Status: Had this idea for a while. Finally got it on paper thanks to class.

The Pureblood Dynasty


Dear Diary,

Alton said writing down my thoughts may help my transition into The Academy a bit easier. I don’t know if I believe him or not, because I don’t know who I can trust anymore, but I thought I might give it a try.

When I arrived at The Academy last week, I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t really know what The Academy is or what it stood for; all I knew was that my father was dead, Jace was dead, Mr. Roxy’s safety was in question if he stayed with us, my younger brothers and I were orphans and The Academy was willing to take us in and care for us. I was grateful, to say the least, but confused, nonetheless.

To be quite honest, I’ve been confused a lot lately. I don’t know what I’m fighting for anymore, just that I’m fighting. It’s exhausting, but to take a break is to put my life in danger, so I just keep going.

Alton said I’m safe at The Academy, but I’m not so sure just yet. It’s the most normalcy I’ve had in a while, sure, but by what standards? Are the standards of normalcy nowadays really living with a group of people whose only common ground is their parents’ unfortunate demise? If that’s the case, then this world isn’t worth anything anymore.

There are 27 of us here and we all have one thing in common; our fathers’ were held in high regard before they defied the Dynasty and suffered the same brutal ends as the very people they tried to help. Besides that, we have very little in common. We came from very different walks of life prior to our fathers’ recruitment into the Dynasty and some still hold their noses high in the air with pride.

No one has room for pride here. I don’t care if I can remember the time before all this happened and I was better off than my neighbor. Where are we now? My neighbors are probably dead, or in hiding, and I’m here at The Academy; my life hanging in the balance.

I’m going to stop writing for now and go to sleep. It’s been an eventful few weeks and I’m emotionally and physically exhausted.

♠ ♠ ♠
This is something new I wrote for a class and will hopefully be posting the rest soon, but I'm going to be focusing on Somewhere in Neverland, so updates may not be that regular. But let me know what you think. I know it's kind of vague at this point, but it'll get better, I promise!