Status: In the Making... Comments = Love, and updates

Who They Appear to Be

The Image

Melody Waters Seen in Public? Nope, just more look alikes, and phonies, it seems that no one can spot the mysterious band without their masks on… who are they really?

I couldn’t help but bust out laughing, the media was always trying to get us in public, but they were looking in the wrong spot, with the wrong names and places. We all lived in New York City, not LA like they think, and those names they call us: Melody, Jazz, Roxy, all of them are fake… I mean it is kind of obvious if you think about it, none of them truly seem real, but they were real enough for our managers to give us ID’s with them on there and even birth certificates and a loft building in LA. (

Hey I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Ara Hale, or as the media knows me: Jazz Prince. I’m a “sarcastic yet mysterious bachelorette that is on the prowl”… yeah, that’s what everyone else out of our little circle thinks. I really can’t stand the image I have to live up to, I mean, I am nothing like that… okay I can get sarcastic when cornered, other than that it is completely a lie.

“Hey Jazzy!” I looked up from my couch to where Reed (Octavian) was leaning over the edge of the loft wall. He was wearing that silly grin he always is, but his joking and yet caring manner was just adorable, if he wasn’t two years older than me, and completely crazy I would totally have a crush on him.

“What do you want?” I fake growled, he laughed it off anyway.

“Get ready in five, we have to leave for the benefit and then go to the interview and then a party!” He ran away before I could get mad at him for just now reminding me, but what am I going to do, other than throw my book to the ground and run down the hall to “my room” where Melody was throwing my clothes from rack to rack. This would be a long day. (

<('o'<) ^( '-' )^ (>‘o’)> v( ‘.’ )v <(' .' )>

The benefit was done in about three hours and we were immediately rushed off to the interview ( The interviewer was a fake blonde with boobs bigger than her head, who kept giving Reed a hungry look at which he would wink and then look to someone else. “We are here with Teeny Popper Magazine, going live for the first time with “Forever and Always” and May I say that that performance at the benefit was just wonderful?”

“Sure you can,” I said with a smirk which made her hesitate before laughing and tossing her hair over her shoulder.

“Anywho, Let’s get this on the road.”

“Please do!” I said again before being nudged by Melody. I smiled before sitting back against the back of the couch. The lady continued with the interview, asking basic questions before getting to the good stuff.

“So Now we are going to do the best and worst. I’ll give you a category and you say who is the best and worst.” We all nodded.

“Okay so Cook?”

“Best is definitely Roxy, worst is Jazzy.” Reed said with a laugh which everyone agreed with.

“Funny, now Dancer?”

Melody cut in with “Worst definitely Reed! Best surprisingly Alegro.” At this he blushed and winked at Melody, which made me laugh.

“Kisser?” She was clearly flirting with Reed, but he pointed to me and laughed at her expression. I barely could hold in mine, melody nodded “From what I have heard, Jazzy is the best kisser, and you wouldn’t believe it but Demi is the worst.”

A few more bests and worsts… athlete, student, hugger... and so on.

“Now we are going to be taking a few calls from our audience watching at home.” This I didn’t expect. It went on with people complimenting us and asking us questions about what we look for in a relationship.

And we answered them as we had practiced, to fit the image we were meant to be in. Then came the always asked question, “Who here is in a relationship?”

She went down the aisle, of course starting with Reed “Nope.” He winked, and lied.

Alegro “Yes” Melody “No not at the moment” Roxy “Not anytime soon,” lie. Demi “maybe” then a wink.”

Harmony “wouldn’t you like to know?” and a laugh. Carol “no, sorry” then Me, I just gave her a look and laughed before saying “Sorry not interested.” At which she stuttered and laughed awkwardly before signing off.

I was glad when it was over, tonight we would be on a plane back home, and I couldn’t wait. I could use some R&R.

<('o'<) ^( '-' )^ (>‘o’)> v( ‘.’ )v <(' .' )>

Melody walked into my room that was in her apartment, she smiled sadly at me before sitting herself on the foot of my bed( “Do you want to have a movie marathon?”

I hid behind my batman pillow… “What movies?”

“Any movie you want!”

“Even Disney movies?”

“Especially Disney Movies!” Whit that we ran out of my room and into the living room. ( Now this I could get used to.
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