Status: completed

If These Sheets Were States

"I would of married you in Vegas if you'd given me the chance to say I do"

We were both silent for a minute, I'd imagined seeing him again so many times over and over in my head but I'd never imagined it like this, I never thought it'd be so awkward, not when we both used to be so close and comfortable with each other. I gave him a small smile hoping that he would say something.

“How's New York?” Alex asked.

“It's good, really good. I'm living out there with Kara and Eden.” I replied.

“Yeah Rian said, you look really well like healthy and stuff.” Alex said stumbling over his words.

“Um thanks? You too.” I said awkwardly had we really started talking about who looked healthy?

“Alexxxxxxxx!” A winey voice called.

I knew who it was instantly and sure enough there she was Chelsea she came over looking me directly in the eyes and wrapping her arms around Alex's neck as if she was trying to prove the point that he was hers and not mine. She had let her hair grow out until it reached the middle of her waist and it was dyed a bright shade of blonde, she wore ridiculous amounts of makeup for going to the pool and was wearing the skimpiest red bikini I'd ever seen, her boobs looked as if they were about to pop out.

“What are you doing here?” She asked glaring at me whilst resting her head on Alex's shoulder.

“Obviously I'm here for Jack's birthday, he invited me.” I shot back.

“Mhm, well you should just go home to be honest no one wants you here especially not me and Alex.”

Alex opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it when Chelsea glared at him, she had him wrapped around her little finger. I rolled my eyes and laughed quietly to myself she was exactly the same as she was in high school maybe even more pathetic now.

“Oh Chelsea I really had hoped you had grown up since high school obviously not but please do me a favour and fuck off.” I said before walking off.

I couldn't deal with her shit, I was here for Jack's birthday I wasn't going to leave just because she wanted me too. I walked over to Cassadee and Rian who were sitting on two separate sunloungers, Cassadee was reading a book and Rian looked asleep with his hat pulled over his eyes. Cassadee moved her legs up so I could sit down at the end of the lounger, bookmarking her book and putting it down on the side.

“I saw the Chelsea came over to you and Alex, I did try to distract her but she properly knew that was the only reason I was talking to her because she knows I don't like her.”

“Thanks for trying, how come you don't get on?” I asked.
“Well it was about a couple of months ago her and Alex broke up whilst we were all on holiday together there was a lot of swearing between them and stuff then she stormed off and we didn't know where she was so I told Rian to help me look for her because we used to get on quite well and I was worried about her, Rian found her first and she tried to kiss him and kept telling him how she was so much better for him than I was and she didn't even love Alex, obviously Rian came back and told me everything. I confronted her about it and she basically told me to fuck off and it was none of my business what she did in her life and I guess that was where the friendship ended.” Cassadee explained.

“What a bitch. Does Alex know about what happened?”

“Nope, we decided to not tell him we just didn't want to make things awkward between Rian and Alex but then a couple of days before we left to go back after the holiday Alex and Chelsea got back together, we told him that wasn't a good idea but he thought that we were jealous of them and he got really pissy with us so we thought it would just be best to leave it.”

“I can't believe he is with her, doesn't he remember everything that happened in high school she was such a fucking bitch back then to everyone including him!”

“Rian told me a lot of the stuff that happened between you guys in high school, she sounded like a right bitch. I guess Alex just has to make his own mistakes before he realises that she isn't the girl for him and that he could do a lot better.”

“I hope he realises soon.” I said looking back over to Alex and Chelsea who were now kissing.

I decided that I didn't want to see anymore so I made up an excuse to Cassadee that I wasn't feeling well and was going to go in my room. I went quickly to my room using the lift as it was quicker, once I got in the room I flopped onto the bed laying down and shutting my eyes. I was still sort of tired from my 'short' flight and we were all meant to be going to this club tonight so I decided to have a power nap.


“The door's open!” I called out as I finished the last of my makeup. I stared at myself in the mirror adjusting my short black dress so it wasn't as revealing as it had just been, I pushed my hair back over my shoulders, falling into natural waves reaching my the top of my bum. I turned around to hear the door click shut and footsteps come into the bedroom.

“You know you shouldn't just let anyone come in, I could have been a rapist.” Jack said jokingly.

