What happens in band, stays in band

Chapter 1

I, Paige, had just moved and I was kind of nervous because I hadn't left the state before then suddenly we moved from Arizona to Washington! What a difference in weather. I like that it's cooler but I miss the desert. Anyways! As I walked up the steps to my new school, Key Peninsula High, I gripped my bassoon case tightly in an attempt to stop my hand from shaking. It sort of worked. As I trudged through the hallways looking for the band room I noticed that EVERYONE was standing with at least one other person. Scary isn't it? So here I was the loner in a school full of groups. What fun. I really hoped I would make friends with someone soon so I could fit in.
After pointlessly asking 5 people where the band room is and having them give me blank stares I finally found it. When I walked in the door it was a bustle of activity, everyone quickly assembling instruments, warming up, or tuning. It was a dramatic change from my old school; there everyone seemed to move like a snail while I, the freak, moved at cheetah speed. I scanned the room looking for the director and immediately found him talking to one of the trumpet players, I rolled my eyes. I'm not sure why but trumpet players always seem to get on my nerves. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around so fast I almost lost my case.
"Ah, you must be Paige" he said with a toothy grin. He seemed to be really nice, yet creepy... weird...
"Yes that's me. Where do you want me to sit Mr...?" I asked
"I'm Mr. Quincy. And you can sit over there next to Herb our contra bass clarinet." he pointed to the middle section and to a kid with dark brown hair. He was oddly cute; you don’t find many in band. I walked over to Herb and started to assemble my bassoon. As I was getting the pieces out Herb introduced himself.
"Hi I'm Herb! You must be the new girl. Where're you from?"
Without looking up I said, "Arizona, I moved over the summer." After I attached the head joint I sucked on the reed to get it moist.
"That's gotta be a huge change!" he said with a smile. I looked up and for the first time noticed his eyes, they were pale green and GORGEOUS! I could get lost in those... "Um Paige? Why are you staring at me?" he looked confused, it was so cute! "Hello? Earth to Paige?" he waved a hand in front of my face. I jumped when I saw the sudden movement.
"What? Did you say something?" I asked shaking my head to clear it.
"I said that must be a huge change. So how long have you been playing?"
"This is my fifth year." I said kind of proudly, at my old school most kids would have dropped out by now.
"Sweet! So then you're a sophomore right?"
"Yup! What about you?"
"Me too. Hey you should meet Ginger! Hey Ginger!" he yelled across the room.
"Ginger?" I asked.
"Well his real name's Ryan but there's two other Ryan's in band so everyone, even Mr. Quincy, calls him Ginger" as he spoke a tall boy with bright red hair came over.
"Ginger this is Paige. She just moved here from Arizona and she plays bassoon!" Herb said a little too energetically if you ask me.
"Hey Paige. Awesome that you play bassoon, we really need one." said Ginger kind of sleepily, much more normal to me.
"Hi. So what do you play Ry... Ginger?" I barely stopped myself from calling him by his real name.
"I play trombone"
"Cool I love the racecar noise. It's always made me laugh." I said with a smile.
Ginger laughed and said, "Well I'm gonna go warm up. See you later Paige!" he waved and walked away.

*Ginger's P.O.V.*
As I walked away all I could think about was how beautiful she was, her beautiful blonde hair down to her waist, and her deep green eyes... and her smile! When I first saw it I realized that I would do anything to see it everyday... absolutely anything...

*Paige's P.O.V.*
"So what'd you think of Ginger there?" asked Herb.
"He was... interesting... and you're kind of... peppy..." I said unsure.
"Well! I'm offended!" Herb said and put his hand to his chest in a very girlish way that was so funny that I almost fell out of the chair laughing. "What? What's so funny?"
"You... are!" I gasped between laughs. "Hey when are we gonna start playing?"
"Am I really that funny? And we should start soon."
"Ok. Hey do you guys do anything other then concert music?"
"We do marching band too. Did you have marching band at your old school?"
"No we didn't. Well I guess I'm gonna learn something new. Do you like marching band?"
"I kinda do, it sucks at times though because some of our practices are really early in the morning and it gets really cold here."
"Um yay? That's gonna be fun considering it's really hot in Arizona."
"Yeah that's true. So got any more questions?"
I laughed. "No I think I'm good for now."
Herb looked like he was about to say something but Mr. Quincy tapped his stick on his stand to call for attention.
"Good morning everyone. As you can see this year we have a new member. Paige, from Arizona. She plays bassoon." I felt my face get red. "This year symbolizes the 5th year of our marching band. This year I hope to do more marching activities and go to contests."
A thought came to my mind so I raised my hand. My. Quincy called on me, "Yes Paige?" "Um, what am I supposed to play for marching band?"
"Oh! You'll be playing in drum line. Ask Nick over there after class for the details." He pointed to a guy at the back of the room in the drum cabinet. Nick looked up. "What?"
"Please tell Paige what she'll be doing in marching band after class. Ok, well besides marching I hope to do more advanced concert music this year since we now have the right instrumentation." I felt my face go red again. Unfortunately Herb saw and started to snicker. I stuck my tongue out at him. Mr. Quincy was droning on and on so I started to space. Then there was a sudden pain in my side...

