I Won't Give Up


After telling him everything I knew, he nodded and them looked down at his hands. I was scared and nervous, and I watched as Ameila as she colored in one of the coloring books Nurse Summers had brought for her so she would be entertained for a while.

After a while, I finally got the nerve to ask, "Who did this to you?" Dawson looked up at me with a scared and angered look, and I don't know if it was because of me or the shooter. Before she could answer, Amelia chimed in without looking up.

"It was that bad boy from school the twins were always talking about. The one that hurt mommy the first time." I stood up and started pacing, knowing that I couldn't lose my temper at the moment.

"The sick ..." I started, but stopped myself for Ameila's sake. I know she's heard me any everyone else use bad words, but I always tried to refrain from using them too often. "How did he know where were living? No one knows except for the twins, Fifi, Wil, and Jackson."

"I don't know, Greg. All I know is that we're going to have to take extra precautions," Dawson said, holding out his hand. I walked over to him and grabbed it, pressing my lips to his fingers for a long moment. My heart was breaking, and not from knowing Alex did this, or the fact that he was pregnant again, but for a whole other reason.

A reason I was going to kick myself in the ass for later.

Time Elapse -- Two Months

Once the doctor discharged Dawson, we got our stuff together and headed out to the car. I had all the bags but one, and Ameila was currently walking a leashed Bell around the grassy areas of the hospital parking lot with Dawson, who had the one bag. I put everything the trunk of the car and watched as Dawson smiled warmly down at Ameila who was giggling at her floppy-eared dog.

After a while, they finally came over to the car. Dawson threw the backpack Ameila had brought with us in the back by her car seat and helped strapping her in. Quickly after that, he helped Bell into the back seat with our daughter and closed the door. Meeting my gaze, he gave me a heart-stopping smile, and I felt that much worse about everything.

Getting in, we drove silently all the way home, the only sounds was the giggles of Ameila and the panting and soft happy growls of Bell. I stole a quick glance at them, watching as the two played as much as they could in the back seat, and smiled warmly. Ameila was so carefree at the moment, nothing in the world bugging her. I then got an idea.

Making a sharp U-turn, I made way to the ranch an old friend owned. "Where are we going?" Dawson asked, looking at me with slight confusion, and I just smiled. "Tell me!" he said, becoming over-dramatic. I shook my head as I continued to smile, knowing he was going to become happy. Which made my decision that much more painful.

Time Elapse

After about a thirty minute drive, we arrived at the range and Dawson let out a gasp. "I didn't know this even existed here!" he exclaimed, startling Bell, who in turn woke up a sleeping Ameila. "Oops. Sorry, sweetie."

"Where are we?" she asked, looking around blankly. She gasped and banged on the window. "Ponies!" she exclaimed, causing Dawson to look excitedly out the window.

"They're gorgeous," he said as we pulled up next to the house just as George and his wife Nola walked out of the door in a rush, a 2-barrel shot gun in both of their hands. I immediately got out of the car and raised an eyebrow.

"Gregory," said George, lowering his gun and smiling.

"George," I replied, smiling at him and then winking at Nola. "Nice seeing you two again," I went on. "I want you to meet my fiance, Dawson, and our daughter, Ameila."

"They're fine with you being gay?" Dawson said, getting out of the car and looking between us confused. I nodded.

"They were the first people I came out to fourteen years ago," I said, laughing. "Are they still for sale?" I asked George, knowing he knew what I was talking about.

"Yep. I'm surprised you're the first one to come ask about them," Nola said, handing her gun to George. "Follow me, babes," she said, motioning for us to follow her. Grabbing Bell's leash, I hooked her up as Dawson grabbed Ameila.

We walked for a few minutes until we came to the gate which held the full-sized ponies and a separate structure that held the full-sized horses. "You own a horse ranch?" Dawson asked, looking around in awe. "I've never seen so many in my life."

"Greg came here every day for a year, helping us tend to them," George said, looking at me with a grin. "There's Hitchcock," he went on, pointing at the only mustang on the entire ranch. "Remember him?"

I nodded and walked over to him, motioning for Dawson to follow me. "This horse was my best friend in my mid-twenties, so not for very long. He always listened and always greeted me when I came by," I said, walking through the fence and watching Hitchcock gallop over to me. He butted me gently on the shoulder with his muzzle and I saw the shimmer of recognition in his eyes. "It's good to see you, too, Hitch," I whispered, running my hand through his mane.

"What were you talking about earlier? When you asked if 'they were still for sale'?" Dawson asked, walking over slowly with Ameila.

"Did you see the walking pony on the way in?" I asked, causing Dawson to nod. "She's one of them, still has to be named. Hitchcock here is also one, and finally, there's the Choctaw horse over there," I said, pointing him. "Also needs to be named. When I heard about them being sold, I had to get over here as soon as possible. If we were to buy them, we'd all have some place to come to to relax and have a good time."

"Let's do it," Dawson said, giving me the greatest smile I've ever seen. I nodded and I grabbed Ameila, hoisting her up onto Hitchcock, getting a worried look from Dawson. Grabbing the reins, I said, "He's a very well-trained horse. I would trust him with anything, even my daughter. Here," I said, handing him the reins. "Take her for a little ride while I go seal the deal." At that, I walked off.

Time Elapse -- Three Hours

Holding Dawson close to me, we stared over at our very worn out, sleeping daughter, Bell curled up at her feet. "I can't believe she's gonna be a big sister soon," Dawson said, letting out a small sigh.

"Dawson we need to talk," I said suddenly, knowing I was about to break apart the heart that has shown me nothing but love, even when my stubborn jackass side would show. Walking toward our room, I sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to me.

"What's going on, Greg?" he asked, looking at me with curious eyes. "Is everything okay?"

"I think we should stay friends for a while," I said, not looking at him. I didn't have to to know he was shattered. "I know we've been planning to get married, be a family. I just ... feel that until everything is taken of ... everything ... we should just take it slow."

"Why now? Because I'm pregnant again, is that it? Or maybe because the fact that Alex has found us and nearly killed me? Or have you just had enough of me?"

"Are you listening to yourself?" I asked, looking him dead on. "I am so fucking in love with you that I can't bear thinking about walking away from you. I'm doing this to protect you! I can fucking promise you that the moment I lay eyes on Alex, I will bury his ass twenty feet under alive. I will go to the ends of the damn planet to make sure you're safe! You and Ameila both!"

"Then why are you doing this?" he asked, looking so broken.

"It's the only way I can protect you," I whispered, grabbing him by the collar and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. "I promise you'll never be alone. Even if I'm not here."