Status: a c t i v e

Give Me Your Heart and Your Hand and We Can Run.

I'll burn your name into my throat.

(Jaime's p.o.v)

I stood in front of Vic's house, ringing the doorbell. I wanted to tell him I was sorry for not saying anything about yesterday, but I figured he would be fine with it.

I looked up from the ground to Vic as the door opened, I smiled at him.

"Hey Vic, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I meant to go home earlier than I did but Tony and I-"

"Save it."

My eyes widened. Was he really still upset about yesterday? I groaned, leave it to Vic to be so damn stubborn. "I don't care about what happened yesterday, okay? I really don't fucking care." I was shocked, even more as I saw his hand move to the side of the door, ready to close it. I leaned against it, feeling the door stop.

"Vic please," I said softly. "You're my best friend. Don't do this to me."

"Go home Jaime."

Now I was angry. Why wouldn't he hear me out?

"Vic fucking stop and listen."

He ignored me, pushing the door against me. I shifted my weight against the door, with more force than I had intended to use. Vic almost fell, but caught himself before he could hit the floor. I saw Mike sitting and giving me a shocked expression, but I didn't care about that.

"For fuck sakes Vic, I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry about wanting to spend the day with my boyfriend that you for some unknown reason hate and forget to call you. I'm sorry, but I do not need this bullshit from you. I came to apologize and here's my best friend, acting like the biggest dick in the world." I said, fists clenching.

He stared at me. His brown eyes never leaving mine. He knew I wasn't done. I heard Mike scoff behind Vic. What the fuck was their problem?

"And what about all the times you ditched me to go fuck your whore of a girlfriend? Did I ever say anything? No I fucking didn't. Even if I was upset that show up, I didn't say anything because I happy to see you happy. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy. Why can't you do the same for me?" I asked, lowering my voice as I finished. I saw his expression change, then only grow angrier.

"I didn't even know you were gay." He spat.

I paused. That actually hurt.

I thought Vic would be supportive. I thought Vic would be happy for me. He's my best friend, it's the least he could do. I didn't know I was gay either, not until Tony. I felt the strong walls around me crumble and fall. I almost wanted to cry.

Instead, I only made myself be angrier than I actually was.

"Oh so now you're homophobic? You know what, fuck you Vic. I'm done with you. I don't need this shit from someone like you." I said, turning over as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Wait, Jaime." I felt Vic wrap his arms around mine. I felt comfort in his touch, even though I felt like I hated him.

I shoved Vic off of me, walking out and slamming the door.

What had I done? Was I honestly that bad of a friend to want to spend the the day with my boyfriend? I drove home, regretting the decision to even go to Vic's in the first place. Tears fell, and they only made me feel weak. I wasn't one to cry.

I made it to my house, pulling into the driveway. I parked the car and let the tears fall. I held my head in my hands.

I would've sat there all evening if it wasn't for Tony calling me.


I smiled, "H-Hey Tone." I sniffed.

"What's wrong babe?"


"That's bull, I'm coming over." he said, hearing a door slam.

"Oh, okay. I'll see you, love you." I said, smiling.

"I love you more."


Tony came over ten minutes after that, and I told him everything. About showing up to Vic's, the argument, and about what Vic said. We sat on my bed, Tony listening and nodding. I looked up at him, feeling fresh tears on my cheeks. He moved closer, wiping away the tears and kissing me softly. He pulled me into his arms and rocked back and forth, kissing my forehead. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." He said. "Vic's your best friend, right? He'll come around. Before you know it y'all will be amigos para siempre again."

I laughed, untangling myself from him. "I'm really sorry you came over just to hear me whine about Vic. I feel bad." I said, turning myself away from him. I felt his strong arms pull me again, and we fell, me landing on top of him. He only smiled, and let our lips meet.

"Don't feel bad, I'm happy that I was here when you needed someone. I'll always be here, and don't you forget it." He said, kissing my nose. He pulled me closer to him, and I moved off of him to the side and cuddled close to him. He turned his body to face me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I buried my head in his neck, kissing it lightly. I scooted closer to him.

"I don't ever want to leave this spot."

Tony laughed. "Well good," he said, "Cause I got permission earlier to stay."

And with that, Tony kissed me goodnight, and all my problems seemed to float away, falling asleep in his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
i feel like Jaime deserved some happiness. c:
so you know how i said i'd be updating more now that i'm on break?
well, i'll be gone for a while. D:
I'll try my hardest to update C:
