Truth Must Be Spoken Earlier

Chapter 2

One year later, I was at his house. Only his mum and I were there. Bill fell asleep hours before. I decided to ask her what happened to them: Bill's parents.
-"You shouldn't be asking this to me. You don't know us, you better not ask me that again or else ... I'll kick you out of this house, forever" she said, angrily
-"But, I want your son to know. His wish is to know about this. He needs to die happily knowing what happened" I said
I ran away from that house. That was the worst day of my life, or that's what I thought.
From that day onwards, my mind was always thinking of Bill. I hoped he was doing okay. I wanted his wish to come true, but I couldn't. I wished I still had time. And I had it, so 6 months after that episode, I went straight to his house to ask her again what was happening but right in front of him, when he was still awake.
I knocked at the door. His mum opened the door and for once, let me in. She said Bill was getting worse and that since she kicked me out, he's been asking about me.
-"James, please go and check out Bill's okay" she said, desperately
-"You madam, come with me. We need to clear out some things" Suddenly, I notice a man across the room with a nervously look.
-"James? oh are you that guy that Bill always asks about? I'm his dad, Dave. Nice to meet you" he said
-"Yup, it's me. You sir, I need to talk to you both. Come with me"
-"But Bill's still awake" his mum told me
-"I already know that, I texted him when I got to this door." I replied
-"Let's go with him Elizabeth, he needs to know" Dave says
-"Okay" she says as soon as they both go behind me.
We got to the room. We knock at the door.
-"Come in!" Bill said happily.
When that door entirely opened, I came across a bald Bill, with a big smile on his face. I noticed he was happy, so I went straight up to him to hug him.
-"I missed you Billie!" I said, crying
-"I missed you more, Jamie!" he said.
-"Guys, please don't do this to Bill. Tell him why are you divorced, why is Elizabeth always with a black eye, a broken nose or else?" I ask
-"Well... it's complicated!" Dave says
-"TELL ME, DAD! I'M SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW!" Bill said shouting
-"We will tell you, but not now." Elizabeth said while I was looking at her
As soon as she finished saying this, I felt weird. I started paying attention to Bill. He seemed he had something stuck on his throat.
I've never gone back to be the same person again. I was lost, lonely, sad, guilty, everything. I wanted to help him. We were so close, but too far away at the same time. They were about to tell him when he started suffering again. He died right in front of my eyes. I remember his pale face looking straight at me saying: "Thanks James, you tried". He never moved again. He never breathed again. However, his memories belong with me, as if I was his brother.
I was again lonely at the school cafeteria, when I meet this other young boy named Finn. We soon start talking and...
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did you like it? :) I know it's VERY tragic and all, but I enjoyed writing it!