“Well I knew that it only either be you, Cass or Rian so I wasn't too bothered.” I stated.

“You look good, you ready for tonight?”

“Thanks, mhm I'm ready I had a sleep earlier so I won't be tired.”

“Cassadee said you didn't feel well, you're feeling better now right? Cause we are gonna get smashed.” Jack said a grin going from one side of his face to the other.

“Of course I am Jacky, we are going to celebrate your birthday in style!” I exclaimed.

Jack replied with a simple good, taking a seat on the end of my bed waiting for me to finish getting ready. I grabbed a small purse that could hang on my shoulder and shoved my phone, hotel key, money and lipgloss inside zipping it up then slinging it onto my shoulder telling Jack that I was ready now.

We walked outside of the room, Jack pulling the door shut behind him then wrapping one of is arms around my waist which sent a shiver down my spine, we took the stairs going down into the lobby the club that we were going to was actually in the hotel so it was only a short walk there. Once we arrived I realised that the club was already packed as we went inside, I recognised Cassadee instantly as she was sitting at the bar on a stool next to Rian sipping at some drinks. I grabbed Jack's hand pulling him over to them, greeting Cassadee in a hug and waving at Rian.

“What do you want to drink?” Jack asked me.

“Vodka and lemonade please.” I said smiling.

Jack ordered two drinks, handing one to me and holding the other with his hand. After three hours I was more than drunk just like everyone else. For some reason I had agreed to do shots with everyone earlier which was a huge mistake, I was pissed out of my head and I felt like if I moved in the slightest I was going to throw up. I sat myself down on one of the empty, black, leather sofa's in the club resting my head on the side and letting myself slide down. I felt a body jump down and sit closely beside me but I didn't bother to open my eyes my head hurt too much.

“Wanna come back with me?” An unfamiliar voice slurred.

I opened my eyes, turning to face the man who I had never seen before. He had short brown hair and the prettiest green eyes. He placed his hand quite high up my thigh, staring at me directly into my eyes.

“I-I-I'm alright.” I said standing up my legs feeling wobbly.

“No! Stay here.” The man instructed pulling on my arm to yank me down.

I glared at him sitting as far away as I could from him. There was no point trying to have an argument with him I was too drunk and so was he, that was until he thought he had touching rights to every part of my body.

“Get the fuck off!” I shouted alerting quite a few people who all looked round staring at us.

“Shh, sit back down baby.” He said grabbing hold to my hand.

“I am not your 'baby', get off me you prick!” I shouted louder hoping that someone would come over.

“Are you fucking deaf dude!? Leave her the fuck alone.” Another man's voice shouted. The guy who was currently holding my hand dropped it quickly and scurried off.

I turned around to thank the man who had shouted at him and was quite surprised to see that it was Alex. His fits were balled up tight with anger and his jaw was clenched, I didn't think he'd get this angry. I took a couple of steps towards him until we were only a few centimetres apart.

“Thankyou.” I said softly slurring a little.

Alex's hands softened until they were flat again, he had a mixture of shock across his face and happiness what was that about? He simply nodded his head at me and walked off. That was strange...

Alex's POV:

I didn't expect to get so jealous when I saw Jen sitting with another guy after all I was in a committed relationship and she was single free to do or see who ever she wanted but when I saw her start shouting at him to get off of her and he wouldn't all I felt inside was anger. How dare he think that he can just start touching her just because he wanted to, he had no right I didn't care if he was drunk I just wanted to punch him right in the face.

Jen looked surprised when she saw it was me sticking up for her and when she said “thankyou” I knew what was wrong, all my past feelings that I had buried away for her were coming back and that couldn't happen because I was getting married to Chelsea, I couldn't screw her over just because I had started feeling something again towards Jen, besides Jen might not even like me like that anymore then if I told her I'd just make myself look like a mug and I wasn't prepared to do that. I decided to just try and ignore these feelings, they were unimportant and confusing. Instead I just simply nodded at her and walked away too find more drink because at least that would numb out my feelings for a little while.
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sorry for the long wait and the short chapter, I've just honestly had no motivation to write but I hope you enjoy this chapter! please please comment :)