Short, Fast, and Loud


I always believed that the start of a new year had to be shitty. I mean, you have to go through the shitty stuff to get to the good parts, right? Somehow I think my logic is flawed. As it always seemed to be. Through my anxieties and OCD, logic has betrayed me, and allowed my neurosis's to take over. I wasn't batshit crazy though, don't get me wrong. Just the typical "girl who's lost in the world" scenario.

Only twenty-one years old and leading the safest life possible. A bank teller with a secure future, and stable income. Sure I was miserable, but life isn't supposed to be enjoyable, you just power through. I had the same routine every day: get up at seven, get ready for work, work my nine to five, eat dinner, go to bed. Push repeat.

I wasn't looking for anyone when he stumbled into my life. Introducing, Pete Wentz.
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I wanted to write a new, lighter Pete Wentz story.. I have no clue where it's going haha.
Much love <3