Distance is Nothing


My Beloved, Cassie,

I am writing this so that you will have something to remind you of me while I am gone. I know it is only a year that we will be apart, but it almost seems like forever. I will miss you so much, love. But you know why I have to go.
This will be hard of both of us, I know. Our relationship has always been... chaotic, to a degree, but we rely on each other. Maybe the time apart will be good for us, we can both gain some independence. We fill have to configure our lives, change our routines and everything to make it work, to get used to being away from each other.

I love you.

I wanted to list all of the reasons why I love you, but I can't find enough paper. I think you make me complete, no matter our flaws, our fights. And it will be like that even when we are apart. We can still write letters. I'll call you. The year will fly by.

Waking up without you here will be the worst part, I think. Opening my eyes to see your face, kissing you as soon as I wake... it is my favorite thing ever. The first morning, I'll probably cry. Waking up, looking over as is automatic, and not seeing you there will be terrible. This damned distance will be the death of me, baby.

But we will make it through. And we will be stronger from this. I just know. Think about it: how amazing will it feel when I walk into our house a year from now, Macie is wagging her tail. And I get to hug you. And hear your voice in person, see you. No more phone calls and photos. I know I'll be staring at those photos of your gorgeous face every day. I'm going to miss you so much.

I am worried that the distance will take a toll on our relationship. But we can rebuild, we'll be stronger than before. Our relationship is strong, deep, in our hearts. Not superficial, shallow. We can make it. The year will pass quickly, and it will again be you and I, minus the distance. And we will be content, just being able to hold each other again.

I think the reunion will make it worth it. Leaving will be hard, but maybe it is for the best. I love you more than anything, Cassandra. And I will miss you. We'll be together again, and it will be perfect. Remember that I'm only a phone call or a letter away, always.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ehhh. Not my best. I wanna rewrite it, but I'm busy and lazy, so this is okay. Thanks for reading!