Status: Completed

How to Save a Life

For Always, Forever

Part 11- For Always, Forever
2 Years Later

Your POV

To celebrate the end of All Time Low’s latest tour, Alex announces he is taking you out to dinner. Although this is not the norm, you aren’t about to complain, because he’s taking you to the most expensive restaurant in town.

After spending an extravagant amount of time getting ready, Alex finally comes downstairs to the front door of the house that the two of you share.

“Shall we?” He asks, holding the door open for you.

Throughout the drive to the restaurant, Alex is uncharacteristically quiet. When you ask him what’s on his mind, however, he laughs and tells you he is simply lost in thought.

When you arrive, he offers you his arm, and you rest yours on it with a smile. Together, you enter the restaurant. It is completely empty except for one small table, draped in a white tablecloth and set for two, in the center of the room. All of the other tables have been mysteriously removed.

Alex looks at you. “Where should we sit?” He asks, smirking. You elbow him in the side, but giggle and allow him to lead you to one of the chairs, which he pulls out for you so you can sit. He joins you at the table, and the moment he does, a waiter appears, seemingly out of nowhere, with appetizers and drinks.

What is going on?

You and Alex talk your way through the meal, which is extremely delicious. The whole time, he seems a little on edge, as though he is waiting for something. At last, when dessert- a scrumptious vanilla bean sorbet- has been cleared from the table, another waiter emerges from the kitchen. He is carrying an enormous tray holding some oddly shaped, bulky object covered in a white cloth. He steps up to Alex and whips off the covering with a flourish.

There, on the tray, is Alex’s favorite acoustic guitar.

Seriously. What the fuck?

Alex nods at the waiter, thanks him, and takes the guitar, slipping the strap around his neck as the waiter leaves the room once more. Your boyfriend stands up and moves so he is standing beside the table, in front of you. You watch him curiously.

“I’m gonna play you a song,” he says, a tad unnecessarily, seeing as he is holding his guitar. He clears his throat.

“Say goodbye to the halls and the classes,
Say hello to a job and the taxes…”

You are getting more and more baffled by the second. Sure, Somewhere in Neverland is one of your favorite songs, and sure, it’s cute, but why is he playing it now?

He finishes the verse and stops playing. Taking the guitar off, he sets it down on the floor.

“Y/n, the night I met you, I saved your life, but you’ve saved mine every day since. And that first night, I told you that I would never, ever let you go. Today, I intend to make good on that promise forever,” he says, looking into your eyes.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black box. Bending down on one knee, he begins to sing again.

“Y/n, will you marry me?
I know it sounds crazy,
don’t you see what you do to me?
I wanna be your lost boy,
Your last chance,
A better reality.

Y/n, say ‘I do’ to me,
I promise, if you’re with me,
Say those words
And I’m yours to keep.
I wanna be your lost boy,
Your last chance,
Your ‘Always, forever’ plan,
Oh, Somewhere in Neverland…”

You gasp and cover your mouth as he opens the box to reveal a stunning diamond ring.

“Y/n, will you marry me?” He asks, one more time.

“Yes, Alex,” you reply, smiling through the tears of happiness streaming down your face. “I will.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit: Every Avenue

I hope you guys enjoyed this little short fic of mine, hopefully my writing wasn’t too shitty :) I think I’m going to write more, so if you liked this one, stick around for a little bit and see what my disturbed brain comes up with next ;)