Truth Must Be Spoken Earlier

Chapter 1

There once was a kid named Bill. His life was difficult. He suffered from leukemia since he was 12, his parents were divorced, everything was hard for him. He never knew why his parents were mad at each other. They never told him. Maybe he was too young to understand... maybe. Bill spent more hours of the day thinking of a possible way on trying so safe his family, than his own life. He was given only 5 years of life. He was 15 when I met him. We both met when we were eating at the school's cafeteria. My table was empty, he was alone just as I was, so I offered him a chair. That day, we got to know each other. He told me his dad, hit her mum and that he went on drugs, just some days before. Her mum seemed very sad, but he told me he didn't have an answer for that.
Since that day, we both became great friends.
I remember when his hair started to fall off. He used to wear hats so that, nobody could laugh at him. Once, we were at Maths class and he started throwing up blood. I tried to help him, but got terrified at what I was seeing, so soon ran away to the principal's office to tell him what was happening. I helped him in some way, though. An ambulance came and took him to the nearest hospital. I went with him.
I told him stories so that we wouldn't have to preoccupy much for what was happening to him. "You shouldn't worry about me" I remember Bill saying "sooner or later, I won't be here anymore". Suddenly, I felt something in my throat. It made me feel really bad about him. "The only thing I want to know is what happened to my parents. I don't need money, or anything else to be happy, just that" he told me when he was being carried to his room. I waited and waited. His parents didn't come until 2 hours later. I don't know what took them so long. I saw Bill's mum asking for him at the reception desk. His dad was at the café asking for a capuccino. He seemed not ineterested on what was happening to Bill, so some minutes later left the place. I noticed his mum had a black eye.
-"My name's James and I'm..." I started saying as soon as she cut me off.
-"Bill's friend? um, nice to meet you. Is my son okay?" she replied
-"Yes, but are you okay?" I asked
-"I've been better."
-"I need to talk to you..." I said as a nurse approached her, and took her to the room. I felt like these were the last hours Bill had to live. I wished everything was fine, but fear surrounded me.
He was suffering. He was told to not go to school again. His mum asked me if I wanted to be with him at his house more often, which I obviously replied as a yes.
Days, months, seasons passed by and Bill still had been vomiting and losing hair.
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As you can see, this isn't connected with Adub. It's just a story I wanted to publish as I liked it very much