Sequel: Lost It All
Status: completed<3

The Mortician's Daughter

The concert

"I cannot believe this!" Amber squealed.

Of course, Carolyn's dad had gotten her two tickets in case she had a friend that wanted to tag along. And also because he was worried about her going off alone in the city. If she hadn't had Amber come along, he would have gone with her just to be safe.

"I know," Carolyn agreed. "I can't wait to see Andy again."

"I can't wait to see the whole band!" Amber exclaimed. "I've never been to a concert before. Are they nice? Oh my god, I'm going to start shaking or crying or faint or all three."

Carolyn just laughed at her friend's excitement. She can't remember a time where she had ever been this happy in her whole life. She was with her best friend and she was about to go and see her true love. She wondered if Andy was going to care she was there or if he would even see her in the crowd. She wondered what he would do if he saw her and began fantasizing about him calling her up on stage and letting her sing the song he wrote for her with him. She could see it now. As they stood on the stage together, gazing into one another's eyes and singing to each other. But of course, that would never happen.

"Alright, you girls have fun." Her father said as he pulled up to the end of the already rapidly growing line.

The girls jumped out of the car, receiving strange glances from a few people in line. It was as if they had never seen someone get out of a hearse before. Oh wait...

"We have to get you to the front so Andy can see you!" Amber informed her like it was some big plan.

"As if Andy even knows who you are." Some girl behind them with neon pink hair scoffed.

"Oh, and you do? What, is he like your best friend or something? You guys talk every day?" Amber taunted.

The girl rolled her eyes. "I'm just saying, you don't want to get your hopes up that he'll notice you. Just because you're in the front row doesn't mean he's going to see you and automatically fall in love with you." She rolled her eyes again and muttered "Fangirls..." under her breath.

"We weren't asking for you input in the first place." Amber shot back. "This was a closed conversation. Next time, mind your own business, would you?"

The girl gave her and insulted look and Amber and Carolyn turned back around in the now moving line.

"Don't worry about her." Amber said to Carolyn. "She doesn't know the history between you guys. She's just judging us because we don't look like they do with their neon hair and insane piercings. She just thinks we're posers or something."

Carolyn just shrugged as the line slowly crept along the concrete sidewalk. She wasn't going to let one stupid girl's comment ruin her whole night.

As soon as the two girls passed through the door to the venue, they ran as fast as they could through the crowd to get to the front. They pushed people out of the way and almost tripped over one guy's leg on their mad dash to the barrier. The theater was filling up fast.

"We did it..." Carolyn said, breathlessly as they stood right in front of the metal barrier.

"Now all we have to do is get Andy's attention when he's on stage." Amber smiled widely.

After about twenty minutes, the lights dimmed and the crowd began to go wild, chanting "Black Veil Brides!" over and over again.

Carolyn's breath hitched in her throat when she saw Andy strut out on stage in his skin tight, leather pants.

"Hey guys! How's everyone doing tonight?" Andy's deep voice penetrated her ears.

The crowd responded with wild fits of screams and shouts. Carolyn watched as a huge smile spread across Andy's face at the crowd's reaction. At that moment, she could really tell that this was what made him happy. She didn't feel bad about letting him leave. She knew it had all been for the best.

Andy scanned the crowd, taking in as many of his fan's faces as he could. His eyes stopped roaming when they landed on a very familiar pair of deep, ocean blue ones. His heart began to pound harder in his chest as his breath stopped for just a second. He was staring into the eyes of Carolyn.

"So..." Andy began to say into the microphone again. "I want to dedicate this next song to a special someone in the audience." He looked back at Ashley, Jinxx, Jake and CC who were sharing confused glances with each other. "Mortician's Daughter." He mouthed to them.

Andy winked at Carolyn and her heart skipped a beat.

"I think he noticed you." Amber whispered to her.

"OH MY GOD." They suddenly heard a girl shouting behind them. "I'M THE SPECIAL GIRL, AREN'T I! I LOVE YOU TOO, ANDY!" The girl screamed and Carolyn couldn't help but share a laugh with Amber.

As the song began to play, Carolyn stopped laughing. She quickly realized that the song playing was the song she wrote and almost the whole time, Andy was looking right at her. It was as if he was singing to her and only her; just like back in the cemetery.


As the crowd began to file out at the end of the show, someone tapped Carolyn on the shoulder and she turned to see a very large security guard with a bright yellow shirt on.

"I was told to bring you back stage." The security guard stated in his voice that was deeper than Andy's.

"O-Okay." Carolyn stuttered. "Can my friend come along? We came together. I don't want to leave her alone."

The guard looked from Carolyn to Amber and then back to Carolyn again. "Oh, I suppose." He agreed.

Amber and Carolyn exchanged an excited glance as they followed the huge man back stage.

As soon as the walked through the heavy stage doors, Carolyn was embraced by someone much taller than her.

"I thought I would never see you again." He mumbled into her blonde hair.

"I could say the same." She responded.

He let go of her and pulled back so he could take in her angel face. "How have you been?"

"Since you left?" Carolyn asked. "Not great..." She admitted.

"I'm sorry..." Andy looked down at the floor.

When darkness is all you see, this is our sweet blasphemy--

"Hello?" Carolyn answered her phone. She sent Andy an 'I'm sorry' glance. "Yeah, we'll be right out. I'm sorry, Dad."

"We have to go?" Amber pouted as Carolyn put her phone back in her pocket.

Carolyn nodded sullenly. "It was really nice to see you, Andy..."

She turned and walked out the stage doors with Amber into the hall where the guard was waiting to guide them back to the front of the building.

Andy stood there feeling completely defeated. He watched her walk out on him just like he had done to her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well. Everyone hates me now, right? Go ahead, leave me comments on how much you hate me for letting her leave him like that haha alright, I got nothing to say today so I'm just going to move on to the shout outs now.

Shout outs:

-Jellybean Swag

Thanks for all your comments, guys! They're aaaaawwwweeeeesssooooooomeeeee! :D I'll try and update again soon!