Status: completed

If These Sheets Were States

Live and Let Go

“So did you have a good trip?” Kara asked me as soon as I was through the door.

I nodded my head not saying a word, dragging my suitcase into my bedroom. I laid back onto my bed letting out a long yawn before shutting my eyes it was only 7pm but it had been a long and stressful few days.

The last few days I was in Vegas were pretty much the worst, I didn't leave my room at all much because things between me and Alex had gone even more downhill whenever we saw each other we seemed to just glare and then Chelsea always made things worse because whenever I saw her I could feel my blood boiling at the fact that she was having Alex's baby and was practically trapping him in a relationship that he didn't seem too really want to be in. And then there was Jack... things between me and Jack were just awkward too say the least, ever since the kiss it felt like things couldn't go back to normal, we were still talking but there was something that just wasn't right. I didn't want him to think that I had feelings for him because he was one of my bestfriends and I wanted him to stay that way, I guess I kind of kissed him back in my own sort of revenge towards Alex for getting Chelsea pregnant as ridiculous as that sounds. I hated the feeling that I wasn't comfortable with Jack anymore, I guess I needed to be straight with him and tell him the truth about how I really felt which was easier said than done.

“So how was your trip gimmie the details!” Kara exclaimed sitting down on my bed making me sit up.

“It was interesting to say the least... I'm kind of confused about a lot of things now. Alex and bitch from hell are getting married and she's pregnant and then Jack kissed me.”

“Woah, well you have an eventful few days away whereas mine was pretty boring. I can't believe Alex is getting married too her and she's pregnant fuck I feel sorry for that child.”

“Why the fuck do I even still have feelings for him Kara?! Nothing is ever going too happen he's moved on he's made that so bloody clear why can't I just stop loving him.”

“Honey, you're always going too have feelings for him no matter what he was your first love, your first love always stays with you so he properly still has feelings for you.”

“His first love was Chelsea ugh he was with her first.” I muttered.

“Trust me back in high school Alex was not in love with Chelsea he had a crush on you for ages.”

“How come you're not in love with Rian then? You can be friends with him you're even friends with Cass stuff like that doesn't ever happen...”

“It's simple it wasn't like me and Rian were together that long and I do love him because he is Eden's dad he gave me the most wonderful thing I could ever wish for but there's a difference I'm not in love with him I guess we were never really 'in love' we just had a lot of feelings for each other haha and I have no reason to dislike Cassadee she makes Rian happy and she also is so kind to Eden I couldn't wish for anything more.” Kara explained.

“Do you ever think I'll move on from him? Because I don't want too love him anymore, it hurts too much.”

“I think you will in time but honestly Jen you and Alex are made for each other and he is such an idiot for letting you go and not realising that you are a million times better than Chelsea.”

“But I'm not a million times better... He's getting married too her he's having her baby.”

“Like I said he's an idiot. Please don't let this upset you like this its not right you deserve so much better.”

“Thanks Kara, you're seriously the bestfriend a girl could ask for.”

“You're welcome, can I ask you a favour? You know I'm meant to be going to my parents this weekend would you be able to look after Eden for me? Rian's busy and so are his parents and I have no one else...”

“Of course you don't even need too ask, gotta look after my godchild sometimes.” I said jokingly.

“Thankyou, you're a life saver! I'll go make dinner.” Kara said jumping up and walking out of the room.

I nodded my head, getting up off of my bed and I started to unpack all of my clothes shoving most of them straight into the wash bin. After I had emptied all my clothes out I got straight into a baggy tee and my sweats, then shoved my hair up into a high bun before taking off all of my makeup, its not like I was going to see anyone plus I was shattered as soon as I had had dinner I was going to bed, this week away in Vegas had really taken all of the energy out of me.

I grabbed my phone taking it with me into the kitchen to see Kara boiling some pasta and Eden sitting on a stool playing on Kara's iPad, it was a cute scene. I unlocked my phone to see that I had several missed calls from Jack and texts. I opened up the first text which said:

Text From Jack:
pick up?

Then I opened the next one.

Text From Jack:
Are you ignoring me Jen?

And finally the third text.

Text From Jack:
Can we just forget the kiss even happened? I had had a few drinks and you were pissed off about Alex it shouldn't have happened ok? Ur one of my bestfriends Jen I dont wanna loose that over a stupid kiss.

So he thought it was a mistake? At least that'd make things less awkward between us, I opened up a blank text and began typing out my reply to Jack.

Text To Jack:
hey, sorry I missed your calls my phone was on silent! I'd love to just forget the kiss, it was a mistake, I don't want things to be awkward between us. Love you Jacky:) xoxo

I hit send then shoved the phone back in my pocket just as dinner was ready. I carried my bowl of pasta through to the lounge sitting down at the sofa and instantly shovelling the hot food in burning my mouth in the process.

“Shit!” I cursed letting the pasta fall out of mouth back into the bowl.

“Jen! Don't swear in front of Eden and the reason you don't have a boyfriend is because of what you just did now.” Kara said half joking.

“Piss off.” I grumbled getting another glare off of Kara.

My eyes flickered over to the TV it was on some news channel or something and it definitely caught my eye.

Alex Gaskarth the lead singer from the pop punk band All Time Low has announced that his long term girlfriend is expecting a baby via twitter! Fans have taken to the social networking site to congratulate the couple who have also recently gotten engaged, we wish all of the best to the couple who seem to be very in love and we hope that they have a long and happy future together, they're definitely going to have a cute baby I mean just look at Alex's fiancée Chelsea what a lucky guy!” The television presenter said.

I swallowed hard, my eyes tearing away from the TV. Everyone knew now, I was surprised that the fans were so happy for them but whatever everyone just 'loves' Chelsea.

“I don't know what that guy was talking about Chelsea's a troll but I guess that just matches her bitter personality.” Kara said.

I couldn't help but laugh, it was true though if you spent enough time with Chelsea you wouldn't even find her pretty, you'd see how fake she was and you'd see how badly her reflection is as her personality, you'd see that both of them are just as bad and fake, she'd act like a sweet little girl to the people who mattered the ones who she needed to be 'nice' too but to everyone else she was a complete and utter bitch and I wish everyone else could see that.

I decided to let my frustration out on twitter, it was the best way for me to deal with my stress and who knows maybe Alex would see it and know what a complete fool he is being. I pulled my phone out of my pocket logging on to twitter and composing a new tweet.

“What bullshit, if only people knew how fake you were.” I hit the tweet button then slid my phone back inside my pocket.

I looked down at my pasta which was now resting on the coffee table, I wasn't even hungry anymore, all I wanted to do was sleep and forget everything. I picked up the bowl saying goodnight to Kara and Eden on my way before washing up the bowl quickly in the bathroom then going back into my bedroom and climbing into bed.

I switched my phone off plugging it into the charger then laying back down in bed. I shut my eyes, hoping that my dreams would take me as far away from reality as possible because for now, my dreams at night were the only thing that I could look forward to everyday.
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sorry its been another month since i updated, i've been so busy writing my other atl fics which would be awesome if you could check them out i update them a lot here's the links:

actors -
paint you wings -