Status: Hey y'all :) This is an active story.

Losing Him Was Blue!

Chapter Seven - We'll Just Keep Looking Up...

10 Days Later
Snow cascading on the window of my Jeep while the windsheildwipers were fighting heavily to rid itself of the foreign beasts, the heat was turned on mainly to keep Claude and Lucia comfortable.

I, however, was enjoying the cold. I had on a grey wool sweater, black leggings and my UGGS. Claude had a thick coat, to keep him warm, blue jeans and his Nikes. Lucia was bundled up with a scarf and even a hat.

It was December 3rd, roughly 10 days from the Pens game and I was honestly, still reeling from it. I was amazed at myself, for being so aloof and the fact that Sid didn’t even recognize me.

I agreed with TK, in the sense that one day I wont get so lucky and he will recognize me, so I was devising a plan to tell him all on my own. I’ll just walk up to him, and tel…

“What the fuck are you waiting for?!” Claude screamed in my ear. I popped from my daze, hearing horns honking around us. “Pedal to the medal, grandma,” I noticed I had zoned out at the red light, waiting for it to change and the line-up of what felt like fifty cars behind us were honking in unison.

Some rude drivers cut into the opposing lane and shot me the finger when they passed.

“Sorry,” I quickly turned the corner and drove down the road, getting shot the finger from the drivers behind us. I had no clue how long I had been sitting there for, but apparently it was a while. “How long was I sitting there?” I asked Claude, braking behind a larger truck.

They had an odd bumper sticker, that looked more faded and worn out, so I could barely read it.

“I have no clue. The light turned green, so everyone started honking, and you sat there spaced out like a goon, so I’d think roughly about two or three minutes,” He spat. “What the fuck were you thinking about?”

“Nothing,” I patted his knee. He didn’t really like being touched and I knew it, he grumbled under his breath, pulling his knee from my hand. “Well, my Dad called me the other day and mentioned going out to the Hamptons on the 15th,”

“Why would we do that?” He laughed, pulling down the mirror to poke at his scruffy facial hair.

“Uhm, because my Moms going to be there, and my brother and sister and my Dad,” I waved one of my hands around, generating excitement for it. He was still a blank canvas. “Dad wants us there for supper and to stay for a few days,” I sped up when the light turned and pulled into the mall parking lot.

Since Christmas was 22 days away, Claude and I were using a free day of his to go shopping for Lucia. Claude offered to take her, when I did the shopping so she wouldn’t see anything.

“I could go, if I don’t have games and shit,” He mumbled under his breath. “Have you told your parents about me?”

“Well, you saw my Mom… sort of and my Dad eh, he knows of you. My brother and sister don’t know you’re my boyfriend,” I didn’t want my sister to think poorly of me, because I’m not with my baby’s Daddy, and the fact that she never met Sidney, is just going to make this whole thing awkward. Matt, assumes Sid and I are still together.

“So, I’m going to a place where no one knows me at all…” He turned to face me, with his features scrunched up. “Why haven’t you told them?”

“Claude, I just haven’t had the time to tell them. My sisters in Melbourne, my brothers in Foxborough. I lived with my Dad and I told him. I’ll tell them, I’m supposed to hear from my sister in a few days, so I’ll just tell her then,”

“That’s comforting,” He rolled his eyes and climbed out of the Jeep, harshly slamming the door. I watched him open Lucia’s door and gather her out of her carseat into his arms and he began walking to the mall.

“I guess I’ll go in on my own,” I sighed, getting my purse together and climbing out of my Jeep and shutting the door, while hitting the lock on my keychain hearing the doors locking behind me.

I trudged into the mall, immediately making my way to the kids store right off the main doors. Claude had taken Lucia to the play area in the middle of the mall, it was a large circle and had a play area and a food court.

“I mean it, Farrah…” I giggled, resting my foot on the wrapping paper covering the box that was holding a stuffed bear I had bought for Lucia today. Claude stayed with her the entire time, and let me shop. The drive home was so quiet and it was unnerving. I hated this.

