Status: we'll see if it even begins sladhf

Seasons Change, Moments Pass

chapter two

“She’s beautiful,” Harry sighed, resting his chin on his hand and his elbow on the table.

“Harry, you never even seen her full on. I mean, yeh, from here she’s pretty fit but, like, what if she-” Niall started to say.

“What if she’s a butterface?” Zayn said bluntly, cutting the blonde irishman off. Liam, being the man he is, was astonished with Zayn’s use of the American slang.

“Zayn, you can’t just say that about people! I’m sure she as a lovely face and,” Liam paused, “personality. But you can’t be so blunt, what if she heard you?” He scolded, Zayn rolled his eyes and waved his bandmate off.

“She’s perfect.” Harry mumbled, ignoring his friends.

“He’s infatuated.” Josh commented to Niall, who chuckled and nodded slowly.

“I’m not infatuated, I’m in love.” Harry shot at Josh and Niall. “Not just because of her looks, but the fact that she’s found solace in the corner of a busy shop, in a book. That’s simply,” Harry paused, musing over words. “It’s simply beautiful, and there’s no other word for her. Beautiful, and I cannot wait to meet her.”

“Ellie, can you make me something for breakfast?” Elliot looked up from her book, there her husband stood. His dark blue suit rested well on his defined shoulders. Elliot couldn’t deny that he husband was a good looking man.

“Yes,” She mumbled and closed the book she’d read a million times before. She didn’t really want to read it, though it was her favourite book, it was also the same book she’d read to Harry four months back.

“What would you like?” Elliot asked, being a ‘good wife’. Her husband looked to his watch and sighed.

“Erm, never mind actually. I’m running late, see you ‘round six or so.” Neil pecked Elliot’s cheek and rushed out of the house. She sighed and sat back down into the semi-comfortable armchair and opened her book up once more.

She couldn’t help but think to herself that one recurring thought, ‘god, I miss Harry’.

Whatever happened to ‘I would rather die’?

Bored out of his mind, Harry found himself wandering the airport once again. Ducking behind things every now and then when a teenage girl passed. “Excuse me, could I get pack?” The middle aged clerk looked at him and then proceeded to speak rapid spanish. “Dammit.”

“You english?” The clerk jumbled out, Harry quickly nodded. “Alicia!” The clerk hollered behind him. A small girl with features that resembled Elliot’s, walked out from the back room. The clerk argued with ‘Alicia’ in spanish before she huffed and complied.

“I’m very sorry for the inconvenience, my uncle doesn’t speak english. He only knows what he said to you, and then he’ll call me out. Wait, you-you’re Harry Styles! Like, from One Direction!” Harry nodded slowly, slightly disappointed in the fact that he had been recognized. He liked the hour of normalcy.

“Zayn asked me to get him a fag, because he’s out.” Harry murmured, Alicia blushed and nodded. She got Harry what he needed and told him it was on the house. “Thanks, Alicia. See you.” Harry hurried out and back to his group of friends. He handed the grumpy diva his cigarettes just as the boarding call roared through the terminal. Harry picked up his duffel and followed the crowd onto the airplane.

He’d been seated next to Liam, who-lucky for Harry- could answer all of Harry’s questions. For example, “where are we headed?” Liam told him New York. He sighed, that’s where Elliot lives.

Or lived, it has been a little over four months.