Status: Active

Brown and Green


“It’s just for the year dear. We’ll see you at Christmas,” my mother explained as we made our way to platform 9 ¾.
“But mom, wouldn’t it be safer at my old school?” I asked.
“Lottie, you know very well that Hogwarts is so much safer than the Canadian Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”
I sighed and looked around King’s Cross Station.
I guess I should explain what is going on here. My name is Carlotta St. James. I’m 16 turning 17 in October. I’m from Ontario Canada, but I’m in London now, going to a new school. Apparently, I’m not safe in Canada anymore so I’m being shipped off to Hogwarts. I also have red hair and brown eyes.
“Alright honey, I’ll take the cart through and you follow with your mother,” my dad said. Then he rushed towards the wall between platforms 9 and 10 and disappeared.
I grabbed my moms’ hand and we ran towards the wall.
I opened my eyes and saw a gorgeous black and scarlet train with gold lettering on the side reading “Hogwarts Express.”
“Wow,” I said staring at the train.
“Come on Lottie, let’s find you a seat,” mom said.
After we found a compartment I went back on to the platform to say my final goodbyes.
“Make sure to write every week and we’ll send you anything you forgot,” mum said squishing me in a hug.
“I will mom, I promise,” I said trying to breathe.
“Okay Annie, let her breathe. They’re getting ready to go,” my dad said with a smile.
My mom let me go and I gave my dad a big hug.
“Don’t pull too many pranks princess,” he whispered.
“I don’t make any promises daddy,” I said with a smile.
He laughed, “That’s my girl.”
After I let go of my dad I climbed onto the train and waved at my parents from my compartment.
When they were out of sight I sat down and my cat Gigi jumped down on my lap. Gigi is my black cat; I named her from the muggle movie “Kiki’s Delivery Service.”
After a while an old woman came be with cart full of candy, of course, I just had to buy some.
So, now here I am with my legs stretched out and candy wrappers on the floor.
“Oh sorry, I thought this compartment was empty,” said a girl from the door. She had bushy brown hair and caring brown eyes.
“It’s alright. It’s only me in here, so you can join me if you like,” I said setting my feet onto the floor.
“Is it alright if my friends join too?” she asked.
“The more the merrier,” I replied with a smile.
She looked out in the hallway and nodded. She came into the compartment followed by a red headed boy and a dark haired boy.
“I’m Hermione by the way. This is Harry and Ron,” she said pointing to the dark haired boy then the red haired boy.
“I’m Carlotta, but please call me Lottie,” I smiled.
“You don’t have a British accent. Where are you from?” Ron asked.
“I’m from Canada, my parents thought Hogwarts would be safer than my old school,” I explained.
“I read Canada is the safest country in the world,” Hermione said.
“Not since you-know-who,” I said pulling Gigi close to me.
The three of them looked at each other.
“I thought Voldemort was hiding in the mountains somewhere?” Harry asked.
I hold back a wince and shrugged.
“There have been multiple attacks across Canada. They were getting closer to my home town,” I said.
“You’ll be safe at Hogwarts just stick with us,” Hermione said with a smile.
I smiled back and the four of us made light conversation for the rest of the ride.
We talked about the school and the different houses. To me it seems like Griffyndor is the house to be in. When we pulled into Hogsmead station Harry helped me off the train.
He smiled at me with his bright green eyes, and I blushed as I took his hand.
“Watch your step,” Harry said. I stepped onto the platform and smiled at him.
“Come on you two,” Ron said with Hermione standing beside him.
Harry and I looked at each other then we looked away, I could feel the heat burning my cheeks.
As we made our way to the carriages, Harry and I avoided making eye contact with each other. When we reached the carriages, I noticed they were pulled by skeletal winged horses.
“I see them too,” Harry whispered in my ear.
“What are they?” I asked.
“Thestrals, only people who have seen death can see them,” Harry explained.
“Oh,” I said before stepping into the carriage.
Harry and I were quiet on the ride up, while Ron and Hermione were arguing about something.
I stared out the window as the castle came into view.
“Welcome to Hogwarts Lottie,” Ron said.
I smiled at him then went back to staring out at the huge castle.
After stepping out of the carriage, the four of us walked up the great stone steps and into the amazing foyer. I was so busy looking all around me that I didn’t notice a woman standing by another set of stairs with a strict expression on her face.
“That’s Professor MaGonagall, head of Griffyndor house,” Hermione whispered.
I caught MaGonagall’s eye and she stared back at me, then started to make her way towards me.
“Miss St. James?” she asked.
“Yes ma’am,” I replied.
“Come with me please,” she said and turned away and started walking down a hallway. I waved to my friends and ran to catch up.
I followed the professor to a classroom with a stool in the middle of the room and an old guy with a really long beard.
“Carlotta, I am headmaster Albus Dumbledore,” he said with a nod and a kind smile.
“Nice to meet you sir,” I replied with a smile.
“Now, this is the sorting hat my dear and this will tell us which house you belong in,” he said lifting up the hat.
I nodded and sat down on the stool.
“Hmmm..Let’s see here,” a voice said in my ear.
“What was that?” I asked out loud.
“It was I, the hat,” the voice replied.
“Are you going to tell me my special place in the school or something?” I asked.
“You could say something like that,” it replied.
“You are brave, caring, a trouble maker I see. Smart, you remind me of someone. Your only place could be….GRYFFENDOR!” the hat shouted.
Dumbledore removed the hat from my head and I hopped down from the stool.
“Well, Carlotta, welcome to Hogwarts,” Dumbledore said with a wide smile on his face.
“Thank you sir,” I said with a smile, and then walked back to the Great Hall.
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I'mmmm baaaacccccckkkkkk :D
Please be nice. It's my first time writing in months,
I will try to have chapters of stories I owe up sometime soon.
Exams are next week, so there wont be any updates then, but I promise there will be atleast one update before Christmas,
Night night :D <3