*Herb's P.O.V.*
While Mr. Quincy was giving his speech Paige's eyes glazed over. It was the perfect opportunity to scare her. When the moment was just right I poked her in the side, grabbed her bassoon from her hands and hid it under my coat and backpack. She then, of course, freaked out and I managed to keep a straight face. For about a minute.

*Paige's P.O.V.*
When I felt the pain I jumped and loosed my grip on my bassoon only to have it ripped form my hands. I frantically looked around for my bassoon but didn't see it anywhere. But when I noticed that Herb was having a hard time keeping a straight face I had fire in my eyes. I saw his oddly shaped coat on the ground so I grabbed it and, lo and behold, my bassoon was underneath. Herb started laughing, almost hysterically so I turned to look at him with death eyes. He shut up the second he saw them.
"I could kill you." I hissed.
"But you won't right?" he asked a little nervously.
"No, I won't. Not yet." I saw him gulp and smiled satisfied. My revenge will be sweet, I thought.
After glaring daggers at him for a few minutes I started laughing because he looked so scared. He seemed to calm down once I laughed. For the rest of the class we were making faces at each other. (We did play a few scales too)
Right before the bell rang I realized that I had no idea where my next class was. I pulled out my schedule and turned to Herb, "Hey do you know where Mr. Mitchelson's class is?"
"Yup. I actually have him next too. Yay science!"
"God you're so weird." I sighed as I followed him out of the room. "Do we have any other classes together?" I asked and handed him my schedule.
"Let me see..." he made goofy faces he looked, "Ah yes. We also have P.E. and history together."
"Well at least I have one friend in them." I smiled. Herb looked a little confused but then he smiled.
"So we're already friends?"
"Yep! Well in my opinion anyways. So... where is science?" I asked looking around.
"Why it's right here!" Herb opened the door with a flourish and gestured for me to go first. I curtsied which made him burst out laughing. We walked across the room and sadly I didn't see the desk in front of me and my foot caught on the leg and I feel forward. I expected to feel pain but I never did.

*Herb's P.O.V.*
I saw Paige's foot catch on the desk leg and, quick as a whip, I grabbed her and pulled her close. She seemed to be shaking a little and I thought she was scared but she was actually laughing! I let her go and all I could see was a big goofy grin and tears of laughter running down her face.

*Paige's P.O.V.*
When I tripped I closed my eyes so I didn't actually see what happened, but form what I can gather I tripped on the desk then Herb grabbed me and pulled me close. When I opened my eyes I looked up and saw Herb's gorgeous eyes. I started laughing at my own clumsiness. So hard that I actually started crying and shaking. I clenched my side to stop the pain.
As me and Herb were laughing hysterically other students came into the class and just stared at us. We started to calm down after a while and I asked, "So how much passing time do we have anyways?"
"We have 10 minutes. The bell should ring right... about... now!" he was right on. I high fived him and we sat down in desks beside each other.
Mr. Mitchelson came out from his office and just stared at us for a minute. It was agony. "Welcome to AP biology, I am Mr. Mitchelson and this class will be one you won't forget." his voice kinda creeped me out but he looked pleasant enough. He seemed to be middle-aged, was kinda plump, and wore glasses. "We will be doing lab after lab and if you can't keep up, we won’t wait for you. You all are expected to take the AP biology test in the spring." he looked around the class then continued his speech.
"Hey what kind of guy is Mr. Mitchelson?" I whispered to Herb.
"Well... He's kind of nice when you ask him for help on a lab or something, but don’t EVER turn in anything late." he whispered back.
"Ok, thanks."
After Mr. Mitchelson finished his speech he then handed out a quiz to see what we knew. I zoomed through it and was the first one done. Herb finished right after me.
There was a big gap between the time me and Herb finished and everyone else, at least 15 minutes. By the time the bell rang one girl was just finishing.
Herb and I walked to our next class, for me math and for him English. The classes were right next to each other, worked out nice didn't it?
My teacher was a girl this time, Ms. Tolchuck. She was petite and really bouncy.
"Hi guys! I'm Ms. Tolchuck and I hope we can make math fun!" She gave a big cheesy smile and ran over to the cabinet, opened it and pulled out a big stack of math books with no trouble. She put the stack down on her desk and said, "When I call your name come up and get your math book!"
While I waited for my name to be called I looked around the class. There were actually not that many girls in the class... I felt kind of out of place.
I scanned the faces and to my shock I saw Ginger! I thin he had already noticed me because he had already been looking in my direction when I had spotted him. He waved, got up and started walking towards me.
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I'm sorry if it's a little unclear this is my first story!