Status: completed

If These Sheets Were States


“So you're gonna try and be friends!?” Cass said excitedly.

I had just explained everything to Cass and luckily she wasn't too annoyed about me leaving her for so long.

“Yeah!” I exclaimed my smile getting even bigger.

“Ah I'm so happy for you, I even forgive you for leaving me stranded in the toilet for so long.” Cassadee said jokingly.

“I am really sorry about that by the way.”

“It's fine, I'm just so glad that you and Alex are talking again.”

“Only as friends though...”

“Everything starts off as friends.” Cass said winking.

“He's get married so yeah nothings gonna happen... Swear she's got some sort of hold over him the Alex I knew would never have got married so young not when he's got his whole life ahead of him. She'll end up getting pregnant then he'll have to settle down and then the band will break up ugh.” I said ranting.

“Bit extreme honey, I just think maybe Alex thinks he can't do any better than her they've been on and off since high school there's always going to be some sort of love there.”

“He can do better than her a lot better, she's a bitch and she always will be.”

“I know that, you know that, hell everyone knows that but he can't see it but he will eventually figure it out especially when he realises he's still in love with you. Now go get yourself dolled up for dinner tonight! I'll get Jack or someone to pick you up later okay?”

I nodded my head watching Cass walk out of the room then quickly going to the wardrobe where I had stored all of my clothes. I choose a black high waisted skater skirt with a white crop top and quickly put them on before deciding what high heels to wear. Next I went over to the mirror to fix my hair, I pulled my straighteners out of my bag, plugging them in and quickly running them through my hair. Afterwards I clipped my fringe back to one side to keep it out of my face and started to apply some eyeliner and mascara and lipgloss. Now I was ready all I had to do was sit for the next hour and do nothing, this was gonna be fun...

I stood up and went to open the door since someone was repeatedly banging on it. When I opened the door I was greeted by a cheerful Jack who instantly wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into a tight hug.

“Can't breathe.” I muffled my face in Jack's chest.

Jack instantly let his grip of me go and taking a step back.

“Sorry, you look beautiful by the way.” Jack said grinning.

“Thankyou, you don't look so bad yourself.”

“Yeah, yeah c'mon now it's only a short walk to the restaurant.” Jack said holding out his hand for me.

I grabbed my clutch bag then grabbed hold of Jack's hand our fingers entwining. We'd held hand plenty of times but for some reason it felt different tonight, like there was something more too it. We took the stairs down to the lobby, straight outside the fresh breeze hitting us instantly. We crossed the road quickly and on the opposite side was a Italian restaurant which was where we were eating. With our hands still attached we went inside the restaurant, seeing our friends straight away walking over to them. It was only a small dinner tonight with Cass, Rian, Zack, Alex, Chelsea me and Jack. I smiled at Alex who was frowning and me and Jack. I took the seat next to Cass and Alex but it was opposite from Jack.

“You okay?” Cass asked me.

“I think so.” I whispered back to her.

It didn't take long for a waitress to come over to us to take our orders.

“I'll have a cheese and tomato pizza with a beer please.” Alex instructed.

“A ceaser salad with garlic bread and a glass of white wine.” Chelsea said not bothering to say please.

“Spaghetti bolonese and a pepperoni pizza with a beer and a coke please.” Rian said ordering for him and Cassadee.

The waitress nodded scribbling down the orders on her piece of paper before looking up again to find out the rest of our orders.

“Can I have the chicken wrap with chips and a beer. Thanks.” Zack ordered.

“Pepperoni pizza and a beer cheers.” Jack said.

“Uhm, cabonara pasta and a diet coke please.” I asked.

The waitress scribbled down the rest of our orders and said that the food should be here with the next twenty minutes before walking off. After our drinks came everyone started talking getting into loud conversations apart from me and Alex. I excused myself from the table to go to the bathroom, I didn't actually need it I just wanted to get away from the awkwardness that was surrounding the table.

I went inside the bathroom, going straight to the mirror and fixing my makeup applying some powder to my face since it was a bit shiny. After five minutes I decided it was properly time to come out, maybe when the food came things would be a little less awkward. I pushed the door to the bathroom open walking out and bumping straight into someone. I immediately started apologising before looking up to see who I had bumped into. Alex again. He pulled my arm pulling me too the side, he didn't look to happy. I pulled my arm away from his grip, glaring angrily at him.

“What?!” I asked.

“What's going on with you and Jack?!” Alex asked angrily jealousy dropping off every word.

“Nothing.” I replied bluntly.

“Hm sure that's why he can't stop staring at you and you walked here hand in hand.” Alex said rolling his eyes.

“Not that it has anything to fucking do with you Alex but nothing is going on!”

“I know when Jack likes someone and I can tell he likes you. The least you owe me is to tell me the truth!”

“I am telling you the truth Alex! Nothing is going on and I don't 'owe' you anything we're not together anymore we haven't been together for years now so what I do in my 'love life' has fuck all to do with you, you're the one who is getting married to the biggest bitch going!”

“So you're getting with Jack because I'm getting married? Mature Jen really...”

