You Promised...Thick and Thin


"See you tomorrow, Hayley."

I waved to my friends as I walked out of class, so unbelievably glad to be done for the week.

I weaved my way in and out of the crowded hallway, stopping for some quick chatter with people that I knew, before heading on my way again.

I finally made it to my locker and balanced my books on my hip, holding them steady with one arm as I turned the dial to unlock my locker. But I lost my hold on my books and they toppled to the ground.

"Crap." I muttered, abandoning opening my locker so that I could bend down to get my blasted text books. But someone was already there and I smiled down at him.

"Thanks, Mattie." I said to my boyfriend of…well, my whole life, basically.

He nodded and stood up, holding them easily with one arm as I returned to opening my locker.

"Another week of hell over." I sighed as I took my books from him and set them on the shelf, trying to decide what to bring home with me.

Calculus assignment due Monday afternoon…

"Mmhmm." He said and I glanced at him.

"What's wrong, babe?"

History test on Wednesday morning…

"Nothing." He sighed, leaning one broad shoulder against the locker beside mine. "My sister just ripped my head off."

"Oh, really? Why?"

"I don't know. I asked her if Mom and Dad left for their trip or whatever this morning, and she had no problem ripping me a new asshole."

I frowned at him. "What? Matt…you've known that for weeks."

He rolled his eyes. "Well, I forgot, okay? I'm a guy. I only think of girls and sports. What do you expect?"

I gaped at him. "Hold on, Mr. Cranky-pants. When did it get okay for you to rip my head off?"

He sighed again and closed his eyes, shaking his head briefly before he leaned forward to hug me.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm just not in the best of moods."

I decided to forgive him and raised my head to smile slyly at him.

"So all you think of is girls, huh?" I teased and he nodded, those adorable dimples showing themselves with his small smile.

"Yup. Well…one in particular."

"Oh?" I pulled away to grab my sweater and bag from inside my locker, ditching the idea of homework. I didn’t need to study for history; I had honors in that class. And I could to my calculus homework at lunch on Monday, or copy the answers from Zacky. "And do I know this mystery girl you think about so much?"

"I don’t know. Do you?" He was smirking at me now as I slammed my locker door shut and laced my fingers with his.

"I think I have a pretty good idea." I murmured before raising myself on my tip-toes to kiss him.

"So tonight," He said when I pulled away. "I was thinking of having a party. With the folks being gone, it would be the perfect time. What do you think?"

"Hmm." I bit my lip. "What kind of party are we talking about here? Just our group and a few more getting drunk kind of party, or invite everyone and their grandma kind of party?"

He laughed. "How about our group, getting drunk kind of party? Except we'll add in a little bit of me taking advantage of you afterwards."

I laughed at this and nodded, grinning up at him. "Sounds good to me."

He nodded and grabbed my hand, linking our fingers together before leading me down the hall and out of the school, twirling the ring of his keys around his finger of his free hand.

"So you're not going home. You're coming to my house to help me get ready." He announced and I rolled my eyes at him, using my free hand to give him a two-fingered salute.

"Yes, sir."

He made a face at me, sticking his tongue out at me and I scoffed, using his favorite line, "Hey, don’t stick that tongue out at me unless you plan on using it."

One side of his mouth slowly turned up in a devilish smirk as he growled, "Oh, I'll use it."

My cheeks flushed red and I quickly walked away from him, making my way to his car and listening to the sound of him laughing heartily behind me.

Jimmy and Brian were waiting by Matt's car, obviously needing rides home, and I smiled at them.

"Hey, Brian, how'd you like your first day at the one and only Huntington High?"

He made a face and shrugged his shoulder. "The same as every other high school."

"Hell." Jimmy and I said together.

"Party at my house tonight, fuckers." Matt announced and I made a face at him before
turning away, knowing I would be ignored anyways.

"Yes." Jimmy screamed, pumping his fist in the air.

"Because you're parents are gone, right?" Brian asked and Matt looked at him blankly, glanced at me, and then swiftly changed the subject, ignoring me when I stifled laughter.

"So we have to call Zacky, Johnny, the Berry's-" Matt started listing off names, but Brian already had his cell out and was dialing numbers.

Brent ran past with Lola held tightly on his back, running around in a circle while she screamed and giggled.

Jimmy huffed and shook his head. "Juniors."

I pushed him lightly and called out, "Hey Brent! Go home."

He flipped me off to let Lola hop down before he hugged her and jogged off to find his girlfriend.

Lola came over and I grinned at her as she hugged me from the side.

"Hey, HD."

"Hi, girlie."

She glanced briefly at Brian before walking over to get in the back of the car.

"Shotgun!" I shouted, giggling when Jimmy screamed in protest.

"Hayley Deanna Baker, you always get shotgun."

I laughed victoriously and hopped in the front seat while Matt sat behind the wheel, shaking his head with a small smile.

I looked behind me to see that Lola was pushed into the middle, Jimmy on one side of her while Brian climbed in on the other side.

"I called everyone, and they'll be at your place around six."

Lola rolled her eyes and I patted her leg before turning back around to see Matt was grinning at me.

"This is going to be awesome."