Status: completed

If These Sheets Were States

Lost in Empty Pillow Talk Again

I stared back at my reflection in the mirror as I brushed my teeth, I didn't like what was looking back at me at all. All I could see was a grumpy, moody, sad girl with red, swollen, tired eyes because she couldn't sleep at night because she was up stressing and broken hearted over a boy that obviously didn't care of have any feelings towards here anymore, a boy that after all of these years she was still in love with.

I sighed loudly running my toothbrush under the water to clean it then shoving it back into the pot with the others. I went back inside my bedroom pulling out a white crop top and a black skater skirt for the day ahead. I slipped them on and grabbed my bag and my car keys , I didn't know where I was going to drive I just needed to get away. Kara had already left for her parents for the weekend a day early and taken Eden to school so I'd only have to collect her later on.

I went down the stairs of my apartment, hurrying towards my car. I climbed inside the car grabbing my sunglasses and slipping them on as the sunlight blinded me. I started the car up and began driving, I had no clue where even too but it ended up being to the nearest bookshop, I'd been meaning to get a few new books for a while now but I just hadn't had the time, I guess my subconscious was reminding me. I parked up the car and went inside.

The bookshop itself was rather beautiful, it was one of them old, dusty, musky smelling bookshops and the whole place smelled of fresh, new books one of my favourite smells. I hated going into brand new "modern" bookshops where it just smelled of perfumes and stuff not that there was many modern bookshops around because nowadays it wasn't "cool" too read, when really reading was the perfect escape from reality and a lot of people missed out on that.

"Can I help you sweetie?" A frail voice said.

I turned around to see an older women who reminded me greatly of my nan speaking too me, she was properly the shop owner.

"I'm just looking for a book." I replied smiling at her.

"Well you've come to the right place, any book in particular?"

I hadn't actually really considered what book I wanted, I just needed to read something new, something that would take my mind off of things for even a brief moment of time.

"I haven't got one in mind, I just really need one to take my mind off of things, readings the perfect escape for me."

"That it is. Are you having boy troubles?" The lady asked half frowning.

I nodded my head gulping hard, this really wasn't something I wanted to get into now with a random stranger.

"Well then, I have the perfect book for you. Follow me."

I followed the lady as she swerved in and out several bookshelves stacked to the brim in books. I watched as the lady scanned the tall bookshelf for the book, running her finger up and down it in search for it, when finally she reached in and pulled it out before handing it too me.

I looked at the title "men are from mars, women are from venus" well the title seemed very fitting. I was sure I had heard of this book before, I think maybe my mother even may have mentioned it to me before.

"It's a very good book, it explains a lot of things. Once you've read it I'm sure you'll see your boy difficulties in a different light and they'll be easier to deal with." The women said sweetly.

"I guess I'll buy it then."

I followed the old lady back to the cash register and she only charged me $5 for the book, I'm pretty sure it should have been more than that. I thanked her before going back outside and getting into my car again, I knew where I was going this time.

I started the car up again pulling up a few minutes later at Starbucks, I took my book with me as I went inside the coffee shop, luckily it wasn't that busy today properly because everyone was out enjoying the sun.

I went up to the counter, there was a very attractive guy serving today, he had flicky blonde hair and was tall and I guess he was sort of perfect. Wow maybe I needed to come in here more often.

"Can I take your order?" He asked with a surprising Australian accent.

"Can I have a hot chocolate with a double chocolate chip muffin please."

"Sure thing babe, that'll be $7 I'll bring your order over to you." He said grinning.

I smiled back at him moving along to the cashier and paying them the money before finding a table at the corner of the room at the back. I pulled out my book and began reading it whilst I waited. This book seemed to be interesting enough...

"Men are from mars, women are from Venus. Interesting book you're reading there." A voice said causing me to look up.

The man from behind the counter was standing there with my hot chocolate and muffin in his hands. He smiled down at me before putting my order in front of me.

"Well what can I say, I guess I needed some advice haha."

"What did your boyfriend do?" The man asked curiously.

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"Now, how could a pretty lady like you not have a boyfriend."

"I'm sure you don't even want to know plus might take a while to explain."

"Well good thing I'm on my lunch break now." He said sitting down on the chair opposite me.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked.

The man nodded his head a few times, which then made me notice how perfect his eyes were they were a sparkling blue and I could feel myself getting lost in them.

"Tell me your name first." I said pulling my hot chocolate closer before blowing on it and taking a sip.

"It's Luke, what's yours?" Luke said.

"Jennifer but everyone calls me Jen."

"Your name is just as pretty as you. Did you know you have whipped cream on your nose aswell?" Luke asked leaning forward and rubbing it off with his finger causing me to blush.

Damn he was so cute.

"No I didn't know that haha."

"Now Jen tell me why you don't have a boyfriend."

I explained everything to Luke literally everything, I don't know why but for some reason I just felt so comfortable telling him maybe it was because he actually looked generally interested in what I was saying or maybe it was just because I needed to tell someone.

"Well that Alex dude sounds like a douche for letting you go, as far as I can tell you're an amazing girl. You should try and move on from him you deserve to be happy."

"I am over him." I lied.

"You are? Well then would you like to come on a date this weekend with me then? So we can properly get to know each other." Luke asked.

"I'd honestly love to but I'm babysitting this weekend for my bestfriend she has a daughter who's only young and we all live in an apartment together."

"I don't mind helping you babysit."

"Really? Well it'd be nice to have some company."

"Then it's sorted." Luke said grinning before eating the last bit of my muffin which we had ended up sharing.

We swapped numbers before his lunch break finished and I have him a kiss on the cheek goodbye before I left myself.

I was looking even more forward to tomorrow now with spending more time with Luke, I found myself grinning largely to myself in the car as I rang Kara to tell her everything and she literally screamed down the phone in excitement.

Maybe this was my chance, maybe Luke would be my solution to moving on because right now I hadn't even thought about Alex and how much I wanted to be with him, it was almost as if he was a distant memory.
♠ ♠ ♠
I haven't updated in 2 months wow, I didn't realise it had been so long not that anyone had properly even noticed. Soooo I'm introducing a new character in this called Luke he is based on Luke Hemmings from the band 5 Seconds of Summer but an older version obviously. Thankyou for reading, if I do get more comments or even just a few I will update a lot quicker I promise but with no comments I lack motivation so updates only come when I am so bored that there is literally nothing else to do so please do comment :)