“I'm not getting with Jack bloody hell how many times do I have too say it! Unlike you Jack actually stayed in touch with me when I moved to New York he always stayed my friend he didn't just ditch me and forget about me like you did.” I spat angrily turning around so I didn't have to face Alex.”

“I thought it would be easier for both of us to move on if I stayed away...”

“Yeah well guess what it didn't make things any easier for me, I've only had one boyfriend since you and he broke up with me because he knew that I wasn't over you. So how pathetic does that make me? You're getting fucking married and I'm still stuck like I was when I was sixteen.”

“I-I didn't know you felt that way. I don't know what to say okay?”

“Why are you getting married to her Alex? The Alex I knew would have never taken such a serious commitment when you still have your whole life ahead of you...” I said turning around to face him again.

“Promise not to tell anyone? Not even Jack or Cass no one.” Alex said pleading.


“She's pregnant.”

“What!?” I exploded before I knew it a few tears sprung down my cheeks.

“I know I can hardly believe it myself... I'm not ready to be a dad but Chelsea said she wasn't going to keep the baby if we didn't have a serious commitment between us and it's not fair to have an innocent baby's life taken away just because I have commitment issues.”

“Do you love her Alex? Do you love Chelsea?”

“In all honestly a few weeks ago before she told me she was pregnant I was going to break things off with her, sometimes she can be the best person to be around and other times she gets so jealous I can't even talk to a fan without her kicking off accusing me of flirting with them but now I have to stay with her for the baby's sake.”

“Why aren't you telling the guys? They deserve to know, it's gonna affect them too.”

“I don't know how to tell them... They're gonna hate me for being so stupid. They hate her guts and she knows that.”

This was too much information to process, Alex was going too be a dad, he was going to get married, I was never going to get him back. I felt sick, I didn't want to keep this a secret to myself I needed to talk about it to someone.

“If you don't tell them soon they'll end up getting more angry about it. Tell them tonight... I should go back to the table now I've been long enough.” I said not waiting for a reply from Alex before walking back to the table.

I sat down at the table gaining a glare from Chelsea she properly knew that I had been talking to Alex since I had been gone so long and so had he. I watched Chelsea as she drained the last of her wine, so she was pregnant shouldn't she be not drinking since that would be best for the baby but obviously she doesn't care she just wants to trap Alex.


I woke up to the sound of someone repeatedly banging on my door. I sat up straight looking at the alarm clock beside me it was 1am who the hell could it be. I pulled myself out of bed, switching the bedroom light on as I went and opened the door. It was Jack and he looked mad, his eyes were slightly red which meant that he had possibly been crying. I moved out of the way too let him in and instantly brang him into a hug. I grabbed his hand pulling him into my bedroom then making him sit next to me on my bed.

“What's wrong Jacky?” I asked frowning.

“Alex got Chelsea pregnant. The band's fucked now, we won't be able to keep touring not when she's really pregnant because she's told him that as soon as she's six months gone he has to be at home with her all of the time and then after the baby's born he has to be at home for at least a year before going back touring otherwise he's not allowed to see the baby ever. I'm so pissed right now I can't even explain.” Jack said running his hands through his hair.

“What the fuck! She can't do that not when it doesn't just affect Alex it affects you, Zack and Rian. She really needs a slap in the face so bad.”

I was fuming, how could she just expect everyone to follow her demands it was ridiculous. The band wouldn't be so successful without their touring all of the time she had no right to demand that they just stopped it was bloody ridiculous.

“What are we gonna do, Alex said he can't never not see his baby. He's just gonna do whatever she says like a fucking puppet.” Jack said sighing.

“I don't know Jack but it's not like she can stop him seeing his baby all together there's courts and stuff for that, Alex just needs to stand up to her.”

“But he won't.”

I pulled Jack into a hug and he rested his chin on my shoulder. There wasn't much I could say or do that would make him feel any better, I couldn't even begin to imagine what he was feeling.

Jack pulled away a few inches still holding onto me tight, our faces were only centimeters apart and my heart began to thud a million times a second in my chest. Jack shut his eyes leaning in until our lips pressed together. I didn't know what the hell was going on but I sort of liked it? I began to kiss him back our lips moving in sync and just as I was getting into it Jack pulled away.

“Sorry.” Jack mumbled a blush creeping over his face.

“It's alright.” I said laughing.

“I've wanted to do that for ages, look I should go now I've just sorta made things really awkward between us. I'll see you tomorrow?” Jack said standing up.

“It's fine Jack, you're a pretty good kisser by the way.” I said flirting.

Jack sent me back a wink before walking off flicking the bedroom light off on his way, once I heard the hotel room door shut I laid back down in my bed. I had to admit I was surprised by the kiss but I was even more surprised that I actually enjoyed it and wanted too do it again. Was I really falling for Jack or was I just confused about everything because of Alex? I guess I'd only find out in time...
♠ ♠ ♠
im not really sure where im going with this atm but i have a few ideas and the main 'storyline' should come about in the next few chapters ((((sorry for the long wait inbetween updates))))

thankyou to BeautifulBreakdown, somebody_who_cares and angelful for your comments on the last chapter and thankyou to everyone who read it! please do comment it means a lot :))