When we got home a few hours ago, he headed into his game room to play his Xbox and Lucia followed him, and that’s where they’ve been. I decided to get her gifts wrapped up while I had the time. I held the paper to the box by my toes and broke off the piece of tape. “You’re not fat, you are pregnant,”

“Emily, you were pregnant, please tell me you didn’t think you were fat,” She countered. I rolled my eyes, sliding the tape onto the present and attaching a bow to the paper. I scribbled ‘To Lucia from Santa’ on a tag and attached it, while I tossed it into my hockey bag and moved to the next present.

“Okay, touche. I did think I was fat, but I got over it eventually,” I smiled to myself. From a former model like my sister, who’s been a size 1 since she was a teenager, it must be really hard for her to gain weight.

She was pregnant once before, with my nephew Carter, who is by far, the cutest little boy ever and she barely gained any weight.

The doctor said it was because Carter was facing her back, so he was growing towards the spine most the weight gain was towards her butt.

“So in other news, when am I meeting your smoking hot baby Daddy?” She cooed. I let my face fall and I sighed.

“Oh… well, uh, you know,” I itched my forehead, trying to think of exactly what to say to her. Do I tell her the truth? I mean, she’s bound to find out eventually.

She’s been in Australia, so she knows nothing of the American culture and or news, so our break-up didn’t reach her, at least I hope. “In due time, I don’t know if he can make it, you know, he’s a hockey player,”

“I don’t completely understand,” She chuckled. I rolled my eyes. When it came to sports, it was mainly my brother and I who were most into it, while my sister was the shopper and a kind of beauty guru. I love my sister, for who she is.

“Well, he plays hockey, so he has practices and games, it’s like work, he said he’ll try and make it if he can ,” I picked at the clear nailpolish on my pinky. I’ll end up telling her the truth at dinner, I just didn’t want to get into it right now.

“Fuck Emily, make him come. Mom tells me he’s absolutely gorgeous,” She gasped. “I have to get a good look at him,”

“Farrah,” I giggled. “So, did you hear about Mom’s new boyfriend?” I had to change the subject.

I had to get away from the Sidney topic. I guess the next few days will be spent trying to come up with a new plan of how to tell Farrah.

“Yeah, Rohan or something. I hear he’s a cutie for an old guy,” She said simply. “I mean, hello… he’s younger than Dad,”

“Jeff is like 10 years older than you,” I countered. She just turned 28 in July and Jeff was turning 38 in February. Who am I to judge? Sidney was five years older than me and Claude is 4. “But he’s exotic, Farrah, he was born in Barbados,”

“Shut up, really?” She cooed. “Fucking right. I hope they have a baby,”

“Dad’s already on that. He knocked up the pre-schooler,” I laughed, holding my legs out to look at the bright yellow paint covering them.

“Oh, geez. Yeah, what is she like 23?” I knew she was not going to accept Carrie. I was still waiting to see what Matt had to say. “I mean, blah, she’s younger than me. How awkward is that going to be to explain to people? My fathers new wife is like five years younger than me,”

“That’s what I told him. Apparently she makes him happy,” I rolled my eyes. “Like really bitch? She is 30 fucking years younger than you,”

“What’s Matt’s take on all this?” Farrah asked.

“I don’t even think he knows,” I laughed. “I haven’t talked to him for fuck, the longest time. He doesn’t call or come to see me or any of that crap. I don’t think he knows he’s an uncle, again,” I got the next present wrapped and tossed it in my hockey bag.

I was going to put everything in there, zip it up and set it in my closet. Lucia can’t work zippers or buttons yet, so I knew she couldn’t get what was in there.

“Yeah, I talked to him in May, over IM when he was on. We talked for five and then he went off line. I haven’t talked to him since,” She sighed. “I don’t know what his deal is,”

“Meh, I guess we’ll see him at the dinner. I know Mom and Dad can convince him to come,” I smiled. He was a mama’s boy for sure and I knew he’d bend over backwards to please our Mother, no matter what, so if she asked him to go to the dinner, he would.

I hoped my brother and sister would go, I wanted to tell them both the truth and have them both meet Lucia. I know they’d both love her.
♠ ♠ ♠
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! :D So, this chapter is basically a filler, because... welll... I guess they can't all be winners :)

Buuuut, it's going to pick up and get really intense soon! :)

I have a surprise for all of you, my lovelies! Keep your eyes peeled for it.

I love you all, have a very merry christmas! Comment and subscribe xoxoxo