Status: Active while I update from my other cite (:

Draco Malfoy's Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 7

It was driving me crazy that I didn’t know what he meant by it. I was taking out all my frustration on my Potions work, and Ron was getting a bit irritated by it. I think I was just irritating him in general. He had arrived to class in a fairly decent mood, but it had disintegrated by the point where I was crushing the eyeballs instead of juicing them. I wasn’t even really looking at the eyeballs. I had my eyes on Draco with his partner, Blaise Zambini. I was staring at him but trying to figure him out, which wasn’t getting me anywhere.

“Stop staring at him. People are going to think you actually like him. Besides,” Ron grimaced at me, “it’s kind of creepy.”

I sighed and looked down at the eyeballs, which were now basically juice. I shrugged and threw them into the cauldron, which was a bad idea because the potion rose up and out of the cauldron and all over the table and floor. I shrieked because the potion was eating through my shoes. I groaned. At least I had another pair of converse up in my closet. After a few moments of not thinking (and no one else thinking), I took out my wand and made the whole mess disappear, which was good. The bad thing was we had to start over. Ron was beyond pissed.

“What in the bloody hell was that?” he hissed at me.

I shrugged. “I’m a little distracted today.”

“A little?” he huffed sarcastically.

I looked over at Kamrynn, who was laughing at me with Hermione. Oh, did I mention that they were Potions partners as well? Looks like my accident brought them closer for just a few moments. At least that’s a good thing. They’re learning.

“So,” Ron sighed, changing the subject. “Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow. Have you decided if you’re going to be trying out or not?”

“I am,” I smiled as I properly juiced the eyeballs this time. “I signed up for beater and chaser, so that way I have two chances to get on the team. I actually want to try out for keeper, but that’s your thing.”

“I could always use a little competition,” he smirked, slicing the frog skin again. “I promise that I would go easy on you.”

“Nah, I’m not trying out because I would beat you,” I giggled. I then laughed because my giggle came out a little funny. We were both then holding our sides laughing at practically nothing. Everyone was looking at us, especially Draco, which made me laugh even harder.

“Okay. Stop!” Ron yelled, breathless.

“I…can’t…” I said between laughs.

We calmed down after another laughing fit, which was fueled by Seamus blowing up his potion in his face. I hadn’t laughed like that for a while. It was nice to be able to do that, despite the fact that Slughorn almost gave us detention for it. It was the best.

“What was the laughing all about?” Kam asked me and Ron at dinner that night. We looked at each other and started laughing again. She just rolled her eyes and went back to eating, which made us laugh even harder.

When I finally made it back to my dorm, Lavender was waiting up for me. I sighed and went to change into my pajamas before lying down. I laid in silence and then decided that she wasn’t going to talk to me that night. I turned over, preparing for sleep when it started.

“Court, are you asleep?” she whisper-yelled from her bed.

I sighed, but didn’t answer her, which was a terrible idea because she then came over and pounced on me.

“Oh, glad to see you’re awake,” she said, still sitting on my bed. “So, are you going to Quidditch tryouts tomorrow?”

I glared at her and rubbed my sore stomach. “Yes, not that it’s any of your business.”

“Well, is Ron going to be there?”

“What do you think?” I said sarcastically.

“I’m going to go cheer him on. What do you think?”

I sighed dramatically. “I dunno.”

“Being my wing woman, you’re supposed to give me the proper advice. Don’t you want Ron and me together, Court?”

“No, I don’t,” I turned over. “Now, get off my bed. I’ve got to get some sleep tonight.”

“Gosh, you are so crabby tonight, Court. That’s okay. You’re probably tired. We’ll talk about this in the morning. Sweet dreams!”

Let’s just say, I didn’t sleep very well because she kept whispering to me during the night. Stuff about how I want to make Ron and her a couple, and I want to be her best friend. I think she was trying that hypnotizing trick where you tell someone something in their ear and then they believe it when they woke up. She just hadn’t counted that I would be a light sleeper. Go figure for her, right?

“You look like crap,” Ron announced when I sat across from him and Kam for breakfast.

Kam laughed. “Did Lavender keep you up again? Tell us what she did this time.”

