Status: New story, give me great feed back!

Love Goes Far

Chapter One

Max's POV

Zain and I were hanging out in my room when my phone vibrated. I saw it was from Hallie, one of the girls in our group. 'Hey Joel is havin a party, you get Zain and come over.' I smiled, I love parties. "Dude party at Joel's. Let's go." He grabbed hos hoodie and I got my keys. We jumped in my car and headed a few blocks down to Joel's. "So which was it this time?" I smirked, "Hottie Hallie." He grinned, "Nice." We had nicknames for all the girls, given by Zain. I could care less about some sluts. All I wanted was to be loved by one person. Zain.I know, it's so cliche, but it's true.

I parked behind a bunch of other cars near Joel's house. We got out as soon as I turned it off and then locked it. We walked up to the door where it opened by a very excited Joel. "Hey boys! Glad you could make it." We smiled as he showed us to the kitchen, music was blasting, people dancing, drinking, and a bit of people making out. Zain grabbed a beer for himself and I. I smiled as we chugged half.

I left to go chat with my cousin Tiff while he probably went to grind with some sluts. I scowled, then was pushed against the wall. "Tiff let go." She giggled and hugged me, "So how are things with Zain?" I shushed her, and pulled her to a secluded hallway. "Well we're still friends and he still doesn't know." She frowned,"Why haven't you told him?" I sighed. "We've been through this before. He is straight, and even if he wasn't he still wouldn't like me." I was stressed, I downed the rest of my beer and took Tiff's drink. She slapped my arm, I chuckled and walked away. "See ya around Tiff."

I ended up on the dance floor, known as the livingroom. Familiar big hands grabbed me and the heat of the familiar body radiated against my back as we swayed to the music and pressed close. "Zain how much have you had to drink?" He chuckled, while he played with the hem of my tight shirt. "I don't know, one or two, something like that." I smiled, loving how the tingles ran through me as we pressed tighter.

All of a sudden the doors busted open and cops filled the rooms. "Police! Everyone freeze!" Some were lucky and got away while the rest of us were cuffed and taken down to the station. They put us in cells. I was kind of scared, but Zain kept his arm around me. An officer came to our cell, "Lively and Green you're free to go." I pulled Zain in a hurry out of there. We saw our parents and we froze. They waved us over and Mr. Green pulled Zain from me.

The ride home Melody smirked at me, sometimes I hate my little sister. When we got home my parents pulled me into the kitchen. "Max what the hell happened?" I looked over to my dad. "Zain and I went to Joel's party and when we were dancing the police busted in. They had arrested most of us except for Tiff for underage drinking." They nodded their heads in understanding, my parents didn't care if we drank, but what scared me was Zain's parents.

Zain's POV (Leaving the station)

The whole drive home was silent. Which scared me, usually mom would be screeching nd dad would just shake his head. I gulped when we pulled up. Dad got out and pulled me inside. "Zain we are tired of all this, of you. You have half an hour to get your shit and leave boy. Now." Wait, they're throwing me out? I ran upstairs threw my clothes in my gym bag and back pack. I grabbed my skateboard, my bags, and left. I started skating to Max's with tears streaming down my face, when it started to rain.

Max's POV

It was pouring oiutside. I was in bed playing on my iPhone. I heard a knock at the front door. I was just in my breifs, but ran to answer. Maybe it was Zain. I ran down the stairs and threw the door open. Zain was standing with two bags and drenched. I threw my arms around him and pulled him into the house. "zee what happened?" He sniffled. "They threw me out. I had no where else to go." I pulled him closer, "You don't need anywhere else. You're always welcome here." He squeezed me, "Thank you Maxie."

I smiled, I let go and pulled him to the livingroom. "Strip and I'll find a movie to put in." I grabbed his favorite movie, Observe and Report. He was already on the couch in a fresh pair of boxers. I grabbed a fleece blanket and sat next to him. He did something weird, he put his arm around my waist and squeeed my hip. I squeeled in suprise, he laughed and pulled me closer. I laid my head on his shoulder, trying to stay awake. Unfortunetly I fell asleep snuggled up to Zain.

(Next Day) Max's POV

I woke up to someone running their hand through my hair. I opened my eyes to see a smiling Zain. I smiled up at him and noticed that he was laying down on the couch and I was laying on his chest. I blushed lightly before sitting up. Big mistake, because now I was straddling his hips. I blushed again, I felt his hands slid to my sides.

"Kiss him you fool!"

