Inside My Skull


I just sat in my bed waiting for them, god and the devil, to get back from wherever they were and decide where to place me. It was still pitch black and I had nothing to keep my self busy in that time. I just sat there thinking of what heaven was like, twirling my tangled hair between my fingers. I imagined heaven as a great place where no troubles occurred, and only the happiest memories were brought back. You could do whatever you wanted to, when you wanted to, and where you wanted to. So far heaven seemed like the eighth wonder of the world. And as far as hell, all I knew was that I didn’t want to go there. Hell to me was the exact opposite of heaven. The worst memories haunted you forever, seeming to get their joy. You would always have to be under stern control, only being able to breathe, blink, eat, and work. Worst of all you would eat the same food for the rest of your life, split pea soup.

I hated split pea soup so much! It brought back memories of my horrid great aunt Marge. Every time I went over her house for fun, as my said, she made me massage her feat and the only thing we ate was the wretched split pea soup. Bleck! Though if I was forced to eat split pea soup at this point I wouldn’t mind, because my stomach felt like it was eating itself from starvation. It’s just not fair why I must wait, why can’t I just go on my way?

I hate this black pit so much! The air smells and tastes damp of old salty tears, and not too mention the smell! The bed was beginning to rot from soaking up the tears, and it left a flooded basement smell. Eventually the bed and I would shrivel up and we would sink to the bottom of this deep, dark, sad pit. Urgh! Why won’t you just die you stupid pit!? Why won’t your rocky walls just break open, letting me out to whatever is out there?! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Oh boy did I let out an echo that I didn’t know I had. The after started to tremble and my bed started shaking. My pillows and blankets started to shake and I grabbed them for comfort. I burrowed under my blanket, letting my head pop out a little bit, and rest of my pillow. Then my pit started to shake magnificently, letting out a roar. I closed my eyes from fear and started to join in on the shaking. I bit my lip and peaked out of the corner of my eye to see the site before me. The wall of the pit at the very top, which I was near, started to crack letting little pebbles shower from it. I covered my head with my hands and the shaking pillows, and watched the crack grow, out of the corner of my eyes.