Status: Updates when I can send them out.

Stiles and the Pack

Everything Better Plan

"Let me go! Let me go!" Stiles struggled as two people pulled him out of the car they had previously threw him in and into a dark room. They handcuffed him to a chair and left him in the room alone.
A few minutes later a man came in the room and flicked the lights on. "You look like your mother." The man laughed deeply. Like an evil kind of way.
"Why did you take me?"
"Well first. I'm going to put you in pain. Then I'll put you in more pain. Then I'll continue to put you in pain as I wait for your mate to show up. Then when he shows up. I'll kill you in front of him." The man spoke as he examined his fingernails like he went threw this on a daily basis.
The man came forward and Stiles turned his head away.
"Oh this will be fun." He smiled grimly.
The man took his fist and punched Stiles hard in the gut.
It knocked the wind out of him and he would've fallen over onto the ground if he wasn't handcuffed.

*4 weeks later*

"What do you think is happening to Stiles right now?" Isaac asked the group.
Everyone stayed silent and Isaac just curled up on his spot on the sofa.
Derek's breath hitched and his heart beat was erratic.
"Derek?" Isaac spoke in a worried tone.
He looked up at Isaac and handed him his phone.
It was a picture of Stiles beaten up and handcuffed.
"We have to find him." Derek was more determined than ever before and ran upstairs to his and Stiles room. He grabbed a shirt that belonged to Stiles and brought it downstairs. "Here smell this. We can track his scent."
"Derek. We've already tried this several times." Isaac said to the older man.
"Well we'll try harder."
He went outside and began sniffing the air.
"This way." He said and began running in the direction of Stiles scent.
They ran and ran and ran. Derek stopped when Stiles' scent faltered.
"When Derek stopped the group was still catching up. He had to of run at least 2 miles through the woods.
"It just stops." He dropped to his knees. "I lost it."
"Derek. Look at this." Boyd spoke.
Derek looked up and over to Boyd. He brushed the leaves away from what looked to be like a storm cellar. It was padlock shut. Derek stood up and came toward it.
He reached down for the padlock with pure anger pulsing through him and ripped the lock off. He walked down the cellar stairs and used the light of his phone to look around. He found a hanging light cord and pulled it. It looked to be like an examination room. He looked around and saw a door. He walked over to it and yanked it open.
Stiles was there. He was tied up, but he was alive. His heartbeat was very weak. Derek broke the handcuffs from his mates wrists and picked up his body.
"Der? Is that you?" His voice was hoarse.
"Yeah. Its me. I'm here." He reassured Stiles and walked up the stairs of the cellar.
The light was bright and Stiles cringed. He buried his head in the crook of Derek's neck.
"Stiles!" Scott ran up to his friend and hugged him.
"You need to get him to the hospital." Derek spoke and handed Stiles body to Scott. Stiles weakly held onto Scott and once again buried his face from the sun.
"Stiles stay with me." Scott spoke in a pleading tone and began walking back towards the Hale house.
"Isaac go with Scott. Me, Jackson, Boyd, and Erica will stay here and deal with the pack."
Isaac asked no questions and did as he was told. They began jogging back to the house trying to get Stiles home quickly.
"We have to get him to the hospital. Call my mom and help me get him in the jeep." They put Stiles into the passenger seat of the jeep. Scott ran inside to get the keys while Isaac waiting in the car with Stiles.
Scott ran back outside and started the jeep. He pulled away from the Hale house and began driving to the hospital.
"Hey stay with me, Stiles."
"'M still here, Cott." His voice was weak and mainly came out as half sentences or half worded sentences.
"Your mom is there. She said she'll be ready when you get there."
When they arrived Scott ran to the passenger side and carried Stiles bridal style up to the door. He walked in and was met with his mom.
"Were any of these scratches done by a wolf?" She asked like it was a normal occurrence for anybody to have a werewolf bite or scratch.
"No." Stiles said weakly.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. The man was-" he coughed. "He was human." He sighed.
"Well we need to get him into intensive care. I'll see you boys when I get back."
An hour passed before they heard from Melissa.
"Where is Derek?" She asked.
"Why?" Isaac asked curiously.
"Stiles is asking for him."
"He's mad. He's fighting the pack that took Stiles. Jackson, Boyd, and Erica stayed with him."
"Would you like to go see him? He can only have one visitor at a time, but you can see him."
"You go, Isaac. I'm gonna go and help the pack." He spoke quickly and left the hospital.
"Just follow me." Melissa sighed.
She lead Isaac back to Stiles room and shut the door behind her.
"Hey." Isaac spoke awkwardly.
"Hi." His voice wasn't as hoarse as it was before. "Where's Derek?"
"He's fighting the other pack, but don't worry. The rest of the pack are there with him. He'll be here soon, Stiles." Isaac spoke in a reassuring tone. "Can you tell me anything about the guy that took you?" Isaac was curious to know all the answers.
Before he got a chance to speak Stiles' dad came into the room and got close to his son.
"Are you okay? What happened? Why did it take so long to find you? Where is everyone?" All the questions he had came spilling out of his mouth.
Isaac spoke for him.
"Well there's been a few complications with the pack that took Stiles. They definitely had werewolves among them, but their pack leader is human."
Stiles butted in. "He-" he took a deep breath. "He said I look like mom. I've never seen him before though." He looked at his dad as he spoke.
"Was Claudia married before she was with you?" Isaac asked John.
"No. Claudia and I knew each other since we were kids. She never married anyone else. Hardly dated anyone else either."
Next to come in the room was Derek. His shirt was tattered and there was small gashes on his body. He looked pained and he stood my the door, not coming any closer.
"I'm gonna go wait in the waiting room. See you soon." Isaac spoke and pushed past Derek to leave the room.
"Oh my god what happened to you?" Stiles rushed out.
Derek didn't respond and just stood there.
"Dad can you wait outside?"
"Yeah. Holler if you need me." John squeezed Stiles' knee and left the room. Derek moved out of the way and let John leave the room.
"Come here please." Stiles pleaded.
Derek walked up to the bed and sat down next Stiles in the empty chair.
Stiles moved slightly and patted the bed beside him.
"Come here, sourwolf."
Derek rolled his eyes, but did as he was told.
He sat on the bed. Stiles reached over and grabbed his hand with one arm and touched Derek's face with the other.
"Are you okay?" Stiles was the first to speak after a long pause.
"I don't think you should be the one asking that."
"You look horrible."
Derek laughed harshly and looked at Stiles.
He leaned over and connected their foreheads.
He lifted his free hand to the side of Stiles' face and gently stroked his cheek.
"How long was I gone?" Stiles' voice wavered.
"More than 4 weeks."
"It felt like forever. I thought I was gonna die." He whispered the ending part.
"He told me he was waiting for you to find me so-"
"So what?"
"So that-"
Derek leaned back and looked at Stiles face.
"We can talk about it later, Stiles." Derek kissed his forehead lightly.
"I'm scared." Stiles whispered.
"Don't be. Isaac isn't really in the waiting room. He's standing outside the door."
Stiles laughed and clutched his stomach.
"Ow." He pouted
"How are you feeling?" Derek asked with a concerned look on his face.
"It hurts so bad."
Derek looked Stiles in the eyes and started taking away some of his pain.
"You didn't have to do that."
"Yes I did."
Stiles gave a sad smile, but let Derek believe what he wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
John and Claudia FIVE EVAH.
Late update and I never update my shit, I'm sorry bbys. I meant to put this up like five hundred years ago.
Here you go.
Title credit goes to --> (Somewhere In Neverland by All Time Low)