Status: A work in progress.

One Hundred Sleepless Nights

Tangled In The Great Escape

Humming a tune to himself, Vic and his bandmates, Jaime, Tony and Mike, loaded onto the tour bus. They had just placed a simple moustache sticker on the front end, which is what they did every time they went on tour with a new bus. It was kind of a tradition.
"You guys have all of your belongings, right?" Hollered the bus driver from the front seat. They all looked at each other before Vic spoke up and replied with a "Yeah!".
And, with that, they were off on another tour. A few hours later, Vic's adrenaline for the bus ride to the first venue had worn off a bit and he was dozing in and out of sleep. He was brought back to the real world when all of a sudden he saw a stretching line of teens and young adults with hair that varied in colors with band shirts and shorts, all excitedly waiting to be let inside.
Having seen the obvious mustache on the front of the bus, some turned their heads and started running towards the gates that separated the line from the direction the buses were going into. He smiled as fans waved at him and screamed his name.
About a half hour later, Vic and the band went towards the stage where they were to be performing. On the way there, Vic accidentally walked into a slightly taller, pale skinned, tattooed guy, almost falling over. The guy placed his hand on Vic's shoulder, trying to help steady him.
"Hey man, you okay?" Asked the male.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine."
"Well, that's good. I'm Kellin, by the way. Maybe I'll see you around?" Kellin smiled. Vic smiled and nodded. He watched as Kellin walked away waving.
Vic felt different about Kellin. Yes, Vic was gay, but he had never felt that way about anyone before. Vic had only just learned his name and he already felt attraction for him.

Ah, shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
I kind of like this chapter, it was longer than the first one and yeah