Status: One-Shot!

Liquified Candy Canes

"I think I'm sick."

Alex groaned and rolled over in bed, pulling his blankets tightly around him. He sneezed violently and pressed his eyes tightly closed to stop the room from spinning. He felt absolutely terrible, his throat hurt, his head hurt, his whole body hurt. This was the sickest he had been in a very long time.
Alex literally rolled out of bed and flopped onto the floor before pitifully crawling to his bathroom to throw up all the contents of his stomach and nosily blow his nose.
Not having the energy to get up and go back to bed, Alex slumped against the wall next to the toilet, thinking about anything other then his rolling stomach and his aching neck. His eyes were bleary and he was tired and he was home alone. Rian was at Cassadee's house for the weekend and Alex had no one to take care of him. All Alex really wanted at this moment was someone to make him soup and cuddle him even though he was gross. But he didn't have someone to do that. So Alex just sat on the bathroom floor, wallowing in misery and dozing off, his head drifting to rest on the side of his bathtub.
Then suddenly, he heard his bedroom door bang open and a loud familiar voice bellow, "OY ALEX! WHERE ARE YOU BRO?! IT'S TIME FOR SOME BALTIMORE RAVENS ACTION!"
Alex swore to himself and didn't reply, for fear of vomiting again. He had promised to hang out with Jack and watch the game with him and now he was going to puke all over him instead. "Alex?" Jack called again, pushing the bathroom door open the rest of the way. "Oh my God Alex! Are you okay?!" he exclaimed upon seeing his best friend, sweaty, shivering and huddled up on the floor by the toilet. "What happened?!" he asked worriedly, rushing to Alex's side. Alex coughed repeatedly and leaned over the toilet to vomit again in response. "I think I'm sick." he croaked quietly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "No shit Sherlock." Jack said with an eye roll. "Come on, let's get you to bed." And he slung one of Alex's arms over his shoulders and helped the sick boy stand and stumble into his bedroom.
Jack then propped up Alex's pillows and settled the boy under the blankets, tucking him in. Then Jack left the room and Alex could hear him thump down the stairs and then there was clattering as he moved about the house.
A few minutes later, Jack reappeared with a large amount of crap balanced in his arms and he came back over to the bed, placing a puke bucket on the floor on Alex's side, setting a glass of ginger ale (with a straw) and a plate of crackers on the nightstand, along with a box of tissues, a paper bag to put them in and a whole pharmacy of medicine.
Jack hummed to himself as he began pouring cold medicine into measuring cups and counting out aspirin tablets, ignoring Alex's weak attempts at protest over whether the mint cough syrup was really necessary and instead forcing him to swallow it in one sickening gulp. "It tastes like really bad liquified candy canes." Alex managed as he swished some ginger ale around in his mouth to cancel out the taste. Jack grinned and handed him another measuring cup full of orange cold medicine, "It's not supposed to taste good. This is the last bit, come on, it'll make you feel better." Alex made a face at the orange gloop but managed to drink it without puking again. "There. That wasn't so bad was it?" Jack said with a smug grin. "Ughhh fuck you asshole, you weren't the one that had to drink it, it was slimy and disgusting and certainly not meant to be in someones mouth." Alex argued with a groan. Jack's lips twitched and he couldn't help winking at Alex and saying, "That's what she said." Alex groaned again and blew his nose. Jack made a disgusted face and handed him another tissue.
"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked Alex, who had curled into a little ball. "I figured you would be going out to the sports bar with Zack now that I've come down with some sort of disease." Alex mumbled through the blankets. Jack scoffed, "Pft, and leave my little Lexi here to fend for himself? Never! Now pick a movie good sir and we shalt cuddle and my awesomeness shall healith thou!" Jack said, spontaneously becoming British. "You sound like you belong at a really bad Renaissance fair." Alex said, hiding his little grin behind his comforter. "Well then," Jack sniffed dramatically, "If that's how you're gonna be, then I'M picking the movie. HOME ALONE!!!" he shouted, causing Alex to wince at the noise.
Jack ignored him and sprinted to the television on the wall, snatching Home Alone from the pile if DVDs nearby and starting it up. He was practically giggling with delight as the movie started playing and he jumped into Alex's bed. Jack wiggled under the covers and grabbed Alex, pulling the slightly smaller boy to him and cuddling him into his chest. Alex coughed weakly and sighed, snuggling further into Jack. He closed his eyes and the familiar movie started lulling the ill boy to sleep.
"Thanks for taking care of me Jacky. I love you." He mumbled as his dreams started to whisk him away, but not before he felt a kiss on his head and heard Jack softly whisper, "You're welcome Alex. I love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
My first ever Jalex one-shot.
It's super short and forgive me if it's horrible.
I was inspired to write this bcause I've been extremely ill for the past two weeks.
Which also explains why I haven't updated my other fics "Two Plus Two Equals One" or "Forget Me Not: Remembering Sunday".
So if you read either of those, please don't kill me.
And if you don't read those you should.
Comment please.