my car hadn’t been scratched.
“Oh my god!” someone screamed uncharacteristically loud, off to my left. I was probably halfway down the front steps at this proclamation. “She’s wearing Harry’s clothes!”
What a pair of lungs that one had for her voice to carry across the chaotic screaming. But, her statement sunk in. I hadn’t zipped up his hoodie or buttoned up my peacoat. I was going to drive, so that was going to be annoying if I wanted a quick getaway. My scarf also wasn’t cooperating and was shifted off to the side. My peripherals caught Paul giving me another condescending stare. Subconsciously I pulled my peacoat closed, but the damage was done. The fangirls had spotted them and had pictures.
“Just drive and try to loose them before heading to your flat,” Paul told me, once I got into the car.
I nodded and shut the door. The NYPD were also there holding the fans back. I ran a few fingers through my messy hair before I turned on the car and drove off.
“Claire! Are you home?” I shouted, stepping into my apartment and dropping my keys on a table.
I pealed off items clothing I had layered on as I entered, and was only left with Harry’s shirt.
“Yeah, in the kitchen!” She shouted back.
I dropped my stuff in my room and walked into the kitchen.
“I’m sorry I’ve been AWOL,” I sighed, and gave her my best puppy dog look. “This guy just drags me away and I stay the night in a hotel, in the same city I live in.”
“Boo you whore,” Claire rolled her eyes at me. “It’s fine, I’m used to you disappearing for nights with random strangers who end up being worldwide famed popstars.” She shot me a look, and then her eyes shifted back to the laptop that sat on the counter in front of her.
Yes, she had quoted Mean Girls, and yes that was sarcasm she used. Uh oh.
Cue cringe.
“I like him okay! He’s just, just,” I bit my lip, not able to come up with anything to say, but I ended up spluttering out a rambled sentence. “Charming, funny and I know this is weird, I practically just met him and I’m not so sure what I’m getting myself into, and I’m so confused about all of this and yeah.”
I finished lamely, I buried my head into my arms on the counter next to Claire. I felt her pat my head.
“It’s whatever,” she laughed. “I met the poor bastard when he did the walk of shame, after your fucking loud night of passion. It was all a show I put on in the bakery, the frantic friend. Oh and I gave him the address of this place, before he left, and got a picture too.”
My head shot up so fast I feared I had gotten whiplash. Blush splattered my cheeks, and I gaped at her like a fish out of water.
“You evil bitch,” I sneered in a mocking tone, but I laughed. “I knew it wasn’t a coincidence Harry found me again.”
“Well, that’s old news,” Claire laughed and shoved the laptop in my face. “By the way, you’re all these people are talking about on Twitter and Tumblr. People are spreading a shit ton of rumors. Plus, pictures of you leaving the hotel in Harry’s clothes has gotten everyone riled up. They’ve all forgotten about Taylor Swift at this point.”
She was giving me her all famous smirk. Claire was main reason as to why Harry had found me in the first place. I swear, she was going to be the death of me. I took the laptop and scrolled through her twitter feed, which was open.
Things about how they preferred me with Harry then Taylor, or how it was “official” that Harry and I were together because I was wearing his clothes, and then there was the side which thought I could be just friends and some other wonderful shit thrown in there.
@Kayloves1d: @LeahSan_x you’re pretty! I think you and Harry look gud together, better than @taylorswift13.
@Narryfeels_: SHE’S WEARING HIS PINK FLYOD SHIRT. ASDLFKHDLK. @LeahSan_x @Harry_Styles. Wutttttt.
@LeeyummPaynis_: SHE’S SO PrETTY! I cAn’t bc potato. GoRGeous couple!
I gave Claire a wide eyed stare, she patted me on the back reassuringly, or what she might have thought it was reassuringly.
“It’s alright, you’ll get through this, rabid fangirls are the least of your worries,” Claire took back her laptop and keep on browsing.
“How so?” I countered with a frown and grabbed an apple, I took a bite from it as I gave her a look.
“You’re going to scare them at some point,” she shrugged, and smirked at me. “When you want, you can be fucking intimidating.”
I slapped her upside the head playfully and too another bite out of my apple.
“Shut up, I won’t, I’m not mean,” I chewed and glared at her.
“Sure, sure,” she waved me off. “Anyways, the day after tomorrow I’m catching a train to Pennsylvania to so stay with my family for Christmas, even though it’s super early. I won’t be back till after New Years maybe.”
Claire frowned, and I rested my head on her shoulder.
“After your crazy drunk fest last year I kind of expected this,” I mumbled and took another bite out of my apple. “You’re an idiot, and you’re not gonna survive your family reunion. Brazilian and Italians, what a freaking mix.”
“Shut up, you’re mean,” Claire replied with a sigh. “and you’re a proper idiot too, drinking illegally a few weeks ago, doesn’t even compare to me, I’m nearly legal.”
“Hush,” I pathetically replied and threw my apple away, I grabbed my phone and sat on the bar stool next to her. “So you’re not going to the Garden concert?”
Claire shook her head and shrugged at me.
“As much as I love them, I have to pack, and finish my Christmas shopping, and I can’t afford to spend my last days in New York watching a concert,” she stuck her tongue out at me. “Plus, you’re dating one of the band members, I can just use you to see them in concert.”
I rolled my eyes, typical cheap Claire. She didn’t like spending money and tended to her finances, but somehow everything worked out for her.
“Whatever, I’m going to make lunch and then get ready,” I said, unlocking my phone and checking the text Harry had sent me. “And I’m not dating him.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
I heard her mutter as I looked at my messages.
Popstar: Hope you enjoy the concert, here’s a sneak preview of what is to come.xx {Image attachment}
He attached a picture of his back facing the camera and Madison Square Garden spread out in front of him. I’m sure he also had posted that on Instagram. Seconds later my phone vibrated and it was another picture. This time it was a selfie of himself sending me a thumbs up and a cute grin. I rolled my eyes and responded.
Leah: I’m sure I will!
I snapped a quick photo of myself with thumbs up and a grin as well and sent it to him.
Popstar: Still wearing my shirt I see. ;) I don’t think I’m getting it back. Am I?
Leah: Prolly not! #sorrynotsorry
“You look like a tween texting her boyfriend, snap out of it princess and get cookin’,” Claire shot at me.
I flipped her off and laughed at Harry’s text.
Popstar: Should’ve figured, haha. It’s alright, on you I don’t mind. It looks cute. :) Oh and the rest of the lads and the girls are gonna follow you on twitter. Mess with the fans a bit. Good fun! .xx
Leah: Hahah, thank you Harry. :) and oh yeah that’s always fun for you famous kids. Nothing like stirring up trouble in your own fandom. ;)
Popstar: Ha! Exactly! And they all really liked you, so it’s a genuine Twitter follow. :P I have to go, rehearsals are commencing. See you. ;) .xx
Leah: Of course, :) see you later, tchau. (Bye).
I shoved my phone into my back pocket and rubbed my hands together. Food was calling my name, and Claire was getting impatient by the minute.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soooo, sorry I took so long to update! These past two weeks were hectic. Believe it or not. haha. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all you lovely people. As late as it is. :)
Hope this nice long-ish chapter was satisfactory, and maybe answers a few questions!
I'm still trying to come up with a couple name for them... any ideas? haha.
Thank you guys for reading! Appreciate it so much <3
There may be a few mistakes, it's unedited, I'll probably get to that later.
& once again the twitter usernames, not sure if they exist and the links don't work. 'tis is all.
Shaina. :)