Status: Kind of unsure about the updates. Give me feedback so I know to continue :)

He Means the World to Me

You Get Me All Sorts of Excited

“So I’m pretty sure all my twitter followers out there know exactly how much I love the next band playing. Stick around! You’re a wonderful crowd! Have a great Warped day Lovelies.”

The crowd cheering for us pumped me up beyond belief. I couldn’t wait to mingle with everyone, take pictures, and sign for all the fans. This was a good day all ready, beginning with a great set.

As I walked offstage I saw Chris waiting and giving me the thumbs up.

“Absolutely amazing, girl. Seems like somebody else liked it too.” The shit-eating grin on his face that he was trying to hide made me glare.

“Why do-“

The sentence could not be finished, however, because someone started talking behind me. Kicking me out of thought of what I was going to say, and making my head reel with realization of who it was.

Mother fucking Christopher Drew, what have you done?

With one last glare, I turned to the source of the beautiful voice that had been plaguing my thoughts for the past year. My green eyes saw the face of Kellin Quinn smiling at me with his beautiful eyes and perfect white teeth.

“I loved your set. Just recently got into your music too after I heard you were going right before us on set most days. It’s nice to know that you love our music as well.”

Smiling warmly at him, I took his had and shook it. “Thank you, so much. I’ve loved your guys’ music for a while now. Your band is great.”

“That means a lot coming from someone else in the industry.” A roadie came over and said something in Kellin’s ear and left. “I think it’s about time for us to be on actually. But you should stick around, we should walk around the venue and such after set, yeah?”

“That would be great! Yeah, I was planning on that sometime today anyway. Have fun out there!”

As he smiled and left my side of the stage, I couldn’t help the giant grin or blush creeping up my face.

“You’ll be able to tap that in record time with the right moves, hon.” I nearly jumped out of my skin.

“Christopher Mother Fucking Drew! You totally just ruined my moment!”
He only sniggered at me. “So, uh… You’re going to walk around the venue, huh?”

“Yes.” I answered, still fuming.

“Where do you think you’ll visit first? The Trojan tent?”

“Oh my God, I could strangle you right now.”

“I’m kidding! I promise! Just joking, I really am.”


Watching Kellin onstage was an amazing experience. He loved the crowd, and the crowd loved him. He was unstoppable out there, a force to me reckoned with.

I wondered then if I looked like that onstage, If people saw me up there having the best time of my life and loving everyone who listened to my work. I wondered if I looked like I was having that much fun all the time.

In any case, Kellin was breathtaking. Although I had a crush on him and was slightly star struck, I wanted to really know him. I wanted to know him for something other than his band now that I had the chance. The real him.

Chris and I sat back watching Sleeping With Sirens perform. With every word I could feel myself getting more and more excited because that meant I was closer to spending time with him.

Chris could tell. He kept giving me knowing looks and laughing beside me. Then I would slap his arm and playfully glare.

“You picked a good one to like, though. Their band doesn’t have anything on their little record of theirs that I should be worried about. Most of us rockstars are a little uh…”

“I know, sometimes you can’t help but love ‘em though.” Chris offered me some of his water, and I gladly took it. “You and Hannah still going?”

He nodded. “Yeah, it’s going pretty good for now. Not sure about future events for us, but we’ll see how it all goes. She’s a good one, though.”

Just like that, Kellin was in front of me again. Hand outstretched, waiting to explore the venue.

“Ready to go?” His smile flashed before me again and it made me smile too.

“Fer sure!” I hugged Christopher around the neck. “Bye, Chris! Let’s go!”
Both laughed lightly at me, and Kellin lead me around the venue. Some booths I didn’t recognize from the last tour, and others I was completely excited to see again. I couldn’t wait to buy more merchandise, and warped had the best things for me.

“So how many times have you been here?”

“This is only my second time. Too fun not to do it again, I want to be here every single year!”

“It is pretty great, I love meeting the fans. Some of them are a little crazy, though. I’ve had more than my fair share of fan girl experiences.”

“I’ve had a couple guys follow me around.” I admitted. “There was one that crowd surfed to the stage and proposed to me!” I shook my head back and forth. “I really couldn’t believe it.”

I was his turn to laugh now. A laugh I could listen to forever.

“How did you handle that one?”

“Well I didn’t want to completely break this guy’s heart, so-“

“What the hell?”

“Can I-“

“Stop! Now!”

I had no idea what happened, but the next thing I knew, I was eating pavement.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the second chapter for you guys! It means a lot to me that aliyahSWS and moka4246 commented :) I decided that I will name everyone in the future chapters in the authors note that commented. Feel free to leave me links to check out all of your stories and such too! I'm more than willing to comment back!
This one is a little shorter, but I'm not quite sure where the story is going yet, I'm sure I'll figure it out. In the meantime I'm just going to go with it!
Hope you guys like it! You can also criticize me if you like! Anything helps a writer :)
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Thank you Lovelies,

-Celina Cyanide <3