Status: hi um i really like this story kbye

Chaos Falls Where We Step

Arin and Siren have been friends since she moved in next door to him with her half brother when she was seventeen years old.

She was the one to convince him to audition as Avenged Sevenfold's drummer in 2010, and gave him the support he needed in general. And in turn, he's been there for her- protecting her, making her.
laugh when she was down. The true definition of best friends.

But what happens when one of them starts to develop feelings for the other? Do they act on these feelings, or just hold them in?

Read to find out :P

**Featured in this are: Of Mice and Men, Avenged Sevenfold, and the band my friend and I made up for a fic on another site, Eleventh Hour, and a fee bands like SWS, PTV, etc will pop up from time to time.
We're gonna pretend DRUGS never existed, as with Versaemerge, okay?xD
  1. Prologue: New Years Eve
    Its New Years Ever, and Siren is of course unable to be found