
3. How's Any Of This, In My interest?

Chris rolled over, blocking the sunlight from his view. He tucked his arm around Penelope’s waist, pulling her closer. Over the years he had woken up next to various women, but none gave him the feeling Penelope did; like he belonged. Penelope was the one girl he knew wouldn’t use him for his fame.

She rolled over and nuzzled into his chest, begging to feel his warmth. She quickly reached up and pecked his lips before rolling out of bed, and grabbing her robe that hung by the bathroom door. Chris quickly reached for her hand and pulled her back down. She giggled as he pulled her in for a kiss.

This was how he wanted to wake up every morning; with her by his side. Neither could remember being this happy for awhile.

“Last night was amazing.” He said, running his hands through her messy hair. After last night it was as if the walls they were holding up had been knocked down and they felt at total ease with each other as they once were. And he wasn’t afraid to say the things he truly felt.

“I wish it didn’t have to end.” She said, sadly beginning to get up. He propped himself up. The thought of it leaving hadn’t even occurred to him. It was something he had pushed from his mind purposefully.

“Who says it has to?” He grinned at her.

She sighed, placing her hands on her hips with a sad smile on her face. “My 10 a.m. class and your filming.” She walked into the bathroom turning on the water to get ready for her day.

“Marry me!” He blurted out before he could stop himself. Part of him wished she hadn’t heard. Of course that wasn’t the case as she slowly walked backwards out of the bathroom.

“What?” She asked eyes wide, toothbrush poised in her still raised hand.

Chris hesitated, thinking of what he could say to escape from the situation. How he could convince her he hadn’t said what she thinks he did. But the evident shock that marred her face stated that she clearly wasn’t going to believe any explanation he would have offered.

Then the more he went over it in his mind in those few tangible moments the more it seemed like a good idea. They used to talk about getting married in the distant future, so why not today? He wasn’t willing to her go so easily again. Penelope was his soul mate. The events in the last 24 hours only confirmed it was fate working to bring them together again.

“I said marry me.” He crawled out from the covers and stood on his knees in front of her on the bed so he was eye level with her.

“Chris, we can’t—“

“Who says? Last night happened for a reason: to bring us together again. I still love you. Not a day has gone by where you haven’t been on my mind and I’m not just gonna let you go.” He grabbed her hands in his and looked at her now teary eyes.

“I love you, too.” She croaked. “I never stopped.” She had so many emotions and didn’t know which one to side with. It was crazy to just elope, but she couldn’t deny her desire to want to be with him more than anything.

“So why prolong the inevitable? Let’s get married.” He kissed her. “Make me the happiest many alive.” She nodded, tears now trickling down her face. She threw her arms around him and crashed her lips on his. He pulled away quickly, “Today.”


He nodded eagerly. “Why not? I don’t have to be on set today. It’s perfect.”

She quickly rushed to the ballet bar on the other side of the bed that her clothes were hanging on. “I bought this dress awhile back.” She pulled on a white, lace, vintage dress. “I guess I finally have a reason to wear it.”

“Great!” He got off the bed and began to get dressed in his clothes from last night. “You get ready and I will go back to my hotel and change real quick.” He buttoned up his shirt and hurriedly put on his pants and shoes. “I will meet you down at the courthouse.” She followed him, opening the door for him. He stepped, but stayed in the doorway. She grabbed and kissed him excitedly. “I love you so much.” He said, kissing her again. “You’ve made me so incredibly happy, I swear.” He buttoned his last button. “One hour.” He kissed her and walked down the hall, looking back at her and yelling out another “I love you,” and disappearing around the corner.

Penelope ran across the hall and began to bang on the door rapidly until it finally opened revealing a very disgruntled woman. Her makeup from the previous night smeared across her face and her blonde hair sticking out unruly all over her head.

“I’m getting married!” Penelope squealed, her hands flew over her mouth. She was shaking from the excitement coursing through her.

The girl opened one of her closed eyes and looked at her with it. “You better not be sleep walking again.” She walked away, leaving the door open for Penelope to walk through.

“I’m serious, Ava.” Ava was Penelope’s first, best, and only friend in Rhode Island. Meeting in their first psych class, the two instantly clicked. Ava came from a wealthy, posh, country club upbringing, but was desperate to break away from the spoiled, rich girl stereotype. Never once judging Penelope for her rundown life, she was there for her when Penelope needed her and vice versa.

“Chris is in town.” She squealed. Ava rolled her eyes. One thing being for certain was she didn’t believe her about Chris Evans being the love of her life, but instead choosing to indulge in her fantasy. Penelope never pushed the subject more; she knew the truth, she didn’t need to make anyone believe how they felt for each other. “I’m serious.”

“You better not be stalking him on the set of his new film.” Ava said, opening her fridge and pulled out some orange juice.

“Look, Chris is in town and we’re getting married.” Ava nodded still obviously not believing Penelope. “I just—“ Penelope was growing more frustrated by Ava’s attitude. She knew she was a bitch without her coffee, but this was a bit much. “Will you help me get ready?”

“Sure,” Ava said. She followed Penelope out the door across the hall to her apartment.

“How do I look?” Penelope asked for what Ava felt was the millionth time in that hour. Penelope smoothed out her dress, checking her makeup in the side view mirror of Ava’s BMW.

“Gorgeous, of course.” Ava said, looking around at the neatly manicured lawn that lay out in front of the courthouse. She was curious to see how she was gonna pull off this delusion of hers. Ava considered seriously checking her into a psych ward after this; slightly worried the stress might be finally breaking her down.

“There he is!” Penelope quietly squealed, pointing to a tall, well built man in a white button down shirt, glasses covering his face, and a hat over his head. “Chris!” She felt like a giddy school girl. He turned around and smiled. He thought she looked absolutely beautiful. He caught her as she flung herself into her into his arms, both kissing as if they hadn’t seen each other in years instead of just one hour.

“Here,” He held up a small bundle of purple lilies. “Every bride needs a bouquet. The jewelry store was still closed, but I promise to get you a ring later.”

“All I need is you.” She smiled, and they leaned into kiss again. Ava cleared her throat. Penelope had forgotten she was there. “Oh, right. Chris, my maid of honor, Ava. Ava, Chris.” She said, introducing the two and putting her arm around his waist.

“Holy shit.” A look of horror washed over her face. She would soon feel like the world’s biggest asshole for not believing Penelope as soon as the shock wore off. And she wasn’t sure it ever would. “You’re really Chris Evans.”

“Yes, I am.” He laughed, leaning forward to shake her hand. “You ready?” He asked, turning back to Penelope. She nodded, and he quickly kissed her before leading her inside.

Chris and Penelope skipped up the stairs, kissing at every landing. The two were like lovesick teenagers. After seven years, they were brought back together and still completely still in love with each other. They truly felt as if it were fate bringing them together.

They arrived at her door and she began to fish for her keys while he kissed her shoulder. She opened the door and was about to step inside when he stopped her. “Wait,” She watched him as he bent down and scooped her up in his arms, carrying her like the new bride she was. “I have to carry you, over the threshold.” He explained. She laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. He stepped through the archway, careful not to hit her on anything. “What’s our first task as husband and wife?” He asked.

She peered around the messy room. “Sex!” She said, the smile on her face growing.

“You have the best ideas!” He enthused, carrying her over to the bed. “Another reason I married you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Penelope's shotgun wedding

Who expected that shit? Ohmayne!
The fun has only just begun.
What do you all think is going to happen? Feel free to throw out your ideas.
Comments make me write faster. Keep that in mind, please.
