Status: This is my first Frerard... Sorry of its shit.. c:


Repeating Apologies

"Okay, Mr. Iero, I'm going to give you some pain killers and wrap your ankle in some bandages, okay?"
I nod absently.
All I can think of is Gee.
My Gee.
"Is Gerard okay?" I ask for the millionth time since I've gotten out of the ambulance.
"Yes,  he's fine. He just needed a little stitching but he's as good as new."
I sigh in relief, but don't fully relax.
He really got his butt kicked by that Andy.
For me.
As soon as the nurse leaves for bandages, I sob silently.
She's closed my curtains, so I can't see anything outside.
Suddenly, Gerard peeks through the curtains, smile on his gorgeous face.
"Oh my God, Gee. Are you alright?"
He walked in, and I saw his right arm in a sling, his forehead had a couple of stitches and his lip was all blood-stained.
The shirt he used to stop my head bleeding was all crumpled and bloody, but he still wore it.
"Yeah, I'm fine! Good as gold." he flashed a smile.
"That Andy."
He laughs.
"Is. A. Cunt." I growl.
"I know. Happy I didn't propose to him and that I met you." 
This time I smiled. Despite my condition.
My ankle was being held up on some sort of sling, and I needed crutches to walk.
My forehead was very painful since that nurse didn't give me any painkillers yet.
"Ah, Mr. Way!" she exclaims, walking through the curtains.
"Hello. Just checking to see if Frankie's alright."
She looked at me with a non surprised expression, then winked at me.
"Take a seat. 'Frankie' will be just fine."
Fuck. She copped on that we were together just by Gee adding an 'ie' to the end of my name.
He smiled, nonetheless.
I nodded, then winced.
"Oh, here's your painkillers, they should ease the pain."
She handed me a plastic cup half full of water and a tablet.
I washed the water down my sore throat and emptied the cup.
I had been so busy yelling and screaming for help when I tried to help Gee from Andy, that now my throat burnt.
Gee giggles after a minute of staring. "Want more?"
I smile but just leave the cup down on the bedside table, surprised that the pain in my head has gone away so quickly.
"They work fast, don't they!" the nurse says.
"I'm Nurse Regan. But you can call me Rose."
"Okay, Rose." I smile, just as
Mikey and Bob come walking in.
"Hey!" Mikey shrieks awkwardly. I mean, more awkward than usual.
Bob just keeps his head down low.
Something went wrong with those two.
Gee thinks the same, and we exchange confused looks before shaking it off.
I'm just happy me and Gee are back together.
You know, not that we were ever NOT together, but I had my doubts about it.
Nurse Regan- I mean, Rose- left the room. She was pretty smart because I had a funny feeling all hell would break loose with those two.
And I was right.

               Gerard's P.O.V

"Whoa, Mikey!" I whisper, standing in front of him.
He was scaring my Frankie.
"But nothing, Mikes. Now calm the fuck down and sit." I pointed to the chair I was sitting on only seconds ago.
"Mikey." I said his name slowly ad through gritted teeth.
He raised his hands and sat down with a sigh.
"Now, Bob."
"Care to explain what is going on?"
He looks nervously around before opening he curtains a small bit.
"Outside?" he begs.
I sigh, looking at Mikey with one more of those parental glares that are highly intimidating.
"Frankie," I whisper, walking back to the bed. "Gimme a sec?"
He nods, smiling.
I grin back. How lucky was I? 
Here I had my boyfriend, broken ankle, split-open head and he was allowing me to leave him with my hyper-active brother while I talked with Mikey's now-possible-ex.
"You okay, Bob?"
He scratches the back of his neck.
"I think Mikey's cheating on me."
"R-Ray. I just got this really weird feeling about how... Comfy they were together. Plus the fact that he is always going off with him..."
To my surprise, the 'tough, big-man' whom I knew as Bob broke down in tears.
"Aw, Bob." I say, sympathetically. I hug him with one arm (because my other one's in a sling, remember?), even though he's taller than me.
We stand there for a minute, until he pulls away, rubbing this eyes quickly.
"How much do you love my brother?" I inquire.
He stares at me, his eyes huge.
"With all my broken heart." he whispers.
It was so weird, seeing him all weak and broken like this.
"Then you go back in there and work it out with him."
When he doesn't move, I gesture back to the curtains that blocked Bob from Mikey.
"Okay, thanks."
I smile, knowing that it'll all work out.
We both walk back into the room, Mikey sitting all curled up in the chair (being he skinny bastard he is) and Frank now asleep.
"Um, M-Mikey?" Bob stammers.
Mikey looks up, his eyes watery as well.
"Can we.. Talk?"
Mikey nods and Bob leads him out of the room, leaving me and Frankie alone at last.
I stare at his peaceful face, and suddenly I realise something that Mikey has been trying to get through to me for years.
'Everything happens for a reason'.
If I had never proposed to Andy, Ray wouldn't have brought me down to Starbucks to get money for the ring, and Frank wouldn't be here with me.
And I'd be back on cigarettes.
All because of one broken heart.

