I'll Carry You Home Tonight

Chapter 10

I pulled up outside the club and scanned the pavement for Amber, I climbed out of the car and pulled my jacket around my self bracing myself against the cold, I walked forward the loud music from the club making a thumping noise against the pavement. i span around quickly as some one shoved me from behind, only to see amber grinning at me stupidly swaying slightly and laughing wildly, she fell forwards on to my chest as I tried to hold her up

“Oh jack im sorry I’m so drunk!”

“I can tell…please get in the car”

She started to laugh again as she fell forward with a loud thump landing on her face, I darted forward to help her up and check her face over for injuries, with only a slight scrape on her forehead, she looked at me bleary eyed and began to mutter incoherently before breaking down in tears.

I sat on the floor with her letting her cry her pain out, she suddenly lurched forward and wretched violently before a flurry of deep red vomit fell on to the pavement in front of her i began to rub her back and held her hair back

“Amber we need to get you to the hospital”

She nodded slightly and continued to vomit violently, after nearly an hour I managed to get amber in to the back of the car, I lay her down on the back seat and gently stroked her cheek for a few seconds before getting in to the front and driving away slowly.