I Won't Give Up


Nine Months.

That's how long it's been since our house was burned down to pieces,two months after Greg got the insurence money from the house and it took another month to get a new house. Ameila seemed to adore the new home,constantly exploring and just being a little girl.

I still couldn't believe she would be three in just another month,everything had gone by so quickly and slowly,the house was becoming a home again. I had invested in a chemical spray for the house,something that would keep it protected from another fire should anything happen.

Greg was still searching for the person who set our old home on fire but still no result,I saw him slowly start to give up and just move on with his life,slowly coming back to me and Ameila.

"Hey..I gotta go out into town for sometimes..do you need anything?" He asked me one morning as he walked into the kitchen. I looked at him and shook my head

"No,I'm good. Oh wait. Ameila's new meds is ready to be picked up,could you get those as well?" I asked. Greg smiled and nodded his head,leaning over and kissing me before grabbing his keys and leaving with an I love you just as the door closed.

I turned back to the sink and continued to wash dishes while Ameila laid asleep,she hadn't been feeling to well so we let her sleep in and only woke her to take her meds.

Three Hours Later

I finished cleaning the downstairs and headed up the stairs to Ameila's room "Sweetie,it's time to get up. You need to eat and take your meds" I said,opening the door only to be blasted by a large gust of wind,finding her missing and her window wide open "Ameila!!" I screamed,running to the window only to find a note stuck to the window.

This child is the work of the devil,man is not allowed to birth a child,that is a women's job only,she and your family live in the devils sin was all it read,I spun around the room,tears streaming down my face before I took off downstairs towards the house phone.

"hello?" Greg answered,I heard some loud noise in the background and a bunch of kids,making me cry hard "Dawson? honey what's wrong?" He asked suddenly,his voice extreamly worried.

"S-Someone took A-Ameila! I-I went to wake her up and she's gone! her window wide open!!" I sobbed into the phone,my knees giving out under me. I barely heard Greg tell me he was on his way home as the phone dropped from my hands "W-Why? F-First my house..now my daughter" I cried
into my hands.

I barely heard the door open and found the twins down beside me,holding me their arms as I cried "We'll find her Dawson. We promise" they said together,rubbing my back as the others soon joined us. I wanted my daughter,I wanted her back in my arms and to never let her go. The last person to arrive in the house was Greg and it was clear his temper was on the verge of exploding.