As I drifted in and out of my interrupted nap many times, I gathered Gee's conversations with Rose.
He'd talk about how this all happened, blaming himself occasionally, but blaming Andy also.
Then he says something that makes my heart flutter.
"If I never met Andy, I'd probably never had met my Frankie." 
"Really?" Rose whispers. "Why is that?"
"Andy, my ex," he emphasises the 'ex' part, just to make it clear. "And I were going out for about two years, so I planned out a proposal, then found out he cheated on me so I called it off.
One of my friends, though, didn't know about this, therefore, tried to surprise me by raising money to help pay for the ring. It was in that drive that we saw Frankie in the side of the road, homeless and innocent and beautiful as ever. I couldn't help but stare when I saw him first. He looked so vulnerable, fidgeting with his hands to distract himself from something. But his cute little curl, here," I feel him twirl around a strand of hair on my head. "Sent butterflies to my stomach, though."
"Wow. Talk about love at first sight!" Rose whispered in awe.
I really wished she'd shut up and let Gee talk.
When they were both silent, I realised it's time for me to wake up.
Opening my eyes sleepily, I see Gee kneeling on the floor beside me.
"Hey, beautiful." he whispers in my ear with a smile.
Rose takes the hint of us ignoring her and leaves.
He kisses me before pulling away, eyes huge.
"Okay, I know this is wrong, but Mikey and Bob might be," he motions his hand back and forth in front if his neck, as if to say they were dead. I think he just meant over, though.
"Why, what happened?"
"I think my cheeky lil bro might if cheated on Bob with Ray. Little fucktard."
"I don't think Ray and Mikey would ever, you know." I say.
"Maybe, you never know. Now. if you're going home today, we have to sign some sheets for some shit to do with leaving early."
I grin at the adorableness of his hazel eyes.
"Yes, Frankie?"
"I love you."
"I love you, too, love."
We kiss until my Gee has to leave to get the sheets.
My Gee.
I like the sound of that.
MY Gee. 
Not Andy's or anybody else's.
Just mine.

After signing the tit-load* of sheets, we drive home, my ankle  hurting like fuck but I don't care.
All I care about is that we're driving down the road, stereo blasting the Misfits and Gee's hand over mine in between our seats.
He's singing along, with that angelic voice of his that makes me feel all tingly inside, playing the air guitar (quite well, actually) and driving at the same time.
If that was anyone else, I'd tell them to shut the fuck up and put both hands on the steering wheel.
But not with Gee.
Gee makes me feel... Safe.
That's because I love him and I trust him with my life. 
All the time I was sleeping in that hospital, all I dreamt about was him.
Sometimes I'd have a nightmare and Andy would punch him and I couldn't do anything about it.
But every time I woke up out of breath and scared from the nightmares, Gee would be there, holding my hand, smiling at my and whispering 'I love you' and 'It's gonna be okay. I'm here for you' in my ear countless times.
So, I forgot about the pain in my leg and watched Gee sing along happily.
And the more I stare at him, the more the wonderful, beautiful truth that he's mine hits me.
He's mine, for all eternity, and Andy can fuck off. 
All I wanted to think about was Gee.
And ONLY Gee.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Credit to @damonfizzy a Youtuber who uses the words 'tit-load' a lot. <3