Inside My Skull

The Sky is Falling!

The crack just started to grow and grow, letting more and more pebbles fall to my head. They showered down on me one by one, each one seeming bigger than the other. I peered out of my blanket to watch the crack, now seeming more like a massive hole, grow. Suddenly pebbles grew to stones, which grew to rocks, which started to grow to brick like rocks! I cowered under my blanket and threw the pillows over my head, thinking about the tornado drills at my school. I was waiting for the worse to happen, the whole entire ceiling of my pit falling down on to me! I would be pulverized, smashed like an ant under a shoe. Was this Heaven and Hell's way of saying to be patient, or had they finally decided where I was going, and this was the way I was getting there?

All of these thoughts were running through my head while the bricks were coming down on me. I could feel the impact on my back, from the bricks, sending a sharp intense pain through me. The falling of my ceiling went on for an estimated three long minutes, and that’s when it stopped. I cautiously slipped my head out of the opening of the blanket and suddenly I was blinded. There was a light shining so bright like the morning light, making me react like I had seen light for the first time. I quickly shuttered under my blanket and rubbed my eyes to comfort them. I slowly got out from under my blanket, not wanting to be blinded again, and looked at the debris around me.

I brushed off all of the broken rock that was on me into the teary water, feeling the water splash back up and kiss me. I heard a quiet sniffling, and looked towards the sound to find my pillows crying. I looked them right to left and had found that the rocks had done quite some damage to them. Only a few holes here and there, but I sure wouldn’t want a few holes here and there like that done to me. I quickly mended them picking out all the rock pieces and pushed back all the stuffing that had fallen out. Since I had no sewing items, that was the best I could do for now. I had quickly remembered about that bright light and the ceiling falling, and looked up. The ceiling was completely gone and through what use to be the ceiling, peered the bright light. The thought of heaven popped in my mind, and I knew right away that I was going to heaven.

Oh my God, excuse me for using your name like this, but I see the light, I see it! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! I knew you would choose me God, even though you could have decided earlier. But thank you, thank you, thank you! So I guess I’ll just wait here now until I get lifted up or something. I sat on my bed hugging my blankets and pillows with glee not wanting to let go. I just stared at the light, wanting to be ready to be taken away to heaven. I sat there for quite some time. I wonder what was taking God so long. Was this another test of my patience, more games!? I stared at the ceiling, eventually the light being to blinding so I stared down. By the time I had looked back up something had caught my eye. The crack, it was back, and it was growing out from the hole to the sides of my ceiling less pit.

So this was how I was going to be sent to Heaven? He would destroy the walls of my pit, now seeming more like a tower, and I would go to this so called Heaven? This was definitely not what I had imagined. I guess Heaven was Heaven though, and if this is the way I was getting there, then so be it.