Status: layout by fagatron;

My Heart Isn't a Toy

Mr.Styles you have my heart

"Pleeeease Micah?" Niall begged me

"No I don't want to go," I said to the blonde boy standing infront of me.

His blue eyes stared into mine.

"Harry is going to be there," Niall smirked

"Oh that makes me want to go even more now," I said sarcastically

"I know you fancy him."

"Who told you that?"

"Micah its so easy to tell that you do. The way you smile when you're around him."

"Whatever Niall I'm still not going."

"Yes you are whether you like or not, you'll be my date."

"Fine! I'm only doing this for you"

A cheesy grin formed on my Irish friends face. I really didn't want to go to this party. I never go anywhere with the boys anymore so I might as well. Alright so I'm a little excited that Harry is going to be there. Whats the big deal? Not sure on what to wear I went with a cute floral dress and my black slip ons. I kept my hair how it was... down. I wasn't in the mood to put on much make up so I just put on some mascara and a bit of blush. Niall whistled when I walked back into the living room of my flat. I felt my cheeks getting hot.

"Save it Irish boy now lets go," I said

Niall opened the passenger side door for me like the gentleman he is. I was quiet the whole ride. Unlike Niall who was talking my ear off. I just nodded to make him think I was listening when I really had something else on my mind. Harry.

I met Harry threw Niall. As well as Louis, Zayn, and Liam. There was just something about Harry that made me so attracted to him. It could've possibly been his gorgeous curls, or his beautiful emerald green eyes , or his dazzling smile. Hell all three.

I became nervous when Niall parked the car. What would Harry think when he saw me? I quickly shook off the thought. Niall hooked his arm in mine when I got out if his car. The club was jammed pack. I really doubt that whoever's this party is knows all these people. Niall led me to a table where Liam, Danielle, Zayn, Perrie, Louis, and Eleanor were sitting.

"Where's Haz?" I asked

"I'm not sure love," Louis said

Oh well I guess. I sat next to Zayn and Niall sat across from me next to Eleanor. After a few minutes Niall got up to get us some drinks. He brought me my favorite Vodka and cranberry juice. I knew he was trying to cheer me up.

"Micah just go find him," Liam blurted out

"What?" I asked confused

"Harry go find him," Liam said

"Li look how many people are here it's going to take me forever!" I said

"I highly doubt that," Niall mumbled staring at something straight ahead.

I turned around in my seat to see what he was looking at. It was Harry. He was all over some girl. It hurt my heart to see that. I turned back around. Zayn leaned over towards me.

"Don't worry love she's been creeping on him all night, he just is flirting so she'll leave him alone," Zayn whispered in my ear.

That makes me feel a whole lot better. Just kidding no it doesn't. I started to play with the straw in my drink.

"Come dance with me Micah," Niall said

I looked up at Niall. I quickly shook my head. I'm not the best dancer in the world.

"You will if you love me," Niall smiled

Ugh I hate when he pulls that card on me. Just because hes my best guy friend. I got up from my seat and followed Niall to the dance floor. Surprisingly Niall is a good dancer. I've only really seen him do his famous Irish dancing that's it.

"I'll take over now if you don't mind," I heard a husky voice say

I swear my heart stopped. Niall was gone within seconds only to be replaced by Harry. I tryed hiding my smile.

"Nice to finally see you Mr. Styles," I said

"You to my lovely Micah," Harry smiled

Oh my gosh. Did he just call me his? Harry pulled me in closer to him. We weren't dancing we were just standing there and I don't know why.

"Haz are you alright?" I asked

"I'm fine love," Harry mumbled

Slowly he started leaning in towards me. As he did my heart rate started to pick up. I knew exactly what he was going to do. When his lips touched mine it felt like magic. They were so soft and smooth. He glided his tounge across my bottom lip asking for an entrance which I gave him. Me and Harry stood in the middle of the dance floor snogging for a good ten minutes before he broke the kiss. A huge smiled formed on both of our faces. I've been waiting for that for a very long time. We went back to the table with everyone else. I took me seat back next to Zayn. Harry went to get me a drink. He had be gone for a while and I started to get worried.

"I'm going to use the ladies room I'll be back," I said

I had to push past a lot of people to get to the restrooms. I got to the hallway of the restrooms when I saw to people snogging. And it wasn't a normal snog. It was like they were trying to eat each others faces. As I got closer I seen that he leg was wrapped around his waist and his hand was up her dress. That's disgusting. The nerve people have. I froze in my tracks when I heard his name.

"Harry," She practically moaned

I gasped loudly. I quickly covered my mouth but it was to late. He was looking in my direction.

"Micah?" Harry asked

I turned around and ran. Tears were running down my cheeks by time I got back to the table. The boys all stood up when they seen me.

"Micah wants wrong? What happened?" Niall asked worried

"Can you take me home please?" I asked

"Not until you tell us what happened," Louis said

"Harry ," I managed to say

"What did he do?" Zayn asked

"I was walking to the restroom then I saw him snogging some girl with his hand up her dress," I said

Danielle, Eleanor, and Perrie gasped in shock and discuss.

"God damn it!" Niall shouted

Without a word I turned around and left. Niall was chasing after me calling out my name but I just ignored him. I wanted to get out of here and go home. I felt him wrap his arms around my wrist and pull me towards him. I bumped right into his chest. His blue eyes were watering.

"You know how much it hurts me seeing you cry? You're like my little sister I can't handle it. Stay please I'll go talk to Harry. Maybe give him a good beatin' but just please don't leave," Niall begged

"Okay," I whispered

Niall wrapped me in a tight hug. Then kissed the top of my head. I sat with the girls while the boys went to talk to Harry. The boys came back and Harry was with them. I buried my head on Zayn's shoulder to avoid eye contact or anything at all with Harry. I'm beyond pissed of with him. How could he kiss me then go off and practically have sex with some whore!? It definitely broke my heart and ruined my night.


When I woke up I had no idea where I was. My head was spinning and I felt like I was going to throw up. It didn't take me long after that to realize that I was on Niall's couch in his flat. I was also in a pair of his boxers and shirt. I don't want to know who put them on me. The flat was really quiet and that's not normal. Its Niall hes never quiet. I walked into the kitchen to see Harry sitting at the table. Seeing him made my heart hurt.

"Micah please let me explain about what happened last night," Harry said

"What's there to explain Harry?" I asked rudely

"I was drunk."

"That's no excuse!"

"I know. I feel horrible. I couldn't sleep at all because how guilty I felt."


"I've always loved you Micah."

Okay that caught me off guard.

"What did you just say?" I asked shocked

"Its always been you. Ever since I layed my eyes on you I thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're nothing like those other girls out there," Harry said

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"If you don't forgive me I understand. But Micah I do love you more then you can imagine," Harry said

"My heart isn't a toy Harry Styles," I said

"I don't plan on playing with it."

"I do forgive you Harry only because I ... I love you to"

Harry stood there looking dumbfounded. I giggled.

"Are you going to kiss me or not Styles?" I laughed

"Oh I am," Harry smirked

Harry walked across the kitchen to me. He gently grabbed my face between his hands and pressed his lips to mine. I felt him smile into the kiss. He broke the kiss.

"I love you Micah, " Harry whispered

I didn't have time to reply before his lips were back on mine.
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I reeeeally hope you like this Micah(:

If you don't just let me know and I'll Re write it for you(: