Sequel: Lost It All
Status: completed<3

The Mortician's Daughter

Like moths to a flame, we're drawn to each other

Three weeks had gone by and Andy could feel himself falling more and more for Carolyn. He didn’t understand why. It was like there was some invisible force pulling him to her. He was drawn to her like moths to a flame. He still couldn’t understand why people didn’t like her. And he still wanted to know what she was hiding from him.

Carolyn was hiding two things from Andy. She was hiding the contents of the red notebook from him and she was hiding her past from him. He wanted to know what she had meant about losing people she loved. Andy thought maybe he was overreacting a bit. She probably just meant that a lot of her family had died from various diseases, cancers or old age. But for some reason, something was telling him that wasn’t what she had meant.

Andy didn’t know it but today would be the day he discovered one of her secrets. He was going to read what was in that red notebook.

Carolyn stood on the other side of the room by the window, looking out at the cemetery and dreaming of dance. The notebook sat on the desk beside her, calling to Andy. It mocked him.

He watched Carolyn gaze out the window. The sunlight hitting her made her blonde hair glow. Her skin looked like smooth porcelain. His eyes traveled down her slim figure until they hit the floor. There was something odd about the way she was standing. She had both her feet turned out so her toes were pointing towards the walls on either side and her heels were glued together.

And then, she started to sway. Her feet moved with the rest of her body in ways he had never seen before. She rose up onto the balls of her feet, then back down. She extended her leg out slightly—her leg was as straight as a pole—and stepped down, rising up on the ball of her foot again and kicking her left leg out behind her.

“What are you doing?” Andy asked without thinking.

She stopped immediately and whipped around to face him. A slight blush began to creep up on her cheeks. “Oh… I forgot you were here again…” She seemed to forget about him being there a lot. “I was just… I was practicing my dance…” She looked ashamed.

Andy didn’t understand why she looked so upset. “I thought it was beautiful.” He gave her a half smile.

She sat down in the chair next to the desk and covered her face with her hands. “Oh, I’m so embarrassed now…” She mumbled into her palms.

Andy stood up from the bed. “Why? You’re really very good from what I saw. Maybe you can show me the whole thing sometime.”

She looked up at him standing in front of her. His eyes were filled with sympathy and care. Hers were filled with shame and regret.

“Really?” She was surprised he thought she was good. Carolyn didn’t think she was all that good. You could say she tried to be modest and not boast about her talents like the other girls. “I… I guess I could show you sometime…After I perfect it, of course.”

Andy laughed. “It doesn’t have to be perfect. The dance could have a ton of mistakes in it but I wouldn’t notice. As long as you’re the one dancing, I’ll think it’s perfect.”

She smiled at him and stood up so she could look him straight in the eyes. His eyes were beautiful. She couldn’t stop thinking about them. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw them. She wanted to swim in those bright blue pools. His eyes reminded her of the sky. Dancing wasn’t the only thing that could make her fly. Andy’s eyes made her fly.

“Carolyn!” Her father’s voice traveled up the stairs and reached her ears.

“My father is calling me…” She looked down at the floor. “I better go see what he wants…” She shuffled across the floor to the door and left Andy in the room alone with the notebook in front of him.

He glanced back at the door before looking back at the notebook in front of him and picking it up with such care. He hesitated before picking up the notebook. He was afraid it was going to burst into flames at his touch by the way Carolyn protected it so.

He flipped open the front cover and began reading the first words he saw on the page. The words scribbled in blue pen jumped out at him and sucked him into Carolyn’s mind. He flipped through the pages and got to the newest entry. It was labeled, The boy with the baby blue eyes. She had quite a fascination with his eyes. The shape of them, the color of them, and the way they made her feel.

He started reading:

Andy. That’s his name. I never thought that I would ever get to know him—let alone meet him—in my lifetime. He’s already done so much for me and he doesn’t even realize it. His music saved my life and now he’s here, in my bedroom, slowly driving me to madness. His skin looks as smooth as glass and his eyes—his eyes… They make me go crazy. Every time he looks at me, I get butterflies in my stomach. No one has ever affected me in this way and I don’t know what to do. If he ever left me, I don’t know if I would be able to control myself. I would end up cutting so deep I would kill myself because I wouldn’t have those gorgeous blue eyes to save me from myself. I know… I sound stupid. I sound like I’m obsessed with him. I guess I am in a way. But I don’t want him to think I’m creepy. Everyone else already does…. Oh, who am I kidding? He’ll never like me the way I like him… He misses his band and it’s obvious. I need to let him go. I—

“What are you doing?! Put it down!” Carolyn shrieked.

Andy looked up from the page and saw her horror stricken face. He knew what he had done was wrong. Now he had ruined all chances of her thinking of him the same way ever again. She probably hated him now.

He set the notebook down on the desk, still open. “I’m sorry, I—”

She ran over and snatched up the notebook off the desk. She closed it and clutched it to her chest, sitting down on the bed.

Andy watched her just sit there staring at the floor. Now what was he supposed to do?
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you guys think Carolyn is going to do now? Oh, and if you guys have anything you really want to see in the story, let me know. I don't mind taking requests (:


-Jellybean Swag

Thank you so much for your comments guys! I'll try and update soon (: