Status: Updates when I can send them out.

Stiles and the Pack

3 Days.

"Isaac? Scott? Lydia?" Derek ran through the Hale house in a panic. No one was there, but Peter.
Why was Peter there?
"Ah Derek. Just the man I was looking for."
"What do you want?" Derek growled back.
"I want you to kill him." And suddenly Stiles was besides him with a blindfold on and tied tightly to a chair.
Derek's claws were coming out on their own and he advanced toward Stiles' body.
He slashed his throat and watched the boy bleed out in front of him. He watched him slump against the chair and become lifeless. Derek looked to his uncle and his uncle smiled back.
"Good boy." He laughed ruefully.
The laughing continued and continued and continued until Derek woke up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes painfully. His claws were out and the bed sheets were ripped.
He looked beside him and noticed Stiles wasn't there.
The clock read 10:30 and he wondered how he slept in so long.
He left the room and walked downstairs, after he checked everyone's room to see if they were in there. He could hear Stiles laughing along with Scott.
He went outside and saw them playing football with the new beta Liam. They even had Isaac out there playing.
"Hey, wolfie." Stiles said with a laugh when he saw him.
He just nodded his head and sat on the steps, watching them play. Kira and Malia were sparring with each other.
Stiles got tackled by Isaac.
"Sorry." Isaac cowered away. "I- I uh."
"It's okay, Isaac." Stiles smiled and bounced on his feet. He walked over to where Derek was sitting and sat beside him.
"What's up?" Stiles cringed when he sat his full weight down.
Derek reached over and grabbed his hand. He took Stiles pain away and let go of his hand without saying anything.
"Thanks." Stiles said and patted Derek's back. "So."
"So what?"
"What do you think about the new recruits?"
"Yeah. Malia, Kira, and Liam."
"Malia is weak. Liam needs more training." Liam looked over at that. Derek just shrugged.
"Kira is a good fighter."
"Nice way to bash Liam and Malia, dude."
"I'm not bashing. I'm just telling you the truth."
"Whatever." Stiles got up and went inside.
Peter came out with a water bottle in his hand.
"What's your deal?" He asked instantly when he passed Derek.
"I can smell the stress coming off if you. And the fear."
"Nothing. Is. Wrong." He got up and stormed inside.
"Sorry for asking." Peter said, although Derek wasn't listening anymore.
"Derek!" Stiles scream could be heard by all of the wolves.
Derek ran to their bedroom, but Stiles wasn't there.
"Stiles?" Derek spoke quietly.
"Derek. You might wanna see this!" Scott yelled from downstairs.
Derek ran downstairs to where he heard Scott. He was standing at the back door. A blood mark and a note was there.
Derek grabbed the note and read it.
'You have three days to come find your mate or his blood will be spilled for us to enjoy.'
"Cannibals?" Scott said.
"No." Derek looked at the blood mark and smelled it. It was fresh blood from Stiles. "They're going to watch him die. Purely for their entertainment."
"Is everybody still here?" Scott asked.
"Yeah." Liam answered.
"Good. Then we need to make a plan."
♠ ♠ ♠
Bum bummmmm.