I Won't Give Up


The first week was weird,knowing Ameila was there within reach was I was at school had me in mommy mode more so then ever. "Dawson,love I assure you no one will hurt her" Greg said,watching me create a fence out of chair to keep the students from accidently dancing themselves into her.

Looking up at him I just shrugged and continued before returning the class as Ameila laid asleep in her play pen,the stuffed teddy bear I had gotten right beside her. Smiling weakly at Greg,he just shook his head and we started dancing again.

I picked Ameila up once class was over and she had woken up "Greg,I'm gonna head to the lunch room with her. I'll be back soon" I said,Jackson came up to my side and nodded towards Greg. Greg smiled and nodded his head,walking over and kissing the top of Ameila's head before letting us leave.

Jackson followed me to the lunch room,keeping the other kids from coming near me. A few others following me and oogling over Ameila who seemed to love the attention she was getting. Shaking my head,I headed into the back room "Good afternoon ladies!" I said,closing the door behind me.

"Dawson! I was wondering when you would stop by!" Mrs.Summers said happily,walking over to me "ooh,Marge come look at this little girl. She's so adorable" She said. Ms.matthews walking over and googling over Ameila as well "How old is she?" She asked,looking up at me.

"She's almost a year old" I said smiling,Marge asked to hold her and I said yes. placing her in Marge's arms. Ameila looked at me with wide eyes before I smiled warmly "She's alright sweetie" I said. Ameila looked at Marge before giggling happily.

"She has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Where's her mother?" She asked before Ameila pointed at me and giggled.

"Mama! mama dare!" She said,causing Marge to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Care to explain Dawson?" she asked as Ameila kept saying mama over and over again before giggling as Marge tickled her.

"Well....You rememeber telling me I was something special?" I asked causing her to nod before her eyes widened and she looked at Ameila "Yep...I became pregnant,carried her for eight and a half months and now here she is" I said.

"Oh wow" she said before hearing the bell "Uh oh,time to get back to work" she said and handed Ameila a small treat before handing her back to me "Come see us tomorrow Dawson and bring her father" she said,smiling.

"You've met him already. It's Greg my dance teacher" I said before leaving the room.

One Month

I woke up in the middle of the night to Ameila screaming her head off in the bedroom,shaking Greg I jumped out of bed and headed into the room. Ameila was standing up in her crib,tears streaming down her face.

Hurrying over i went to pick her up and gasped "Jesus! Greg she's burning up!" i said,feeling her body before looking at her "What hurts honey? throat? stomach?" I asked before Ameila placed her hands on her ears causing me to groan "Ear infections.." I said.

"I'll get the car ready" Greg said,running out of the room as I tried calming Ameila down. Once in the car,we headed to Mr.Patel's house again to get her checked out. Ameila whimpered and cried softly from the back seat as greg drove.

"I know sweetie,I know they hurt" I said before looking at Greg "We'll have to get tubes in her ears. severe ear infections run in my family and can leave us deaf if not treated" I said. Greg grimched and looked at me then back at the rode.

"Surgery?" he asked sighing as he looked at Ameila "I don't know Dawson" he sighed. taking his hand I squeezed softly.

'It's either that..or let the infections continue until she's deaf" I said causing Greg to sighed deeply and nod his head as he continued to drive.