Sequel: Lost It All
Status: completed<3

The Mortician's Daughter


Carolyn was lost. She looked around the empty, white room for Andy or her father or anyone who she might know but there was no one. The room was empty.

She stood there, contemplating what to do next. Should she run? Yell for help? All she really felt like doing was crying. She was alone and scared. She could still feel a slight annoying pain in her side and all she really hoped was she wasn't dead.

"Hello." A voice from behind her startled her.

She turned to see a black haired boy around her age dressed in all white. "H-Hello." She responded. "Could you tell me where I am?"

The boy shook his head. "I can't disclose that information. But I can tell you the answer to your next question. You are indeed dead."

Just hearing the words was enough confirmation for her but she still didn't want to think it true. "I can't be dead. No, I refuse to believe it." She said.

"Oh? Well take my hand and I'll show you." He held out his hand for her.

She eyed his hand suspiciously. "What's your name?"

"Eric." He said matter-of-factly.

Carolyn nodded in acknowledgement and placed her hand in his. Immediately, there was a rush of wind and the two were standing in Carolyn's living room with Andy and her father.

"This is my house." She looked around at the familiar sight.

"But look." Eric pointed in front of them.

Andy and her father were kneeling over her lifeless body that lay resting on their couch. She could see the pain in both their eyes and knew that her father was trying to stay strong while Andy's tears stained her shirt.

"Why are we here? Why are you doing this to me?" A tear escaped down and trailed down her cheek as well.

"To prove to you that you are in fact dead. You didn't believe me. And to answer your next question, no. They cannot see you." He replied.

Carolyn shook her head. She couldn't believe this was all happening. Andy came back for her but now she couldn't go back to him.

"I want to leave. Take me back, Eric." She couldn't take her eyes off Andy's tortured, pale face.

Eric didn't answer.

"Eric?" She looked behind her to find that he was gone. "Eric? No, you can't leave me here. Eric, please! You can't leave me here on my own!" She clenched her eyes shut tight and prayed for someone to save her. She couldn't stand to be here and look at the grieving faces of her loved ones any longer.

Someone tapped on her shoulder. "Carolyn." The voice cooed.

She turned around and saw the last person she expected to be standing in front of her. "Mom?"

Her mother embraced her and more tears fell from Carolyn's blue eyes. "It's me, dear. I'm here. I always have been."

"Mom, I want to leave. I don't want to be dead anymore." Carolyn pleaded.

"Do you still feel pain in your side where he stabbed you?" She asked, looking into her daughter's pain stricken eyes.

Carolyn moved her torso and winced slightly. "Yeah, I do."

Her mother nodded. "Okay, close your eyes, honey. All you have to do is believe that you are still alive. If you believe it, it will happen."

Carolyn closed her eyes but her mother spoke again. "Oh, darling? Before you leave me, tell your father I love him very much."

Carolyn nodded and closed her eyes. She willed herself to keep living. She thought of all the good things she had to live for. She had Andy and her father. She had her whole dance career ahead of her. She could move to New York and be on Broadway. She could move to LA to be with Andy.

"Carolyn," She could hear in the distance. Someone was calling to her. "Carolyn, wake up. Please, wake up."

She could see a bright light from behind her eyelids. She could feel herself resurfacing. This was it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hola haha another chapter. So, yeah. I got nothing to say. I'm depressed today. I was supposed to be going to see BVB tonight but plans with my friend fell through and now I'm sad.. haha okay..

Shout outs:

-Jellybean Swag

So many comments. Thank you guys sooo much for your feedback! I really appreciate it (: