Short, Fast, and Loud

When the Day Met the Night

I sighed as my alarm went off, signalling morning was here all too soon. My lack of sleep was going to make today a living hell. I sighed looking in the mirror, my long blonde hair was an unruly mess, which meant it was time to throw it up in a tight bun. I threw on my black pencil skirt and white blouse, grabbed my morning apple and was on my way to work.

Mark, my branch manager was of course sitting at my till, waiting for me to come in.

"Hi there beautiful." He winked at me.

I gave a tight smile and put my things in my designated drawer behind the counter. I wish this creep would hit on someone else.

"You're not going to say anything to me today?" He was still trying to sound confident. "Why don't you and I grab a drink after work so you can de-stress?"

"Good morning Mark. I don't think that would be appropriate, you're my boss." I said through clenched teeth. Isn't he sick of me turning him down yet?

He snaked his arm around my waist, "No one has to know, that's the fun part."

I pushed him off of me quickly and sat down, opening my till to help the public. Mark is a good looking, successful guy, but I just get such a bad feeling around him. I am always immediately able to pick up on people's different engeries, causing me to judge them right away. Which isn't a bad thing, because I've been right with most people.

The day was going by so slowly, I was itching to get home and get into a hot bubble bath. It was a bubble bath with a glass of wine kind of night. But time wasn't on my side today and I still had a few hours left. My brain was short circuiting and I kept making simple mistakes on peoples accounts.

It was also a fairly slow day at the bank, so I at least got to spend most of my time people watching. It was interesting watching all the flirtations within our branch. It always felt exciting to me when I saw a forbidden kiss take place. Like a higher up boss hooking up with one of the tellers, it happened more then you knew.

I looked at the clock on my computer, four - twenty five it read, almost at the end of my day. I heard the bell over the door ring and looked over. A suspicious looking character walked in. He was on the shorter side, with longish straight black hair, and covered in tattoos. He was wearing skinny jeans and a tight V-neck shirt. He was handsome in a unique sort of way.

I waved him over to my till letting him know I could help him.

"Hi sir, how can I help you today?"

He took off his sunglasses, revealing piercing honey brown eyes surrounded by eyeliner.

"Whoa, first off by not calling me sir." He laughed at me. "I'm Pete, and I need to make a deposit today." He put a crumpled up cheque on the counter.

"Okay Pete, I can do that for you."

I uncrumpled the cheque and tried my hardest to not look surprised when I saw the amount. It was for over thirty thousand dollars. I couldn't help but stereo type him from the way he looked, and assume he was a bum.

"I'm going to need two pieces of ID please."

"How about I trade you my ID's for your name?" He was smiling again.

"Uh, yea, yea okay. My name is Addison." Something about this man intrigued me, I wanted to know his story.

He handed me his ID and I promptly deposited the cheque into his account. I couldn't believe how much money he had in there. I need to make myself a mental note on not judging people!

"Will that be all for you Mr. Wentz?" I asked him.

"you're very serious, you need to loosen up! Live a little bit." His smile was so damn contagious. "I don't usually do this, I'm a shy dude, believe me. But, we should go get a drink, you have me curious."

My cheeks burned red with embarrassment, I didn't know what I was doing, but I found myself writing my name and number down and handing it to him.

"Have a good day Mr. Wentz. We will see you soon."

He smiled and left with my information.


The next two days I couldn't stop kicking myself from my stupidity. Why would I give a complete stranger my phone number? I didn't really like socializing as it is. I have been perfectly content living my life uneventful.. Oh, who am I kidding? No one.

Maybe I needed to have some excitement, and 'loosen up' as Pete said. It would probably do me some good. Although last time I tried to let loose was when it all went wrong. I shook my head trying to chase all the negative thoughts away.

I pulled up and parked in the Farmers Market parking lot. This was a perfect way to spend a beautiful Saturday. All the local people are so wonderful and giving. I loved seeing how proud all the vendors were of there goods. Freshly grown fruits and veggies, and home baked pies made my mouth water.

There was no one in line at Sally's Pies, and the aroma of fresh crust filled the air. I had my eye on one of her famous blueberry pie.

"Hey Sally!" I waved to her.

"Oh Addison! Good to see you this weekend. Isn't this weather beautiful?"

We exchanged pleasantries and continued in small talk before I bought the pie. I loved how she genuinely cared about all of her costumers.

After picking up everything on my grocery list I walked by a flower vendor. My dinning room table could use some flowers, I convinced myself as I walked into their booth. All the bright colors made me so excited. Bright yellows, oranges, pinks and reds. I have always truly believed that flowers were the best medicine, because they could make anyone smile.

"Addison?" I heard a voice that I somewhat recognized behind me. I turned around to reveal the boy from the bank.

"It's Pete, right?" I knew that was his name, a girl can't look too desperate though.

He chuckled. "Yea, it's Pete." He eyed the flowers I had in my hand. "They're beautiful, aren't they? I walked past and instantly thought of you." He dropped eye contact and blushed a little.

"Well that's very sweet of you."

"Are those your favorite flowers?" He took a step closer to me.

"Yes, Gerber Daisies. They make me feel happy, you know?" I instantly felt like an idiot.

He took them out of my hand and walked up to the cashier, paying the twenty dollars that they were and handed the bouquet back to me.

"Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl."

I couldn't stop blushing now. "That was so sweet, thank you. I don't know what to say." My mind was spinning now. I could feel all the blood rush to my head. No one has been this nice in a long time.

"Well you could say yes to going out with me tonight." He slyly stated.

"Okay. Yes, I'll go out with you."

I felt butterflies bursting through my stomach. A strange feeling I haven't felt in a long time. I don't know what comes over me when I'm around him, I've never been so bold with anyone.
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Sorry for the choppy-ness of it... I really shouldn't write on a whim, but I think I'm liking where this story is headed!

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