Short, Fast, and Loud

Of All the Gin Joints

The pastel blue sky was fading into a pink explosion, that would later turn midnight black. Thoughts swirled around my head as I danced around getting ready. I couldn't help but wonder what "God" was up there that made Pete and I meet. I've never had good luck, so this is either fate, or I'm about to be murdered by a weirdo.

I decided to dress fairly casual for the evening. My favorite skinny jeans topped with a blue and beige long sleeved shirt. I curled the ridiculous amount of hair I have, and threw on my most expensive mascara.

"Good enough." I sighed, never quite liking what I saw in the mirror. People constantly told me how 'pretty' I was, but I could just never believe them.

My stomach was an explosion of nerves when I looked at the clock. Pete was going to be here in less then twenty minutes. I looked around my apartment suddenly self conscience of everything. I lived in a small, one bedroom apartment that was constantly clean, thanks to my OCD.

I heard my buzzer go off; "Hey, it's Pete." He said through the intercom.

I buzzed him up and let my nerves get the best of me. I've always been super awkward, so now I find myself worrying what we could possibly talk about.

There was a knock on my door. 'Just breathe' I tell myself while taking a deep breath before opening the door.

There he was, looking handsome as could be. I couldn't believe he found me attractive when he could probably have any girl he wants. I felt my cheeks burn up thinking about him and quickly cleared my head.

"Is everything okay?" He smiled awkwardly at me.

I suddenly felt like the biggest idiot when I realized my mouth was hanging wide open. Shit. As if I'm not weird enough.

I managed to muster up a smile and say; "You look handsome."

"Only to match your beauty."

We made our way downstairs and out of the building. The night was crisp, I felt relieved that I brought my jacket.

"I thought we could just walk to a diner I love that's just around the corner." Pete said as we made our way.

I felt his strong arm snake around my waist as he pulled me closer to his side. I could feel my cheeks burning again, I hadn't been touched by a man, let alone a hot man, in a very, very long time. The nice moment was instantly ruined when a man jumped out and took a picture of Pete and I.

I felt anger rise in me and I couldn't hold it down. Right when I was about to open my mouth Pete interjected.

"How much does it take to make that photo disappear?" He pulled out his wallet.

I was so confused; "What?"

After he made his deal we started walking to the diner again. He could sense my tension as we sat down in a little booth in the corner.

"I guess I should explain, huh?" He leaned forward and clasped his hands together on the table.

I nodded for him to continue.

"What kind of music do you listen to?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" I quickly snapped at him.

"It's important, just answer." He was looking me straight in the eye.

"I honestly don't have time for music, so whatever is on the radio I guess." I answer truthfully.

"Have you heard a song 'Dance, Dance' on the radio?

I nodd my head, while tapping my fingers on the table.

"Well, that's my band, Fall Out Boy. I'm the bassist and I write the lyrics."

Again, like an idiot my mouth fell open. What the hell does a rockstar want from me?