Inside My Skull

Going To Sleep

It was11:00 p.m. and my migrains were becoming something I never felt before. I wanted to scream and make it go away, but that never worked. It was as if someone kept hitting me in the head and wouldn't stop because they loved seeing me in pain. I was dreadfully tired and wanted to fall into my dream, the only place I was not hurting. I walked slowly down the hallway feeling dizzy, and went into the bathroom to take more medication. I downed at least seven pills that night, four more than I should have. It was a mistake, but I just wanted the pain and horror to go away. I looked at myslef in the bathroom mirror and yawned from the pills making me drouzy.

My face, the ugliest one you would ever see. Bags under bags below my eyes, scars on my fore head from surgeries, cracked lips from the cold winter, and tear streaks stained on my face. I look at the person who was looking back at me and began to feel my eyes burn. I began to cry horribly in discrace of what I had become, and what little it took to get like this. I knew I was sick and I knew that I would die soon, but I just wanted to sleep and not have to look in that mirror ever again. I turned the light off to the bathroom and head down the hall again.

I crept slowly near my parents room and looked in quietly. They were sleeping peacfully and dreaming of wonderful thing that didn't include me. I closed their door and let my head drop down. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that my migrains were hurting more and more. I'm sorry I wasn't a perfect girl that you wanted. I'm sorry I didn't make you proud, and I'm sorry for not saying goodbye.

I lifted my head up and slowly crept to my room where I would would spend the last moments of my life. I opened my door to my death bed slowly and stared at the pillows which were calling my name. The blanket rose from the air and slowly flew over towards me. It cluctched it's grip around me carrying me to my death bed. The blanket dropped me on my death bed and slowly wrapped itself around me keeping me warm. The pillows began to sing and whisper quietly in my ears to calm me down. I started to drift away from reality and started to feel my room spin. I tried to escape from it and regret not telling my parents goodbye, but my feet said no and the floor was lava. The door started to shrink very slowly that eventually it disappeared from to where.

I layed in my death bed with nothing around me, except for my talking pillows and feet, and my warm blanket. I started to feel my heart and brain drum together in harmony at a fast pace, each thump and pound getting louder and louder than the last. My eyes began to close by themselves as I tried to keep them open. I lost feeling in every body part except for my brain and heart wich were still drumming. I reluctantly gave up and fell asleep, into a deep non-existing sleep forever. My name is Kianna and I died with only seven hours, thirty-seven minutes and sixteen seconds until my birthday.