Status: work in progress

Sweet Pandemonium

Chapter 1

Austin, Texas

“Alright class, I want you all to be safe on your trips abroad. Remember to keep your cameras close to you at all times wherever you go. When you get back I want a full portfolio of your best shots on my desk.”

After giving one last look at his class he dismissed them with a thumbs up. As his students started to file out of the room Professor Cross noticed one of his promising students still packing her book bag. “Nena would you see me in my office please?” She looked up in surprise as she grabbed her bags and headed to the office.

“Yes Prof?” she said standing at the entrance to his office.

“Excited to go to Finland?” he asked relaxing in his chair.

“Absolutely, I can’t wait, hopefully these next two days go by quickly.”

“Hm, yes, well I want you to be careful out there. You are the only one in the class that chose to go to Finland and I know you’ve mentioned your friend there but still be careful,” he said turning towards his computer.

“Of course sir,”Nena said, looking around his office. It had managed to get cluttered again after her and a couple of her classmates had volunteered to organize it a couple of months before. She knew it wasn’t going to last. She giggled to herself.

“Hm?” he said looking up from his computer screen.

“Oh, nothing. Don’t worry Prof, I wouldn’t want to let you down. And are you sure I can’t bring you back something?” she asked raising an eyebrow and leaning forward a little bit.

“Oh, no dear, don’t bother yourself with that,” he laughed, “I want you to enjoy yourself but also concentrate on the task at hand,” he said making his face look serious, “It’s easy to get distracted, especially in a new country with new people and surroundings. It doesn’t surprise me, the amount of students who come back with last minute done projects.”

“Ok, if you say so. And yes I understand, I might be distracted a few days but I will do my best to put my project first. Well I better get going, I still have a few more things to pack and get ready for,” she said as she glanced at the clock on the wall.

“Yes well, like I’ve said before, be careful but also enjoy yourself,” he said getting up and hugging her.

“Yes sir,” Nena said as she shrugged on her camera bag, “Good luck with your other classes!” she said as she turned to leave the studio.

“Ugh freshmen!” he said jokingly as she laughed and walked out the door.

Stepping out of her photography building, she breathed in the cool breeze and started walking towards the bus stop that would take her to the grocery store. She had remembered that she still needed a few more things from there that she could take to Finland. When she finally was done there she got on another bus to take her to her apartment. The bus ride wasn’t too bad, she just wish she knew how to drive because hauling her school bags and grocery bags from point A to point B was tiring.

Finally after almost an hour on the bus she was finally at her apartment and hauling her bags up to the second floor. Catching her breath, Nena reached into her pocket and jingled her keys trying to find the right one. When she did that she heard her dog Billy start to bark. Opening her door she grinned at her grown German Sheppard. She had gotten Billy when she was 10 years old and he was just a puppy. With his 13th birthday coming up it was showing well on his face.

“Hello Bills,” Nena said dragging her bags into the door, “Too bad you can’t really help much,” Billy barked and tried to lick her cheek. Nena giggled and pushed him out the way so she could close the door, “We’ll go for a walk later, promise,” she said looking around her nearly empty apartment, “hopefully.”

She sighed looking at the already packed boxes that were stacked near the door leading to the porch and then the boxes that still needed to be taped and organized. As much as she couldn’t wait to move into her new place she hated the packing part of moving. She didn’t realize how much crap she actually had till she started. Billy suddenly nudged her leg and when she looked down he had his leash in his mouth. Nena laughed, “You’re right, we can deal with this after a walk.”


Helsinki, Finland

Sitting at his mother’s table Ville laid his head on the cool wood and let his hair fall into his face. He was in a t-shirt and suit jacket waiting for his mother to bring down his dress pants that she was pressing for him. As much as he didn’t want to go to another event he knew it wouldn’t be nice to not show up, especially with his friend hosting it. Ville was just getting tired of going out and wanted to stay home for a while at least.

“Ville… Vil!”

Ville jumped as his mother raised her voice, “Yes äiti?”

”Are you sure you are ok? You seem so distracted today. What is troubling you?” she asked with a concerned look on her face.

”No äiti, just wondering I guess. With the tour over, I just wonder what to do. It always happens.” he said with a shake of his head.

”Well poikani (my son), you have survived many tours so you will figure it out soon.” Ville kissed his mother on the cheek and grabbed his pants that his mother held out to him, “Is daddy coming home any time soon?” he asked while pulling his pants on.

“I believe so, he has a lot of new inventory coming in soon and has been wanting to organize the shop lately. You should call him and offer to help so it can get done sooner,” Anita said pouring herself a cup of coffee.

“I will, I need to spend some time with you two anyways.” After a few minutes they heard a car horn out front and Ville got up to see if it was the limo. He called out a goodbye to his mom when he saw that it was and headed outside.

Opening the door he poked his head in and he was greeted loudly by his band mates and two women that he wasn’t expecting. He sighed knowing that one of them, he was going to have to escort for this event. As he shuffled in he tried to avoid eye contact with his female escort and sat next to Mige who was sitting across from Seppo, their manager.

Ville sat with a sigh and when the driver took off he gave Seppo a look, “What now Ville?” he asked seeing that Ville was annoyed.

“Why do you keep bringing around these girls when you know that I will not even be around them when we get to wherever we are going?” It wasn’t that she wasn’t pretty, it was just that Ville couldn’t handle another tabloid accusing him of being in another relationship which was happening a lot lately this year for some reason.

“It’s just for show Ville, you know that and these girls know that too,” Seppo said with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Well, I’d like it if you didn’t anymore,” Ville said ending the conversation. Seppo held his hands up and shook his head.

Mige poked Ville’s shoulder, “What’s wrong?”

“Just really tired, I just want to stay home.”

Mige sighed knowing that it was going to be one of those nights with Ville sulking and sitting on a couch all night, not talking to anyone and drinking coke and water, maybe even a beer. Typical Ville.

Knowing that she didn’t know a lick of English he had come up with a plan. ”Mige, do you like my escort?”

Mige turned to Ville wide eyed, ”Well, she is quite pretty. Great lips and beautiful hair.” Mige said hesitantly, ”Why do you ask Ville?”

Leaning in closer to Mige he said, ”I was wondering if you wanted her since your escort didn’t show. Think of it as a gift of sorts.” Ville said with a smile.

Mige’s eyes lit up and he nudged his friend and moved closer to the woman. Rolling his eyes in amusement as he watched his best friend mingle with her he turned to the window and watched as downtown Helsinki quickly passed by.
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yayy improved chapter 1