Our heads whipped over to the stairs to find Melody with a camcorder in her hand. "Melody May Lively! Quite being a fucking creep! We're not going to kiss. Especially for your sick mind!" I yelled at her, she shut the screen, huffed and stomped upstairs.

I looked back down Zain, "Sorry about her. She's obsessed with guys being gay and stuff." He just shrugged, then he started tracing my tattoo on my right pec. I shivered and help back a moan, I grabbed his before I had a problem down south, if you get what I mean. He smirked, "What's wrong Maxie?" He teased. I blushed and went to roll off of him, when he gripped my sides and pulled me onto him. "Do you ever quite being shy?" I shrugged.

There was a knock at the door. I got up from Zain and opened the front door. A younger red haed threw herself at me. "Baby I heard you got arrested?!" I gagged, "Get the hell off me, and Clarissa for the last time, there is nothing between us. You are my neighbor who likes to stalk me!" She backed up pissed, then two strong arms were around my waist.

"Babe, who is this? I was waiting for you in bed." Zain whined. I smiled then Clarissa looked furious, "Who the hell do you think you are?!" Zain chuckled, "Max's boyfriend. What hoe are you? She gasped, "His girlfriend!" Zain pulled me closer to his chest. "LIsten closely, Max is MY boyfriend and has been since we were in middle school, so get your ass off the front step and stop stalking Max or I'll call the cops." She cowarded back and ran to her house.

I sighed while I shut the door, I turned to face Zain after he took his arms away. "Thank you so much." He smiled, "Anytime bro. That girl gets on my nerves. I saw her last night starring out her window into yours, then down at me." I grimaced, and pulled him into him into kitchen. "Eggs or pancakes?" He laughed, "Pancakes, you know that." I soon started mixing the batter and frying up a batch.

I served them to Zain, he smiled and started downing them. That boy could be such a pig. I chuckled at that thought. He swallowed what was in his mouth, "What?" I smirked. "You're such a pig." His jaw dropped, and he stood up and got in my face. "Take that back!" I poked his bare chest, "Nope." He hurried and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down PIggy!" He just kept walking outside to the-. He threw me into the fucking pool! I swam to the top, and took a big breathe. "You dick!"

He chuckled and jumped in. "I know you want my dick." He winked at me. I laughed, "Dude the other way around, you totally want all this." I motioned to my almost naked body. He swam over to me and pinned me to the ledge, "Maybe." I tried to push him, but he was too strong. I looked into his eyes, and got lost. Then his face was getting closer, was he going to do what I think? That moment I felt his lips on mine.

"OH MY DEAR LORD I KNEW IT!! *squeals* Fucking knew it!"

Our eyes fly open and then it hits me. Zain Green-the star quaterback, womanizer, my STRAIGHT best friend- just kissed me. I think he realized this too, because that moment he hoped out and ran into the house. "Mel I am going to fucking murder you later, kay?" I growled at my annoying little sister. She shrunk back and ran away with tear in her eyes. I ran my hands through my hair and down my face.

I got out of the pool after considering trying to drown. I walked past my parents who were trying to confort Melody, I walked past Zain who was in the livingroom, I just went to my room upstairs, slammed the door and jumped on my bed. I started crying, then it turned into full blown sobbing like a teenage girl. I screamed into my pillow. There was a knock on my door, "..what?" My mom opened my door.

"Maxwell what did you do to your sister?" I scoffed, "You mean what did she do to me. She ruined it mom and now he hates me! I just.." I couldn't continue, I broke down in sobs. Mom sighed, "Oh Maxie-boo. What happened?" She came to my bed and sat next to me. I explain about how through the years I had gotten feelings for Zain, the party, last night, and earlier. "... Then I told Mel I was gonna murder her, and I'm sorry I didn't mean to make her cry, but now he hates me because he realized what he did!" I cried on Mom's shoulder.

Zain's POV

I was sitting on the couch with Mel. I could hear Max's crying and wailing. It broke my heart, but I'm not gay! I didn't mean for it to happen! I mean I use to think I had a crush on Max, but that was years ago! I'm Zain Green star quarter back, every girls wants me, I'm the STRAIGHT popular guy.

Out of no where Mel punched me. "What the hell Melody?!" She huffed, "YOU BROKE MY BROTHER! DO YOU HEAR HIM?! YOU'RE JUST A DICK!" She stomped into the kitchen. I feel so terrible, I got up and left the house and walked to the one I know best down the street. She answered the door and kissed me. "Nice to see you too Tiff."
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