I told them, and they were kind of weirded out. I mean, I was even more freaked out than they were, but whatever. Lavender is a basket case. It’s as simple as that. I took some toast of the leaning tower in front of me, but I didn’t eat much. I wasn’t hungry.

“I wonder if we’ll make it on the team,” Kam thought out loud.

Ron snorted. “Harry is the captain. You two are in.”

I raised an eyebrow up at him. “What are talking about? We have to try out. Plus, Harry wouldn’t play favorites. Besides, he doesn’t trust us like he used to, so why would he play favs now?”

Ron shrugged. “Harry was just having an off day. He’ll put you two on the team, trust me. Unless you’re horrible at Quidditch, but I’ve played against you two at home, so I know that you two are good enough for the team. So, don’t worry,” he then looked at Kamrynn, “and don’t wonder.”

Kam and I just exchanged looks before getting up and heading to the Qidditch pitch. Ron was meeting Hermione at the entrance hall, so we went on ahead so Kam wouldn’t have to deal with any fighting. It was no surprise that Lavender was already in the stands, her hair braided in pigtails and waving frantically at me. I just turned my back on her and headed for the broom cupboard. My Firebolt was exactly where I had placed it on the first day back. I hugged it to me as I walked back with Kam, who had her Nimbus 2000 in hand.

“Alright, gather round,” Harry yelled at us as we approached. “I will be trying out the keepers first. Ron, you’re up first. Then it’s Cormack McLeggin. Ginny,” he said, looking behind him, “are you ready?”

With a smirk plastered onto her face, she rose to the sky to test her brother. Of course Ginny was already on the team. She was a natural and didn’t need to try out. Kam and I sat down beside Hermione in the stands and held our breaths in anticipation. He was good. He blocked every ball but one. We cheered, but Lavender was the loudest. We shook our heads at her stupidity. We all knew Ron would never really go out with her. It was just wasting her time.

“Great, Ron!” Harry wrote some stuff down on his parchment before calling McLeggin to the field.

He looked up in our direction with a wink. I looked down at Kam, who was looking at Hermione, who had a look of disgust on her face. Cormack was cute, but his personality wasn’t the best. Poor Herms. I still found it funny and couldn’t help but laugh a little. Okay, a lot. Hermione didn’t like that I had to laugh, but she also didn’t say a word. Cormack was good, having blocked eight out of ten shots. He had one more to go, and he was going to block it too. I bit my lip waiting for him to catch it and win the place as Keeper on the Gryffindor team, but I heard a whispered just before that.

“Confundus,” Hermione whispered, pointing her wand subtly over at McLeggin, who look confused and dropping his hand, causing him to miss the quaffle. Kam and I looked over at Hermione, who just shrugged. “We can’t let him beat Ron, now can we?”

Harry called for Kam, Katie Bell, and me next. As chasers, it was our job to go against Ginny and Harry and try to score a goal past Ron, who was oh so happy because he got the Keeper position. Katie started out by passing to Kam, who was instantly charged by Ginny. I flew past and grabbed the quaffle out of her outstretching arms. I dunked under Harry, who looked a bit impressed and straight for Ron, who caught the quaffle right in his stomach.

“Bloody, hell Court. You’ve got an arm on you,” Ron gasped, and I smiled in triumph.

Next up, it was Kam’s turn to make a play. I dodged Harry, but then Ginny blocked me and had me surrounded. Kam was all the way down by Ron’s goals, and Katie was nowhere in sight, so I threw it as hard as I could. Kam made a leap for it, but so didn’t Harry. They were going to crash head first. I was about to close my eyes just when Kam grabbed the quaffle and jumped off her broom and over Harry, landing on her broom afterwards. She then turned and threw it as hard as she could, making a goal that Ron almost stopped, his fingers grazing it.

“That was bloody amazing,” Ron grinned at her, and she just blushed.

I was just about to try out for beater when I felt something, like someone staring at me. I looked over by the entrance to the pitch to see Draco leaning up against the wall with a smirk on his face. I shook my head at him as he pointed out before leaving the direction that he was pointing. What did he want?