Status: Completed

How to Save a Life

This Is The End

Part 1- How To Save A Life
This is it.

You stand on the edge of the bridge, toes peeking over the edge, and stare down into the dark water below with a smile on your face.

This is it.

You swear you can hear the wind whisper the thought in your ear over and over again as it whistles through the suspension cables.

This is it this is it this is it.

For months now, you have been battling severe depression. A bad breakup, poor grades, and your parents’ recent divorce weren’t helping. The scars on you wrists have become a testament to your pain, and there is no end in sight. Finally, tonight, you snapped. You looked in the mirror, saw the fat on your thighs, the cuts on your skin, the fake smile you’d been wearing for so long, and knew that it had to end. So, you hopped on the last bus downtown and here you are, alone in the night, six inches away from a drop that will end it all.

This is it.

You’d been thinking about suicide for a while, and jumping has become your method of choice. Just one second, one perfect second, of flying through the air, sheer exhilaration, and then nothing.

You can fly, you can fly, you can fly!

A little half-smile splits your face open as the familiar tune from Peter Pan flits through your head.

Suddenly, you hear voices coming from the end up the bridge.


You close your eyes and take one last, deep breath, letting the sound of it block out everything else. You look up at the stars one last time, and then down to the water below. Eyes shut once more, you inhale, exhale, raise your foot to take that fatal step, and then your falling.

Falling backwards.

Crashing to the pavement of the road behind you.

What the fuck?

“What the fuck!?” Says a voice from a little ways away. It sounds familiar. You open you eyes for the first time and find yourself sprawled on the asphalt. Squinting, you see three blurry figures sprinting towards you.

“Hey, are you okay?” A different voice, from right behind you. You sit up so fast that stars swim before your eyes, but you whip your head around anyways because you know that voice too, and you know who both voices belong to now.

What the actual fuck are Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat doing on this bridge at midnight when I’m trying to commit suicide?

When the stars clear from your vision, you see Alex kneeling next to you, rubbing the elbow he must’ve landed on when he pulled you back. He is looking at you with concern in his eyes, waiting for you to answer his question.

You burst into tears.

Alarmed, Alex quickly pulls you into his arms.

“Shh, baby, shh,” he whispers. “I’ve got you, you’re safe.”

“That’s the fucking problem!” You sob, trying in vain to free yourself form his protective embrace. “I’m not supposed to be alive, I’m not, I don’t want to be, LET ME GO!”

You are kicking and screaming and crying, trying to get away, to jump, to end it all like you want to. More hands grab you, try to subdue you, but Alex is having none of their help. He simply holds you more tightly, ignoring the fists and feet that are bruising him and beating him, until finally you subside back into quiet wailing.

He uses one finger to tip your chin up so he can look you dead in the eye.

“No,” he says calmly. “I will not let you go. Not now, not ever.”

“Hey, um, Alex?” Jack interjects hesitantly from behind you. “Maybe we should get off the bridge. You know, so she doesn’t…” He trails off.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Alex replies, not taking his eyes from yours. Then, unexpectedly, he scoops you up in his arms.

“Let’s take her back to the bus,” he says decisively.

“Don’t argue,” he adds, looking at you seriously. “Hey, by the way, what’s your name?”

“Y/n,” you murmur, and let your head lean against his chest. You close your eyes, and fall asleep in seconds.


Title credit: the Maine
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Y/n stands for "your name" :) the idea is that you can insert whatever name you want, because fics with other people's names have always bugged me.