Status: Updates when I can send them out.

Stiles and the Pack

Dad and mum?

Derek laughed at Lydia's excitement and looked back down at Stiles. Stiles was laughing as well and curled into Derek's side. Derek leaned down and pressed another kiss to Stiles' forehead and got close to his ear. He spoke quietly so that only Stiles could hear him. "I'm sorry." Ghosted over Stiles ear. Almost like it didn't happen.


A lot of time had past and everyone decided it was time to sleep. The house was fully renovated and everyone had their own or shared rooms. Scott had his own room, but was shared with Allison a lot. Lydia and Jackson had a room together. Issac had his own room. Boyd and Erica shared one and of course Derek and Stiles shared the master bedroom.
Derek would lie there for a while before sleeping. He would make sure the whole pack fell asleep first and then he would doze off. It was better that way. He could protect everyone. He slowly drifted to sleep with Stiles wrapped in is arms. They were all sleeping and in that moment. Derek felt like he had something to hold onto again. He had a family. He had a pack. And he wasn't going to let any of those things go ever again.


It was 2 am when a loud crash sounded from downstairs. Derek looked down to see Stiles still sleeping. He unwrapped himself from him and went to the top of the stairs. He noticed the betas had came out of their rooms to see what it was, but Derek insisted that they lay back down.
"You sure?" Scott asked.
"Yeah. I'm sure. It's probably nothing." Derek reassured.
Derek went downstairs and was relieved as he saw Isaac picking up glass in the kitchen.
When he noticed Derek he scooted away though.
"Please don't hit me." He started begging. "Please. Dad. No."
He began shaking and sobbing. "Isaac. Isaac calm down." Derek spoke as he got closer to Isaac. "It's me Derek. I'm not gonna hurt you." Derek spoke in a calm voice inching toward Issac.
Issac cracked another sob then moved forward. Derek enveloped him in his arms and made sure he was alright. "Are you okay?" Derek asked calmly.
Isaac calmed down a little and looked up at Derek. He couldn't find any words so he just shook his head 'yes'. Derek moved to stand and pulled Isaac up along with him.
"Here." Derek spoke as he reached for a glass and poured water into it before handing it to Isaac. "I'll clean this up. You go back to sleep."
"Alright." Isaac spoke quietly and left the room.
Derek cleaned up the mess and returned back to his bedroom.
A muffled "Where were you?" came from beside him.
"Downstairs. Isaac dropped something. It was no big deal."
"Okay." Stiles whispered and cuddled up to Derek.


It was the next morning. It being a Saturday. They trained. Derek had to help the betas become stronger. So every Saturday was their training day. Stiles stayed inside and occasionally had Danny or his father over. They would stay inside and cook meals for the pack.
"Thanks for coming over, dad."
"It's really no problem. You don't have to thank me every time I come to help." His father smiled to him.
"I know, but after moving out. Its nice to have you here."
"Well thank you, son. It's nice to be here."


They had finished making dinner and the pack crowded arounded for their food. Stiles handed everyone a plate and they all sat in their spots at that table. The only thing that was wrong. That very thing that Stiles had noticed. Something was up with Isaac.
Dinner was finished by now and everyone was filing out of the kitchen and into the living room like they always did after they ate. "Isaac wait." Stiles spoke and caught everyone off guard. "I'm not talking to all of you. I'm talking to Isaac. Now go in the living room and let us talk." Stiles spoke and everyone left except Isaac and of course Derek.
"What do you need Stiles?" Isaac spoke calmly and a bit confused.
"Really Der?" Stiles looked at Derek.
"Fine. I'm gone." He spoke and left the room.
"Are you feeling okay?"
Isaac rubbed the back of his own neck awkwardly. "Yeah." He paused and thought for a moment. "You're not mad at me for breaking that glass are you?" Isaac spoke and stepped back.
"Oh no. Of course not. It was just a stupid cup."
"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do it. I just-"
Isaac was cut off by Stiles. He engulfed Isaac into a hug and didn't let him go. "Isaac." Stiles spoke calmly into the boy's ear. "It was just a stupid cup." Isaac let some tears fall and just let Stiles hold him. Isaac knew that everyone in the house could probably hear him. Well besides Sheriff Stilinski and Danny. Isaac really didn't mind. He cracked another sob like his life depended on it and just held onto Stiles. Derek walked into the room to see Isaac and Stiles hugging. He walked over and placed a hand on Isaac's shoulder.
"You sure you're okay?" Derek asked rubbing soothing circles on Isaac's back.
Isaac laughed slightly and gave Derek a crooked smile. "Yeah."
The three guys joined the rest of the pack in the living room and sat on the spaces left on the sofa. Derek on the corner with Stiles pressed up against him and Isaac laying his head on Stiles lap as he watched TV. Stiles ran his fingers through Isaac's hair as a comfort as he also watched what was on TV.


It was night time already and everyone was heading to sleep. Isaac went upstairs first and took a shower, before returning to his room and sleeping. Lydia went into the bathroom in her room and removed her makeup. Jackson had already dozed off. Scott went to Allison's place. Danny went home. Sheriff Stilinski went into work for the night shift. And Boyd and Erica had fallen asleep already.


Stiles and Derek were lying in bed when Derek noticed an increased heart beat. Someone was having a panic attack. Derek hurried out of the room and woke stiles when he moved so quickly. Stiles got up after him and walked down the hallway. Derek was knocking on Isaac's bedroom door.
"Der. What's wrong?" He asked in a whisper with concern in his voice. Derek didn't respond. Just continued to knock on the door.
Isaac never answered so instead Derek just walked in. Derek walked in and Isaac was still sleeping. He was just having a nightmare.
"Isaac." Derek spoke and shook the sleeping boy.
"Don't hurt me." Isaac cowered and hid under the covers like a child scared of a storm.
"I'm not going to hurt you." Derek spoke and sat cautiously onto the bed. Isaac looked over the covers to view Derek. Stiles sat on the other side of the bed next to Isaac.
"We would never hurt you or be mad at you. Isaac you're pack. You're family. You don't hurt family." Stiles smiled and reached for Isaac's hand. Isaac allowed him to grip it and Derek brought the two into a hug.
"This is the most hugs I've had in my whole life." Isaac's voice was muffled by Derek's shirt, but Stiles and Derek knew exactly what he said. They both gripped him tighter and just held him. Stiles moved to the top side of the bed and laid down. He pulled Isaac down beside him and Derek laid on the other side. They just stayed like that. All wrapped up in one another. No one had said a word, but the silence was nice. It was calm and Isaac felt protected.
"Thank you." He whispered. Not really saying it to anyone, but he knew they both heard it.
They both snuggled around him and like Derek always does. He made sure everyone's heart beats were steady and the breathing around him was calm. Everyone was safe.


Derek smiled when he woke up the next morning.
He eased out of bed and went downstairs to begin cooking breakfast. Usually Stiles did it, but Derek knew how to cook too. He made bacon and pancakes and eggs. Everyone came downstairs and ate. Derek didn't even have to say a word. They all just bolted downstairs and ate. Noons really bothered to ask why Derek and Stiles smelled like Isaac and vice-versa. They all ate their food and went around doing what they all normally do on Sundays.
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More to come :3 tell me what you think of ot so far (: