Status: a c t i v e

Give Me Your Heart and Your Hand and We Can Run.

When you believe in me, I'll believe.

(Tony's p.o.v)

I'm really happy I moved to San Diego. Life's been a lot easier now.

School is great. I'm on my second week. Jaime's helped me meet some of his friends, Oliver, Josh, Beau, Justin, Kellin, Vic, oh the list could go on. I'm really happy that I'm not so shy like I used to be. They seem to like me a lot too, which only makes me happier.

The only person that can make me happier than that is Jaime.

I love spending time with him, walking with him, laughing at some joke with him, just being around him in general. I love it. He always calls, asks me if I had a good day, and I always say yes because I spent it with him and our friends. He'll giggle and sometimes we'll just be on the phone laughing at absolutley nothing. It's as if I'm sitting there with him. It's a good feeling.

But I was never always this happy.

Before I moved to San Diego, I lived on the shitty side of LA. I went to school, had friends, well, I wouldn't exactly call them friends.

I was always shy, even when I was younger. I'm not sure why. I don't really like it. So when I started high school, I told myself I'd be the 'tough guy' so I wouldn't have to deal with my shyness. I ended up joining a gang. They bought my tough guy act, and it made me scared. They always told me to go do things for them. Whether it was tagging the sides of the school, or beating up kids who stood in my way, I did it. I did it so that way I would never get questioned. The leader figured me out, and one day he called me over. When I showed up, all the other members jumped me, beating me and cutting me. They picked me up, and shoved me to the leader. He told me I was nothing more than a worthless piece of shit and that I had no purpose. They only used me. The beatings became worse. Even after I left the gang, they still attacked me. I thought they would eventually stop, but I was wrong.

One day, I was walking home from school. I had turned the corner and five of them came at me. Of course I was used to it, so I usually just waited until it was over. What I didn't realize was that one of them had a knife. I got a blow to the stomach, but then I felt something different. Before I processed what had happened, I fell on the pavement.

I woke up in the hospital. My mother, sitting in the chair on the right, was crying softly. I reached out to her, grabbing her hand. "Mamá? Por favor mamá, no llores." All she could do was nod, squeezing my hand. It broke my heart to know I had caused her this much pain. We moved after that, and I would be starting the year just a little late.

I told myself that instead of being a tough guy, I would stay silent. Not saying anything to anyone, because that was what had cost me a new home in a new city and a scar on the right of my stomach.

I don't know what happened though, the minute I walked into Ms. Hills' classroom and saw Jaime, I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to know anything and everything about him. I sat in the desk next to him, and struggled to find words to say to him. I thought I'd regret opening my mouth ever again, but honestly it's the best thing that's ever happened to me in a long time.

If I'm not with Jaime, I'm with Kyle and David. They're in the class I don't share with Jaime, and I've grown to like them a lot. They also know about my slight crush on Jaime.

That's another reason why I'm so shy, I didn't think I was gay. I had dated girls back in LA, but something about Jaime is just, different. I can't explain it but at the same time I don't want to because it's a feeling I've never felt before. I like it a lot. I like Jaime a lot.

So now I'm sitting with David, telling him that today's the day.

"You fucking serious?"

I nodded, smiling as he gave me a high five.

"Well that's good. You deserve good. Jaime's good." he said, smiling. "You don't think he'll say no, right?" I asked, worried.

David scoffed at me, "Please, I was hoping one of y'all would make a move earlier. You two seem made for each other, right Josh?"

We looked over to the British boy, smiling up to Oliver, his boyfriend. "Of course, mate. You two are perfect. There's no way he'll say no."

I smiled at them. I could never be more thankful for the friends I have.


I'm sitting outside, laughing with Jaime. I see Josh and Oliver, winking at me. David and Kyle aren't far from them, giving me a thumbs up.

I stood up from the bench, standing in front of Jaime. He looked up at me with curious eyes, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Jaime?" He looked up, giving me a questioning look.


"Well, I was you know, wondering, if you maybe wanted to be my boyfriend?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Tony: D: :D D: :D <-emotions.
My austlan fic got deleted so I'll be typing it again or possibly making an entire different story. .-.
thanks for the subscribers and comments C: , i know i say it a lot but it's true :3 ♡
title credit: Believe You Me- Jaime Preciado ♡
chapters five and six will be up tomorrow (: , maybe seven Cx