Sequel: The Mistake

The Harpy & Gargoyle

The Harpy & Gargoyle

The Harpy & Gargoyle
First is the Harpy, it is a deceiving creature. It will fist complain about how hard everything was for them and how they were so “bad”; because drinking and smoking as a teenager is different than what anyone else does. In addition, it will tell you all about how it would lie about different things and get away with it. However, it still watches you and everything you do, acting like it is your friend like you can trust it only waiting for you to make a small fixable mistake; that you very well could take care of yourself. Then it comes at you for pushing someone, but what about when you got in that fight with that one person and ended up beating him up so bad he had to spend two weeks to get better. So it comes at you for that small error you were going to fix and it tears out your vocal cords then tells you that you have to make up for pushing that person.
The Gargoyle is a different creature. It will not attack on the small error when a person it watches over makes an error it just presents a consequence. It has not yet gone through with these consequences yet because it is slave to the Harpy. For the Harpy can control the Gargoyle’s future. The Gargoyle made a deal that it and the Harpy that they would be there for each other no matter what and that they would cherish each other forever and that they would share all that they had. Now the Gargoyle is the one that feeds, protects, and comforts the Harpy and all the Gargoyle watches over. This is not that the Gargoyle is the only one that can provide, the Harpy Provides too; but with all that the Harpy brings in it uses for itself. It trades for nice things like a gold finish on its wings and a new nesting spot for itself in a nicer spot. Normally the Gargoyle would straiten you out when you beat a person to bits, but the Harpy says no, it tells the Gargoyle not to do its plan. Then when the Harpy comes to you for pushing a man the Gargoyle is right behind it, silently waiting as the Harpy does its work, often suggesting irrational solutions. Then the Harpy finally gets what it wants and takes your voice. The Gargoyle stays to summarize what the Harpy said for the Gargoyle is just a slave, it already has no thoughts of its own, and when it does the Harpy releases its wrath upon him. The wrath of the Harpy is interesting it makes you feel guilty no matter how often the Harpy will try to attack you. The reason for this is because after every slaughter the Harpy returns and tells you it’s sorry or that you and it will fix the mistake, it makes you see it is a human so you forget about the beast within. It is foolish to ever trust the Harpy.