Status: This is my first Frerard... Sorry of its shit.. c:



Frank P.O.V (after he ran away)

I was running for only two minutes when I felt a shooting pain through my ankle.
I had to stop, so I hopped across the road to the park, sitting on the bench.
I had no shoes on, and no jacket either.
I shuddered violently when I 
heard something.
"Frankie!" someone yelled. It sounded faint and distant but I could still recognise Gee's worried voice.
Tears came to my eyes, and I blinked them back.
Andy. Who was he?
Gerard was cheating on me.
The text read, 
'Gee, I love you. Can we meet up later on? Thanks. <3 xxx'
I sighed and rested my head in my hands.
"Frankie! Fr-Frankie!" he yells. He's getting closer, but I won't dare move.
If Gee finds me, I will demand an explanation.
Maybe I overreacted?
No. It definitely said 'I love you'.
"Frankie!" he yells.
"Gee!" I cry, when he sees me.
In a hurry, I stand up to run, forgetting about my ankle, and fall to the ground.
Then everything goes black.

            Gerard's P.O.V
"Frankie!" I yelled, immediately relieved when I see him sitting in the park bench.
"Gee!" he yells back.
I look at him as he stands up, turns to run, and falls.
Using the remainder of my energy, I run to him.
His head had banged off the edge of the bench-seat and was now bleeding.
I immediately take off my top and scrunch it into a ball.
"Shhh. It'll be okay, Frankie."
I assure him while I press my Misfits top against his forehead.
"It'll be okay."
His face was expressionless as he lay in my arms.
"Fuck you, Andy." I whisper.
"G-Gee?" Frankie whispers, opening his eyes slightly.
"Oh, Frankie! Please can you let me explain..."
"My fucking ankle!" he whimpers, sort of flopping his leg up and down.
"What? Is that why you fell?"
"Yes." he whispers.
I look at his foot, it looks perfectly normal.
But when I pull back his sock, and see a horribly swollen ankle.
I help him up onto the bench and tell him to keep the top pressed as hard as he can while I call Bob. And an ambulance.
"Care to explain who Andy is?" Frank whispers after my two phone calls.
"He's my ex-"
"He said he loves you!"
"It's a long story!." 
It's silent for a minute while I'm on the phone.
Then Frank asks, "How much time until the ambulance is here?"
"About twenty minutes."
"Then we have time. Explain."
I could hear the anger in his tone and it made me want to... It made me want the ground to open up and swallow me whole.
"Okay. Me and Andy were going out for two years. We met in high school and were friends, then in college we met up again and after a while, we started going out."
I see Frank wince at the thought.
"Just before Andy broke up with me, I had a... Proposal planned out."
His eyes widen.
"And then I had to call it off. I was heartbroken, Frankie. But now I realise how much of a dick he truly is."
"What?" he asks. "You.. Don't love him?"
"Would you someone back if they went off and fucked their band mate and then came crawling back to you when it didn't work out?" I spat.
"Gee.. I'm so sorry.. I should have asked before I overreacted. Fuck."
He closed his eyes as if expecting something.
I stare at him expectantly.
"Well?" he whispers, opening one eye curiously.
"Aren't you gonna go and kick me out? Break up with me? Tell me to fuck off?"
"What?" I practically whisper. "Why would I do that?" 
I lean out to hold his hand, but he just sits up straighter.
"Because I caused you hell and ran away."
"I wouldn't... I wouldn't kick you out or tell you to Fuck off! I wouldn't even think about breaking up with you."
His face was still worried and scared.
"Frankie, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me! Why would I let that go?"
"'Cos I'm an ass."
"Frankie! Stop getting yourself all worked up!" I whispered, running away a single tear that hung just above his lips.
"But- You're not gonna..."
His breathing quickens and his eyes squint.
"...Gonna hurt me?"
It took me a second to realise that he didn't just mean emotionally.
"Oh, Frankie!" I pull him into a huge hug. I just wanna hug away all the tears and pain.
"Of course I won't hurt you."
"And you don't love Andy?"
"I don't love Andy."
"Tell me, what does Andy look like?" he whispers.
"Well, he's tall. Longish black hair, has a lip ring. Blue eyes. Usually wears black. Why?"
"Because-" he pulls away from me.
"Because I think he's here."
Glancing over my shoulder, I see an angry Andy, and an even angrier Frank.
"What the fuck do you want, Biersack." I growl.
I make my expression soften when I turn back to Frank and whisper, "Stay here, love."
"I came here to see you, Way. I didn't know you babysat!" he said, smiling sarcastically.
"Shut up before I punch you in the face." I threaten him.
With all the pain he's caused Frank, both emotionally and physically, I would punch him.
"Whoa! Just came here to talk." he smirked.
"Now's not a good time. You caused my boyfriend to run away and break his ankle then split open his head because of YOUR motherfucking text!"
"How the-"
"He saw it, thought I was cheating on him, then ran away."
"Well, he obviously isn't a very good boyfriend if he doesn't trust you, Gee."
I punch him.
Not in the face, like I planned to.
Just in the chest.
"Gee!" he groans.
"I warned you."
"You wouldn't beat up your own boyfriend, would you?" he asked, obviously referring to himself.
My glare softened.
"Of course not."
I moved closer to him.
"But you're not my boyfriend."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hve you guys enjoyed?! Hope you have. Promised next will be better :D