Status: Active while I update from my other cite (:

Draco Malfoy's Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 11

I didn’t see Draco for the rest of the day, so I just finished the outline myself. My eyes were all swollen and red, so I just stayed in my dorm. I couldn’t risk questions from Kam or Ron or anyone else. I wasn’t even sure that I would be able to tell them without bursting into tears yet again. I wasn’t even sure why I was crying over what happened in the first place. The only real thing that happened was that I couldn’t bloody explain what the hell was on my mind. It was nothing to get hysterical over. I just couldn’t help it though. I was so close to actually having what I wanted for so long. Perhaps that’s why I acted like I did. It just scared me so badly that I couldn’t even talk.

I wish that I could take it back, but what’s done is done. It’s in the past now. No changing what has already happened. That’s the attitude I tried to walk into potions class with, but one look at Draco, and I was ready to bolt for the door again. I was embarrassed, but so wasn’t he. He wouldn’t even look at me for Merlin’s sake! It went on like that for the next few weeks as summer turned into fall. October wasn’t brining much of anything except for Quidditch. The first game of the season was Gryffindor versus Slytherin. I was dreading it because Draco would be there for sure. As we all know, he was the seeker for the Slytherin team.

“Alright,” Harry coached in the locker room, “We’ve got to beat Slytherin. We can’t lose; we’d never let live it down. I’m counting on all of you to play your best. Give it all; one-hundred and ten percent! Gin, Kam, and Katie: All do your best to score points. Ron: Block those quaffles like there’s no tomorrow,” his eyes then sat on me and Cormack. “Court and McLeggin: Send those bludgers flying at every Slytherin that you can. Now,” he then turned to the rest of the team, “Let’s get out there and kick some green and silver ass!”

I do admit that Harry did have a way of pumping everyone up for a game. He turned out to be a really great captain, and even more surprising was that Cormack and I actually did make a great team, just like Harry had said. I had the confidence that we were going to win. We could do it.

I wrapped my gold and red scarf tightly around my neck and made sure my Quidditch boots were tied right before following my team mates out onto the pitch. I mounted my broom and flew high up into the air when Madam Hooch blew the whistle. The game was on. I kept watch out for passing bludgers as well as looking around for Draco. I couldn’t help it. It was like some odd obsession that I had since we almost kissed. I searched every room or open space for him, waiting for an opportunity to apologize, but he just wouldn’t budge. I hadn’t talked to him since that day, which means that I was doing all of our History of Magic project so we wouldn’t get into trouble.

“Hey, Flint!”

I turned to see Draco smirking at me. My heart fluttered at the excitement of him actually talking to me. I gave him a faint smile, which caused him to come closer. My breath caught in my throat as he approached. Why was this happening again?

“Are you prepared to get beaten? Only one team can win this, you know,” he smirked as if he had just said something funny. Actually, it was kind of funny because what he had said was so utterly stupid. I actually laughed at him. “What?”

I shrugged. “Yes, only one team can win this game. It’s two against one, dumb ass,” and I sent him a smirk of my own.

I don’t know why it was so easy to be a bitch to Draco. It was so tough to say what I was actually feeling inside. I just wanted to yell out loud that I wanted him so badly, but I just couldn’t. Shoving my feelings down and being an ass just seemed to work a lot better.

“Oh, haha. That was just so bloody funny, Flint. You’re a damn wit, you know that?”

My smirk turned into a sweet smile. “Why thank you, Draco. I’m so glad you have something nice to say to me when I don’t have any to say about you,” I giggled as I noticed McLeggin hit a bludger in our direction. “And watch out.”

I flew off in the opposite direction. A bludger was then flying towards me. I looked over to my left, no one. I looked over to my right, Zambini. I swung hard and right-ward. Zambini wasn’t paying the slightest bit of attention. If he was, then he would’ve been able to avoid getting a broken leg. Ouch, that had to hurt just a little bit. He went falling to the ground, just like I imagined he would.

“And Zambini is injured, thanks to Flint,” Luna Lovegood’s dreamy voice filled the pitch since she was the new commentator for the year. “It must really feel awful to get beaten by a girl.”

I smirked in triumph as I decided to just fly around for a bit just watching the game. Kam was doing great. She totally just psyched out a Slytherin chaser by flying straight at him, and he freaked out at the last minute. She was able to fly straight over to the goal posts and throw it right throough since their keeper wasn’t paying that much attention to the game.

I cheered. “Go Kam!”

“That was just a lucky shot,” Draco huffed as he flew up next to me. “You honestly think that you could’ve pulled that play off when our keeper is in his prime. Think again, Flint.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, shut it.”

“You only wish I would,” was his retort.

I looked at him. He was saying the oddest, stupidest things. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked, not able to hold back the question any longer.

“What’s wrong with your face?” he snickered before flying off in Harry’s, who looked like he spotted the snitch, direction.

Was that honestly the best comeback that he could think of? He’s really not acting like the Draco that everyone has come to know. Well, he is but he isn’t. He’s still acting like as ass but stupidly. If that makes any sense at all. Oh, well. I was just happy that he was talking to me again, even if he was being a jerk. I was too.

“This is so awesome!” Kam squealed as she passed by with the quaffle again. She had all of the Slytherin team chasing her down and Ginny waiting on her by the goalposts to score yet again.

The chilly wind blew, causing me to shiver as I watched our team pull off another flawless play. That’s when I heard the stands erupt in cheer; we had won the game. Harry had caught the snitch. Score: one-hundred and two (we’re amazing!) to seventy-four (they’re lame!)

I flew down to the ground and dismounted. My team pulled me in for a group hug as we celebrated. Seamus automatically called for a party and went off to the kitchens to sneak some food and butterbeer. I was actually pumped for it. I had been in a sort of slump for the past month just about. I really needed to get out of it. The party was the perfect opportunity.

I felt a tug on my robes and turned to find Lavender. “Isn’t this the best?!” she asked, pulling me into a bone-crushing –scratch that, lung crushing- hug. “I can’t believe it, bestie! You were so great, and so wasn’t Ron. He’s so cute in his keeper’s uniform. Isn’t he, Court?”

Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that Lavender thought that we were best friends. In her dreams we were best friends. It was just plain ridiculous how much she was into Ron that she would us someone close to him like this. She doesn’t think I know her plan, but I do. I know as soon as she sinks her claws into Ron –that’s a major if mind you- she’s going to drop me.

“I guess,” I mumbled, pushing her off of me and getting away from the psycho.

I then followed my teammates towards our locker room, but I was pulled away, rather roughly, by my shirt sleeve. I was pulled, backwards, around the edge of the pitch where there was no one around. I turned to see who had kidnapped me and was surprised that I was pushed against the wall with such force.

“You want to know what’s wrong with me? The truth?” Draco asked, putting his forehead against mine.

“Yes,” I breathed heavily.

“I want you,” he said before his lips crashed onto mine.